Chapter 7

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Since our first catastrophic encounter Sanem has managed to captivate me in ways no other woman ever has. Time seems to freeze whenever she graces my presence, transforming the confident, womanizing Can Divit into a bashful man eagerly awaiting her instructions. She has a way of making me feel utterly foolish, causing me to second-guess my every move for fear that she might slip away.

I remember the moment when her truck and her bike nearly collided. It was not my finest moment. I knew that what I said to her wasn't justified, and I owed her an apology. But the sight of her clenched jaw and fierce expression made her appear dangerously alluring. It was endearing seen her mad.

Then there was the day I gifted her the bike. The sheer delight that radiated from her eyes and the way her smile illuminated the room is etched into my memory forever. Sanem wears her feelings on her sleeves and I love to see her expressions.

My favorite moments were the times we spent in my truck, like watching her dance as I drove us to meetings and those deep conversations that showed her vulnerability. I enjoyed seen her rosy pink cheeks when she blushed whenever I gave her a compliment. Each day, I yearned to uncover more about her world. In our time together, I discovered that Sanem possessed a multitude of talents. She wants to write a bestselling novel, she dances, shares my love for food, and crafts her own perfumes and lotions. No wonder she always smelled divine.

But it was the stolen moments with her that I clung on to. It was the teasing jokes we shared, the secret glances, the innocent touches when we accidentally bumped into each other. Maybe something could spark between us? It was time to find out if felt the same way I did about her.

The day of the 40th year anniversary I took a short break from the presentation to answer a call from Metin. That's when I caught sight of her from afar, adorned in a stunning grey dress. Compelled by an irresistible force, I trailed after her until we reached the balcony. I had prepared a speech, intending to confess my feelings, but all thoughts dissipated as I succumbed to my impulses and kissed her.

Seated at my desk, I find myself lost thinking of that moment. Her lips were a revelation - warm, velvety, and electrifying. A surge of desire coursed through my veins as we indulged in each others tastes. I wanted to prolong the sensation, I could never get tired of her kisses. I had to regain composure. We had an important conversation awaiting us, I know she feels this.

As she opened her eyes, I observed a transformation in her expression - a shift from timid and uncertainty to a profound sense of joy and relief.

Her reactions were adorable and they were making my body move on its own, instinctively reaching out to hold her hands and gently kiss them. I can't wait for the day when I can kiss her entire exquisite body, oh that ass! I can see the publications headlines: Can Divit is a goner to Sanem Aydin.

My father dropped a bombshell when he falsely announced that Polen and I were in a romantic relationship. I may have to tell his doctor to refer him to a ENT specialist. I remember telling him that Polen and I are over. It seems his emotions got the best of him that night, clouding his judgment. But it's not my father's mistake that's causing me the most stress-it's all Sanem's doing. Despite my efforts to convince her that I am single, she stubbornly refuses to believe me, leaving me frustrated. To top it all off, she is purposely avoiding me.

Growing frustrated, I stand from behind my desk. It worst now, Sanem is now going on a date with Levent.

Its past work hours. Metin strolls into my office, a mischievous look in his eyes. He couldn't resist asking "So, how's Sanem?" The way he said it, it was as if he morphed into a chatty old lady, desperate for the latest gossip. From my face expression, he sits down. I need help dealing with these conflicting emotions.

I pull out a bottle of cognac from my desk and two glasses.

"Not great" I answer shaking my head as a I pour liquor "Jealousy got the best of me. She is out with Levent on a business date. Just thinking of them eating dinner, Levent opening her door, possibly holding her hand - its a punch to the gut. I argued with her because I can't believe she won't listen to me but runs to that idiot."

His brows raise "that must have been hard to see her with Levent. Give her time. If she felt exactly what you did in that balcony she will come to you." He laughs "Patience has never been your strength so it's time you start practicing."

He can see it, written all over my face, my desperation to have Sanem with me even if it's to do something as simple as holding hands. She should be with me.

"You know what?" I say touching my chin "tomorrow if we don't have a conversation. I will drag her to my cabin and then we will have to talk."

Metin squeezes my shoulder and shoots me a concerned smirk "be careful" he says.

I scratch my head and decide to change the conversation to something light "how's work Metin?"

We spend the time drinking and talking in the office, even Akif showed up an hour later. It felt good to forget about my issues for a night.


Sanem POV

You have stupid ideas but I think this covered them all. Remember that time you tried to impress your high school crush, Engin, by eating tofu because you knew he was vegan? But fate had other plans because he caught you red-handed, secretly munching on chicken wings under the bleachers. My inner voice shakes her head, laughing at my pathetic behaviors. You don't change

Levent took me to the abandoned lot where the Galina campaign will take place, it is truly captivating. With each step I took I imagined Can taking pictures of every nook and cranny with his camera. I wish I hadn't let my impulses take lead, being with Levent was daunting. From the moment we met, it was clear that his favorite topic of conversation was himself. I had to redirect the conversation back to the Galina campaign. It was like being trapped in a room with a broken record. There were times when I found myself daydreaming escape routes or inventing a sudden illness just to flee. I was exhausted, and I couldn't help but wonder how someone could be so oblivious to the needs and interests of others.

My inner voice shakes her head.

I felt relief when we finished exploring the lot and it was time to go home. He invited me out to dinner but I couldn't go. I would end up killing him if I had to spend one extra minute. For his wellbeing it's best I go home so I took a cab to the Mahalle.

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