Chapter 50

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The next few days I manage to stay busy by working some extra shifts at the hospital garden to avoid Eben and the others. I have to admit that it has helped some to not only sort my thoughts but it has also forced me to get to know some of the other people in the village.

I may be staying at Eben's for the past few days but with me working so much I only see him, Aaden, Neven, and Alun in passing. I'm either going to work or when I get off they are already at their places for the night and Eben is asleep.

The morning after Eben admits the group's secret I made sure to wake up before him to sneak out. I know that going through all that trouble just to avoid talking to him is a little cowardly but I never did admit to being courageous or strong. Hence me working so many hours just to not have to face any of them. After my shift at the garden I knew that Eben would stay awake to make sure I got back there safe so instead of going straight to his house I took another shift by claiming I wanted to learn more. It was the truth but it also kept me from leaving just yet. He showed up an hour after me staying to take the extra shift but thankfully the lady in charge told him that I was busy and couldn't be disrupted or else I would lose my focus. By the time I did leave, I was exhausted but I also knew that he would be asleep so I was able to slip into his house through the back door and not disturb him.

The following morning my whole body ached but my heart felt a little more at peace at seeing the work that I had done the day before. Eben tried to show up once more this time, saying he brought me breakfast but once again he was told that I was busy. By lunch Alun had taken the chance to show up but thankfully I was already out for lunch so I didn't have to see him. And so it went, one of them would try to stop by but I couldn't be disturbed or it would mess up my learning and by the time I left it was so late that I knew they would be asleep.

After a few days of working I started to feel a little bit of my old self again. Working with plants reminds me of the days I would spend with my father as a girl. Getting acquainted with the hospital staff helped too. This whole time it felt like I had just been along for the ride in my own life. Now it seems like I'm finally making choices for myself. It's not much, but it's a start.

It's nearing midnight when I finish my shift at the hospital garden. "Thank you for your help," the head lady says as she holds the door open for me to pass through. "The hospital is grateful for these extra medicinal flowers. It's a huge help."

"You're welcome," I breathe as I push some hair out of my face. I feel a slight sweat on my skin letting me know that I have pushed myself to my limit tonight.

"Get some rest," she says in a motherly tone, which makes my eyes water but I manage to blink it away. "You need it."

"I will," I nod as she waves then shuts the door. I take a deep breath and look up at the stars.

"You're avoiding us."

I jump in surprise and turn to see Alun walking towards me with determination on his face.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." It's obvious I'm lying but I dont have the energy to act like I'm telling the truth right now. I attempt to walk away but he's persistent and follows me.

"Eben told me about what happened a few days ago. If you need space that's ok just don't work yourself too hard."

"I like working at the hospital,"I admit. "It helps me learn more about this place and the people here. I've learned a lot these past few days."

"That's great, but you shouldn't be working until midnight every night," he points out. As we keep walking it starts to sprinkle.

"I get more one-on-one hands-on learning when I work at night," I admit. "During the day it's busy so I can't get all the explanations right then like I do at night. I want to learn as much as I can so why not take these extra shifts? I feel better now, more in control of my powers."

"You also look like you're about to drop from exhaustion," he glares. "If you push yourself too much then you're going to be bed bound again. It's not worth it just to avoid us."

"I'm not," I shake my head, "I'm just trying to help."

"Quit lying to me," he stops in front of me so we are face to face. "None of us want our feelings to affect how you choose to live your life, and when you start avoiding us that is exactly what's happening." As he speaks the sprinkle begins to grow into a soft rain. "First and foremost you are our friend and none of us want to lose that."

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