And Now We Endure.//Chapter 54

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Just some Wyper redraw in my style~!

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Just some Wyper redraw in my style~!

Faythe could give multiple occasions when she felt helpless. But the amount of times that it outweighed her own life could be counted to none when Luffy always stood face to face with the big bad guy. She never got to get a good look of the battle, but she knew he was taking it all for the sake of his crew and friends.

And today he was fighting for Robin's freedom.

Destroying the chains that had bound the archeologist down for so many years...

Sometimes, Faythe feels an ugly emotion rearing its ugly head. Her chest curling in on itself as she grew almost envious of the people he freed.

For where was he when she escaped that god forsaken lab and had to abandon her friend for a dying dream.

Oh how she wished he was a savior to her like the rest of the crew. Maybe in a way, he did save her... But not from the enemy she wished he had.

How laughable. Here she was feeling so helpless and envious of a dear friend. It was stupid and cruel of her to do. But she couldn't help it.

"How disgusting..." Faythe gripped her arms in a shuddering manner. Her eyes dilating into a sharpened gaze. A mutter only leaving her lips for her ears alone.

"We're ready to sail out any time now!!" Nami hollered up at the group, "We can set out as soon as Luffy comes back!!"

"Yeah." Sniper King nodded in acknowledgment.

"But if we simply think about it... The number of warships out there... is a bit smaller to the number of people we've got here." Sanji mentioned, "Even if we do sail out, it will be almost impossible to get out of here..."

'Reporting from the Northeast side of the Main Gate. Marines and Government Officials in Enies Libby have been accommodated. Also, we've confirmed that approximately 50 pirates including some giants are at the Main Gate.'

An announcement rang out throughout the different warships at the notice.

"That's..." Franky paused to listen in realization before bellowing out a laugh, "That's Zambai and the others!! See! They got off the island alright. I'm not worried about them. They will never die no matter how many times you kill them. Bastards!! GAHAHAHA—!!"

'We have completed the obliteration mission by means of fire.'

"The other day, too...!!" Franky was gonna go on about a small story but his laugh was cut short of what the announcement had to say after.

'Death is confirmed for all of them. As it stands, it is impossible to have any survivors left on the main island. The number of survivors on the Enies Lobby Main Island is—

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