Chapter 15

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I spent the next few days going through my daily routine, getting up, going to work, working on my novel, coming home, repeat. Being on autopilot helped me numbed myself to the pain of our recent breakup. Everything seemed manageable, until today - the day of the highly anticipated Compass Sport event. Ugh, I need to find the perfect excuse to miss it. 

Considering my options, I could say I had a bad allergic reaction, but that might not work with Leila around. Appendicitis seems too drastic, and a migraine could be too easily debunked. Maybe a family commitment?

All came crashing down when Deren firmly reminded us of our obligation to attend the event. Feeling the weight of her words, I hesitated for a moment before mustering the courage to speak up. "Deren, about that." I lift my hand

"Sanem I don't want to hear it. Everyone needs to attend" She left no room to debate that. 

I rampaged through my neighborhood boutique, hoping to find a nice formal dress that was appropriate and form-fitting. I found a one shoulder navy velvet dress with a side slit. It was pretty. 

As I slip into the dress, I steal a glance at my reflection in the full-length mirror and a smile graces my lips. Confidence washes over me as I admire how the dress gracefully accentuates and hugs my curves. And the color complements my sun-kissed skin, enhancing its radiance. Inhaling deeply I draw in a breath to steady my nerves, ready to face whatever lies ahead.

"You can do this, Sanem," I whispered to myself, the words barely audible. Taking a deep breath, I found the need to give myself not just one, but three pep talks before summoning the courage to step inside the building. With a determined mindset, I pushed open the metal doors, attempting to force a smile. Despite my best efforts, the knots in my stomach keep moving around. "You are doing this Sanem" I mumble again. 

Walking in, I see Can in his tux. My lady parts start singing to his handsome ass. Sanem, close your mouth so you don't drool on yourself. This is a work event not ladies night at Chippendales so control your horny self. Did you forget that he dumped you? Stop fantasying about doing the naughty with him. I pass my hand over my face to remove these images. 

Throughout the event I distanced myself from him. Every now and then, I go introduce myself and have small talk with the Compass employees, then they give me a smile, exchange talk and I remain silent because I don't have much to say. 

"Sanem!" Deren interrupts my small talk to signal me to walk over to her. "You see over there." She points to a thin man with black hair. "That's Mr. Fabri and he owns a major perfume company. We have invited him tonight to get his business. If we do it will bring a lot of money to the agency." I nod but I don't understand what this has to do with me. "I heard Can raving about your lotion hobby. So I need you to be friendly and go help us get his business. Chop chop" She snaps and points me to walk to Fabri. I wish I could hide behind a bush or the bar. 

"Hello Mr. Fabri" 

I see him look me up and down. "You're a pretty little thing. What is your name?" He smirks.

His look made me feel slightly nauseous, I swallow. "My name is Sanem Aydin. Um... I heard you own one of the top major perfume companies." I find myself at a loss of words. Unsure how to carry on this conversation. Despite my efforts to avoid Can, seeing him join our conversation made me feel comfortable. Hopefully he can help me with creepy man. 

"Yes, we service 39 countries with our perfumes. Which you could help us get more if a woman as beautiful as you modeled for us." Fabri says seductively

I see Can narrowing his eyes at him.  

"Mr. Fabri, I'm afraid being in front of the camera is not my thing. I-I don't like it." I shift nervously. 

"Let's focus on the campaign. We're happy to have you here Fabri so you can witness how the agency values their clients." Can uttered through clenched teeth. His expression showed deep-seated anger. I observed Mr. Fabri locking eyes with Can, intensifying the already tense atmosphere. Sensing the tension, I discreetly excused myself and made my way to the ladies' room.

I hear what sounds like Polen's voice from a small opening in the women's bathroom door. What is she doing here? "Aylin, you don't understand. I must have Can all to myself. He will return to me, whether he wants to or not. I have the evidence that could send Leila to jail if I bring it to Huma's attention. You and I know Huma will have no mercy. The little idiot has been spying and receiving a substantial amount of money from you," she declared, followed by a chilling laugh. "Can has no other option but to marry me, in order to save his stupid girlfriend's family." 

I cover my mouth with my hand. I don't want Polen to notice I was eavesdropping. I retreat silently, determined to confront Can. Taking hold of his hand and guide him away from the bustling crowd, ensuring Polen is not around to not give anything away. We now find ourselves in what appears to be a small storage closet, dimly lit and scented with Pine Sol. I close the door behind us. 

"I cannot fucking believe this?...I cannot fucking believe this?!" I begin to repeat disgustedly and my angry whisper turns into an angry shout. 

"Whats going on?" 

I firmly pressed my index finger against his chest, mustering my courage. "Can, I'm so angry at you that nothing you say will help you. Why didn't you tell me that Polen is blackmailing you? That she has evidence implicating my sister as the spy, and that you're blindly following her lead." 

"I want to protect you" he begins to sputter

"Oh no!" I interject, cutting him off before he can continue. I shake my head, my glare piercing through him. He falls silent. "Don't you dare attempt that nonsense with me. Don't insult me. You're making choices on my behalf. This is my sister we're talking about, and I was never taken into consideration. Don't you trust me? I was your girlfriend, and you never trusted me enough to confide in me about what's happening."

I see him trying to get closer to me and I push him away "I love you Sanem. I'm sorry but I was only thinking about protecting you. I don't want to see you suffer." 

I shake my head and go quiet. The reality of the situation hits me. My sister is in big shit trouble and the person who I consider my life partner doesn't see me as his equal. There could be no us if there is no trust. I tap my foot Im so mad at him. 

Can's arms dropped to his sides, his voice filled with remorse. "My love, Sanem, I am truly sorry. I cannot bear the thought of anything happening to you because you mean the world to me." He straightened up, gently taking hold of my hands. "I made a foolish mistake by lying to you, making you believe that I didn't love you. But the truth is, I love you more than words can express. I needed Polen to believe that our relationship was over, just to buy some time to think." He let out a deep sigh. "I have Metin looking into things, ensuring that nothing spirals out of control. Please, my love, trust me. I need you to believe in us."

I pull my hands away "Believe you?!" I exclaimed, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and disbelief. "You have the audacity to ask for my trust? If I hadn't overheard Polen, would you have ever revealed the truth to me? Or were you planning to keep me in the dark indefinitely?" I turned around to avert my gaze from his eyes, only to turn back and confront him. I looked like an idiot but I was so angry to care. I took a moment to collect myself, I inhaled deeply, then exhaled slowly attempting to regain composure. "Right now I can't forgive you. I need time to think about our relationship. I will work with you to deal with my sister, but if it does not involve the agency or Leila, then there is nothing left for us to discuss." I open the door and walk out leaving Can. 

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