Chapter 3

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I stood there with my face pale as a ghost. I thought this day couldn't get any worse, yet this very moment topped it. Get a grip my inner voice demanded. I'm waiting for the punchline, for someone to jump out and say that I'm being punked. But Can looks serious and the smug look on his face tells me that he is enjoying my reaction.

"We have to stop meeting like this" he says. Then I hear him mumble "the universe is funny."

"It seems that destiny won't allow incompetent drivers to forget their victims" I raise my eyebrow

"It seems that you still believe this is all my fault" he snickers

"If the shoe fits" I say making circular motions with my hand

"I wish there were cameras to show you distracted instead of paying attention to traffic."

"Am I not a pedestrian? So aren't you supposed to yield to me?"

"Yes, but you were on a bike and your role is to pay attention to the signs." He says slowly

Can is crossing his arms and giving me a dark look. This man is really hard to decipher. I feel like a prey and he's the bear, standing there, grinning and poking me. He sighs "Is this how it's going to be? I just want a copywriter who will work hard without drama." He eyes me hoping I catch his meaning.

I have to put my pride aside. This is not the best first impression. I have every intention of starting this new job well. I will make this work because it's not just my sanity on the line, which I could manage with therapy. But my family doesn't have a lot in savings to continue paying the store's rent. I wont disappoint them. So I give Can my best sarcastic smile. "It's going to be great. Mr. Can"

What a jerk.

Really he sounds so charming . Clearly my inner voice laps judgment.


Today has left me drained physically and mentally. My left arm has started to ache from this morning fall as I trudge towards my parents' house, clutching the bent bike. The weight of the bike seemed to intensify as I held on to it, a physical reminder of the challenges I faced today. I blame the Turkish metro bus driver, bus 96, for denying me entrance with my bike.

Actually, Can is the responsible being for this. He is the evil king. From the moment I saw him, it was like anger surged through my veins. His dark eyes, well-groomed beard, muscular frame, and perfect long hair embodied arrogance. Hmm so you did notice his good looks... I ignore my inner voice. He is obviously super entitled being that he was out traveling the world and decided to return to the agency to claim his throne. He is probably going to make my life hell after everything I said. Although it felt cathartic saying what I said I doubt it made an impact on him. I feel like he enjoys getting a rise out of me.

I shake my hand over my face to avoid thinking of Can.

As I get closer to my childhood home a wave of nostalgia flooded me. At the age of 26, living with my parents was not an accomplishment I wanted to brag about. But I had no choice. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving my sick father alone to manage our family store. Aside from that, my mother lacks the patience and finesse required to deal with customers. I giggled thinking about the time when she insulted Aysun over 5 limes. It was so trivial.

When I graduated college with my bachelors, Ayhan and I rented a small two bedroom apartment marking the beginning of my new independent life. I really loved the street where I lived because it was lined with colorful multi-story buildings on each side. Granted, we couldn't afford Disney+ and Hulu, we were struggling but we didn't care. It was bittersweet, when I had to return when my father's diabetes took a turn for the worse. I felt responsible and I had to come home.

But you left them again to work at the agency my inner voice comments. I did but after 3 years of working at the store I felt stagnant. It was time to take charge of my life. Plus dad has been feeling better.

When I got home I leaned the bike against the entrance wall. It will have to get fixed after my first paycheck. I sigh loudly, my bike was my refuge. It allowed me to escape to the abandoned house in the woods where I feel the most inspired. My secret place.

I walked up the stairs to the kitchen to a delicious smell of cooked lamb. "Sanem why didn't you come home with Leila?" Mother asks giving me a piercing look

"Mom, I had to finish a project. I couldn't make Leila wait for me. Remember I am an adult." I gently commented. Leila and I had to constantly remind her our ages. I couldn't tell her about today. Mom's dramatics would have no ending. I diverted her follow-up questions by complimenting the delicious meal

Yumm I love lamb and rice


I made it a point to arrive early. It was more for my own protection, I'm still trying to avoid the ice queen's ever-judgmental gaze. I enter Fikri Harika and run to the elevator that's about to close. I nearly bump a strong figure when I stop. It's Can. I can feel the heat rolling off his body but no sweat. Unlike me drenched and modeling a sweaty mustache. He smirks as he presses the elevator button to close and tells me with arrogance "Good morning Sanem. I see you are an early bird."

"Oh I don't know, my internal clock refuses to stay asleep. I'm used to riding my bike and taking the extra time to reflect." Why does he bring out this bitter side of me?

"Hmmm so you were distracted." He pursues his lips and nods

"So we're back to this?" I scoff and I press the elevator button with more force.

"Sanem didn't you read the signs? Maintenance is working on the elevator so its running slow and pressing like that won't make it come faster."

Striving to appear unruffled, I press the button again and put more distance between us. But Can is unhappy with my reaction and decides to challenge me "and of course knowing you... you will break through the buttons and damage this elevator. When Sanem is involved...anything is possible." He continues smugly

"Of course I'm the problem. Now I hope this elevator gets stuck so you will see how I make things possible. Just go ahead and blame bee extinction on me too"

Suddenly, the elevator jolts and comes to a stop. Crap! The lights flicker for a moments before they dim.

"Oh no, not now." I whine

Can tries to open the doors but they remain closed.

Can sighs "great, I really can expect anything from you. It was bound to happen."

I tap my foot impatiently to avoid biting back but after 1 minute I couldn't hold it and I spew nonsense "you love to play psychological games with me. I can't think calmly with you constantly pressuring me and giving me that look."

Can is confused "what are you talking about?"

"I don't know"

He looks at me and I move my eyes to not look at him "you make me nervous and I can't think."

"I make you nervous"

Before I can answer for myself, the elevator moves and the doors open so I bolt to my desk. What is wrong with me?

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