Chapter 12

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Aaden turns to face me and I get a better look at him in the light of sunset. He's probably the same height as Alun and he has an intricate fire tattoo covering his left arm. His eyes are an amber color and he's wearing a black training uniform. I am scared of Alun, but Aaden terrifies me beyond belief. I already bared witness to his hot temper, but even when attempting to be calm, it is quite obvious he has a short fuse and is very impatient. At this moment I'm wishing I was with Neven and Alun instead of him.

"I apologize for the inconvenience." I say attempting to cool his temper. "I know you probably have better things to do then escorting me around."

It doesn't do much to change his mood, but it does coax a response out. "You did not ask to be escorted, so my frustration is not aimed at you. Although you should know you have been at the center of many issues that have plagued our elders for the past couple of days. I would not expect a warm welcome from a lot of people here." His speech is calculated and forced, and his posture is stiff as we walk. I want to stay away from him, I fear just looking at him would upset him now.

Aaden shows me around the village, starting with the fields and he introduces me to Melissa, who is in charge of food production. Then he takes me to the hospital to have me examined by a doctor for malnourishment and any other injuries I could have sustained. That was really uncomfortable, but I keep telling myself that I've been through worse. After that he takes me to a cafe where Neven spots us and buys me dinner since I don't have any money. We sit down and eat as Neven fills me in on what I should expect while being in the village with them.

"I've made arrangements for you to stay with me until another place can be made or something else opens up. Melissa will train you to use your powers and as long as you tell her what you used to do, she will do her best to place you where you'll be comfortable."

"So, you don't know anything about how your powers work?" Aaden asks in between bites of food.

I freeze a little, not sure what to say. Aaden doesn't know that I'm actually a healer and I never really thought about how to sell the lie. "Not really. I already told you, one day I was trying to replant a rose in my father's shop that wasn't doing well and the next thing I know it was healthy again. It was after that, that I noticed that the flowers in my shop never seemed to wither after I took over after my father passed. Even when winter destroyed the crops in the village, the flowers in the shop stayed fresh. Luckily the townspeople thought it was a miracle from the gods and didn't give it a second thought." As the words come out of my mouth, I'm shocked at how easily they come to mind. I didn't think it would ever be that easy for me to lie, even if it was for my own safety, but I guess since there is some partial truth, it is easier for me to say. I frown for a bit, "although I did hear the whispers around the village."

"What whispers?" Aaden asked, watching me closely.

"They called me a witch behind my back," I admit as I push some food around the plate. "They wouldn't say it to my face when it benefited them, but when they thought I didn't know, I heard."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that here," Neven smiles as he pats my arm. "Did your dad have powers?"

"Not that I know of," I shake my head, my blonde hair masks my hazel eyes as memories of my father and I working in the flower shop fill my head.

"And your mother?" Aaden asks.

"She died when I was an infant," I whisper softly. "Papa said she got sick, and the doctors couldn't make her better. I don't have any memories of her."

"So, it's possible your father had powers and you just didn't know or that your mother had them and no one knew." Aaden said as he pushed his empty plate away.

"Perhaps," I admit, "or maybe it's just me."

"Will it work on vegetation or just flowers?" Aaden asks, leaning forward to stare me down better.

I tremble and bite my bottom lip, "I don't know," I answer honestly. "But I'm willing to try."

"And that is all that matters," Neven smiles at me. "Besides, even if it's just flowers, they have medicinal properties so you can help make medicine for everyone."

Curiosity finally got the best of me, or perhaps it is just that I can't stand Aaden's glaring anymore, so I finally ask, "Where's Alun?"

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