Chapter 23

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Today I felt less enrage so it was time to pay a visit to Polen. I entered the room and blurted "You lost your fucking mind didn't you. How can you do such a thing?" I shouted thinking my rage had passed. In that moment, I didn't care that there was a police officer in the room or the fact that I was going against Metin's wishes of not having a lawyer by my side.

"Can... I'm sorry," she stammered, tears streaming down her face. "I was trying to take her away from you. I-I was so mad."

"What you did is unforgivable. What the fuck made you think I would be with you?" I retorted, my voice filled with anger.

"I wanted you to forget her" She whispered, her voice barely audible.

"I hope you rot in jail." With those words hanging in the air, I turned and walked out of the room. Polen is dead in my book. 

Since that day, Polen was taken to jail as she waited for her trial. I hope each day serves as a haunting reminder of the choices she made. 


"I divided you into days, I divided you into months, I'll divide you into years and centuries. And my plea remains the same - this ancient soul now bestows its heart upon you for eternity." I recite another passage from Sanem's book. Since reading her book, I started to write my favorite lines onto the pages of my own journal. My journal was once-empty is now nearly filled to the brim with her profound words, each line a testament to her passion.

Today we start the second week and we get a glimmer of hope as her oxygen levels have finally reached 93%. The doctor advised us to wait two more days till her levels surpass 93% so they can remove her ventilator. Once her oxygen levels are stable, the doctors will wake her from the coma. I take another bed sheet and wrap her, remembering Sanem complaining about being cold and how I was her heat. The thought brings a gentle smile to my lips, a testament to how we complement each other. 

A nurse enters the room "I find it romantic that you read to her. May I ask for the title?"

I smile "Sanem is the writer, this is her book. She plans to publish it." I give her a little white lie. 

"Well tell her that I'd definitely buy it. In fact, the entire staff on this floor is interested." She smiles back and starts working on Sanem's IV bag.

I glance at the clock - it's 7 am. Just then, Mevkibe enters the room carrying a bag with food. Every day she sends me food, either with someone or when she comes to take care of Sanem. "Can my son, I brought you some oatmeal," she warmly offers. 

"Thank you, Mevkibe."

Over the past two weeks, I have grown to know Sanem's family. We have form a bond and it has deepened to the point where they consider me their son. The love and appreciation they shower me surpasses anything I have ever experienced from my own parents. I even developed a friendship with Leila who hasn't stopped feeling guilty over Sanem's accident. We spoke openly about what happened and why she did it. The way she expressed herself showed her remorse and how much she has changed. Moved by her remorse, I forgave her for what she did and she reiterated her commitment to repay us for the harm and pledging to never stray from her morals. I also had to remind her that Polen is the only one responsible for what happened and that she shouldn't take the burden. 

"How are things at the agency?" Mevkibe questions bringing me back to reality. 

"The agency is ok. She is definitely missed. She's such a creative force." 

"I can see how much my baby is loved" she says looking around the several flower arrangements in the room.


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