Chapter 2

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I connect my phone to my small Sony speaker and crank up Fantasy by Mariah Carey, singing my way out of the Mahalle with Rosie. Tuesday morning traffic isn't bad as I follow the directions to the agency. But fate had a different plan in store for me. As I approached the intersection, a grey truck loomed into my view. Panic took over me as I tried to brake but it was too late. The screeching tires was all I heard before I fell to the floor. The impact was quick and I didn't feel much but the pavement when I fell. A bit of pain seared through my left arm. Thank goodness we didn't actually crashed, I live to see another day.

Stop being so dramatic, it was a minor scratch. Whose side are you on? I whisper to myself

I feel my cheeks redden as I see a rowdy group of people above me asking me if I was okay. Ashamed, anxious, irritated is what I would describe feeling in this moment. I could feel the eyes of curious walkers witnessing my humiliation. I closed my eyes for a minute wishing I was anywhere but here. I hated attention. One of the onlookers, extended a helping hand, lifting me from the floor. At the same time, I see the culprit open his car door and walk towards me. I don't know what took over me, blame it on adrenaline, a minor throbbing pain on my arm, Rosie's bent wheel, or the fact that my happy morning has been ruined by this moron but I decided to unleash all my anger on him. 

"I-Im so sorry! Are you alright?" he stammers, it sounds like he is genuinely concerned

"Are you blind? How could you not see me?!" My anger seeping through

He takes a deep breath "I truly didn't see you. It was an accident, I swear. But in my defense, you seemed distracted and didn't notice the green traffic light. "So it's my fault" I craned my neck

"I'm not saying that you are to blame" He rolls his eyes and turns around to observe his truck. "Wait a minute is that a scratch"

And so it begins - a heated exchange of words. Our voices rise, each of us defending our perspective, emotions running high and hand movements, all happening in the middle of the street. Your mother would die hearing that language coming out of you. I roll my eyes, which I'm sure he thinks its towards him

"Can you move this somewhere else? People got places to go!" a guy yells from his car. Our confrontation has caused a bit of congestion. 

"Shut up!" we both yell at him

Exasperated the culprit continued "Are you hurt? Let me take you to your place. Your bike is in rough shape."

Realizing my bike's condition again, made me angry. "Look I don't need your charity. Just watch where you're going and leave" I got up grabbed Rosie by the handles and walked away from him. "Arrogant fool" I murmured to myself. 

Weren't you fascinated by what was in your line of sight. His penetrating eyes, his full beard, and his long muscular hands. "He is the enemy stop" I snapped. 


This morning experience has spoiled all my attempts to put on a professional face for this interview. I'm happy to have a few minutes left before the interview to compose myself. I needed 2. I find myself in the lobby and let me confess that it's not what I have expected: it's impressive-looking with colorful walls and fun posters.

A few minutes later, due to my sister impressive reputation (never mind my dishevel look) I was hired and put to work.  

A short man with a mustache and a corky sense of fashion named Cey Cey, walked me around the offices. To judge from first impressions, he seems very friendly. Also on edge. I was then introduced to Deren who didn't take much interest in getting to know me.

Before long the office was in full swing and I was working with a team coming up with ideas for a chicken ad.

"Sanem" short tempered Deren called me to her office. "Mr. Can is coming today from his long travels. I need you to organize these folders in order. He needs to see what we've been working on."

I opened my mouth to ask a question to which she quickly replied "I need this now Sanem. I don't have time for your questions." I walked out of her office carrying several large binders. Carefully, I get behind my desk and start organizing. I'm so concentrated in my task that I don't hear the commotion of urgent footsteps around me. Once Im done, Cey Cey points for me to take them to Mr. Can's office.

I can barely see anything with these binders so I follow Ceycey instructions to Mr.Can's office. Straight down. Hopefully Mr. Can isn't there and I don't have to make small talk with another employee. I'm too awkward to come up with topics for conversations. I leave the binders on his desk when I see his chair turn around. "You're kidding?" I watch his straight face turn to shock when he notices me. 

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