Infiltration//Chapter 31

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"Hey you... You better watch yourself when these ropes come off, ya hear...!?" His head lulled back as he felt the effects start to sink in. He then seemed to come back to reality as he sat up, "Anyways, now that Usopp's friends are here, I gotta ask ya favor!" He turned to the two men that were watching the whole ordeal calmly, "I gotta ask ya to untie these ropes."

Wyper and Sanji both looked at eachother for a moment. Then without a second, Sanji had a foot against the front of Franky's face and Wyper had cocked his gun in a fresh reload—pointing the Bazooka at the side of his head.

"You askin for a lot, when you just threatened one of our crew members." Wyper glared.

Sanji scowled, "As if I'd untie your ropes! Just stay tied up for life, you bottom feeder!"

Franky gritted his teeth in frustration, "Why you... Someone humbly requests a favor, and you get all arrogant...!"

Usopp looked over at the exit door with rising worry, "Hey! Would you guys knock it off? If we waste time with this... They're gonna catch us!!!"

Faythe snorted, "I think we've cause enough of loud explosions to catch everyone's attention."

Wyper smirked, "Not like it'd change anything."

Sanji picked up the transponder, "We need to get to a safer location for me to make this call. Can't have anymore of these bozos interrupting us."

Faythe sighed as she went straight to Usopp to untie while Wyper—reluctantly—went to Franky to untie. Kneeling down, she used a small sharp feather to cut the bindings.

"Fae..." Usopp muttered in a faint whisper, like he was hesitant to even speak with her—even after she beat the cyborg to a pulp.

"Focus on the mission. Robin is the priority." Faythe muttered, her gaze not meeting the sniper as she took a step back and walked over to Wyper who had finished.

Usopp watched as they shared a couple words before Faythe was patted on the shoulder and then she walked over to a window to pry it open.

Franky stretched his limbs before glancing over at a flabbergasted long nose, "I don't know what you did, but you fucked up. And I mean reaaaal bad." He snorted before walking over to the shandorian to examine his Bazooka.

Usopp furrowed his brows as he stood up, "What does he mean by that...? She said we're still friends, right...?"


So while Sanji filled in on who was with him, He was given information on why Robin was acting this way. Apparently she was giving herself up for the government in order to give protection to the Strawhats. Sanji then asked the ginger if she could pass the transponder to Luffy, "Hey, is that you, Luffy?"

The entire group had escaped the marines undetected as they took refuge on top of the train cart.

'Sanji! How are things there? Where's Robin!?'

Faythe came over and down next to Sanji, taking the transponder snail. The blonde didn't mind as he was more relieved that was interested in talking to the Captain again.

"They still have Robin. But not for long. Nami was helpful in filling us in as we now know everything." Faythe spoke up. The end being silent for a bit as the Captain processed that the redhead was back on speaking terms with him.

Captain's Parrot (Oc x One Piece) Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang