Chapter 21

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I was shoved into the passenger seat. I tried to get out and escape but she had the child locks on. Panic started seeping and I angrily whisper "fuck!" Polen starts the car and her driving is erratic, her eyes are darting around, she's absentminded. "You had to come and ruin everything." she hissed, pressing harder on the accelerator driving away from the city and merging into the freeway. She maneuvered through cars, weaving in and out of lanes. Her foot pressing on the accelerator "you will pay for all of this. You destroyed my plans, you stupid bitch! Her words stung, and my heart raced. 

Come on Sanem think! 

"Im taking you far away, where you'll never see daylight again." She taunted with an evil laugh. 

"Polen you brought this on yourself. Don't blame me." You idiot don't aggravate her. Not a smart move. 

"Can and I were fine till you arrived. I hate you! I'm going to kill you." She snapped and accelerated the car. Whether it was due to an adrenaline rush or a lapse in judgment, I instinctively grabbed hold of the steering wheel to guide us to the side of the road. She resisted my efforts, swerving us back to the road and then I attempted to veer us off again. The cars behind us were fiercely honking their horns. This back-and-forth struggle continued until I pulled hard, causing the car to lose control and run down a grassy area on the right side of the road. The car tires teared through the bushes, the sounds of snapping branches and rustling leaves filled the car. Polen attempted to regain control but it was futile, as the vehicle continued driving through the woods. 

With each passing moment, the tension escalated. We were jolted violently, our bodies thrown from side to side as the car careened through the uneven terrain. I could only hear the piercing screams, not sure if they were coming from her or from me. That was the last thing I remember before we collided with a large tree, and the world around me faded into darkness.



The gym has always been my sanctuary, a place where I can channel my emotions and find peace. However, my workout took a different purpose. I needed to release the pent-up sexual frustration that was building within me. Since Sanem's punishment, I have been working out harder than usual. The thoughts of her latest sexy outfit have fueled my energy. She doesn't play fair. A smirk graces my lips because I am willing to endure any torment as long as she is by my side, nothing else matters. I take a shower and go to sleep. 

"Hey Emre" His call wakes me up. Why is he calling me at 12am?  

"Can" His somber tone immediately sends a wave of unease through me. "I'm so sorry to tell you this, but... Sanem is in the hospital. She was in a car accident with Polen." He utter, his voice barely audible. 

"What?!" I struggled to find my voice, my throat constricting with anguish. "Which hospital?" I managed to utter, desperately seeking any information I could gather. After that everything was a blur I somehow found myself at the hospital. As soon as I approached the medical receptionist, I urgently demanded for Sanem Aydin's room number.

In the waiting room, I see Nihan, Mevkibe, and Leila. I approached Mevkibe and embraced her tightly as she was in tears. In an attempt to console her, I murmured, "She is going to be fine and will come home soon." After Mevkibe calmed down, I hugged Nihat and Leila, and then pulled Leila aside to ask about Sanem. "I want to see her." I pleaded

"They won't allow us to see her yet. The police informed us that Sanem was involved in a car accident at around 9pm. It seems that Polen was speeding on the freeway and lost control of the car, crashing into a tree." 

Overwhelmed, I ran my hands over my face will Polen ever stop? I can't believe she went to such extremes. She tried to kill Sanem and herself. Fearful of Leila's response, I closed my eyes and asked, "So what did the doctors say?" Leila paused, took a deep breath, and replied "Someone on the freeway alerted the police, but no one approached the car until they arrived. Fortunately, the airbags deployed, but Sanem's head hit the window with significant force. Her ribs and legs have injuries. The most concerning part is that she inhaled carbon monoxide, so her lungs are being closely monitored. Currently, she is in a medically induced coma." Tears streamed down my face as I absorbed the gravity of the situation. Overwhelmed by the impact I decided to sit down. 

"Why weren't we contacted right away?" I ask angrily

"They were trying to identify her. She didn't have her Id or her phone." 

I hated asking but I had to know. "What about Polen?" 

Leila sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes "The tree was on Sanem's side so Polen kinda walked off with a twisted arm and carbon monoxide inhale too. She is not in a coma but she's on a breathing tube. There are cops in the hospital monitoring her and Sanem." 

I shake my head. 

After 2 hours, the situation remained unchanged. No one has been allowed to see Sanem. Time seemed to be working against me, as if the seconds were reluctant to move forward. Restless, I found myself pacing back and forth, unable to find solace in idleness. I killed time by informing Fikri Harika's employees of Sanem's condition and when Ayhan arrived I offered her comfort and support. The waiting was driving me to the brink of madness, I yearned to see her.

"Sanem Aydin family." The doctor called us in the waiting room. We all stood up, anxiously waiting for updates. "She's stable. He lungs are now at 83% oxygen capacity which is concerning and she will need to be on the ventilator for now. We are trying to prevent Hypoxemia, which means body parts being deprived of oxygen to function. And that's not good." Mevkibe gasps. "So she will remain in a medically induced coma till she's breathing on her own at 93%. As far as her other body parts, she has two broken ribs and a fractured tibia which we had to surgically repair. So she will be wearing a cast till that tibia is healed. She received stitches on the right side of her head, about 3cm long. I know this all sounds scary but the good news is that the brain wasn't fractured, her nerves are intact and the carbon monoxide didn't affect her brain or vital organs. Ok. Look Mr. and Mrs. Aydin we will try our best to get her back to herself. She is critical but stable. In a few minutes a nurse will come to get two visitors at a time to see her." The doctor walked away leaving us quiet. 

Sanem parents stand up to go see her first. When they return, Mevkibe is in tears and Nihat looks distraught as he held his wife. They clung to each other for support. Then, Leila and Ayhan stand up to go visit Sanem. While they were gone, my mind drifted away to the day Sanem got drunk and started imitating me. It was in that silly moment that I realized she was the person I wanted to wake up to every day, the one who brought joy and brightness into my life. 

She means everything to me. 


I'm not a medic so hopefully you all won't drag me for this extreme diagnosis. 

Have a great week! 

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