Wanted Poster Update!//Chapter 65

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—The third day of the wait.

"The log is ready!!" Nami called out happily, her eyes surveying the room, "The log pose is already pointing to the next island!!"

"Then all we need is the ship to set sail!!" Luffy, who had healed almost back to his regular routine, started balancing himself on the bed rails—in a one hand push up exercise, "I can hardly wait!"

"Yeah," Zoro was on the floor wrestling with Chopper in his reindeer form, "He said he wanted to surprise us, so we shouldn't come by until it's ready..."

"The longer the wait, the larger the expectations." Wyper quipped while flipping the page for Chimney who sat on his lap to read Faythe's first published book. Her eyes sparkled in anticipation with every page. Each chapter showing another adventure and thrilling battle. It was like the words were flying off the pages for the little girl.

Faythe sat with Robin next to her, "I don't mind the wait.. It gave me enough time to finish the drafting for all the events and information we went through." She handed her last few pages to Robin who went on to proofread them for the redhead.

"Zoo you... Know wherr ze log's leading you to?" Kokoro asked Nami, her voice indicating that she was already drunk.

"No. Where?" Nami checked the compass arrow, "It's pointing a little bit downwards..."

Kokoro's smile broadened, "Ngagagaga... Of courzze. Ze neggst island izz Fizzhman Island, ze pahradiss beneath ze sea!!" Kokoro laughed.

"I barely got any of that..." Faythe mumbled.

Robin just laughed at the red head's comment.

"EHHHHHH!!? F-Fi-Fi-Fi... Fi...!! FISHMAN ISLAND~!? FINALLY!!?" Sanji jumped up in excitement from his spot beside Wyper—startling man while his wings fluffed out. Which gave Chimney a good laugh while she started smoothing the feathers.

"OI!! Calm it down, would ya??"


Chopper turned to Sanji's hyped figure, slightly more scared than worried, "Wha!? What's going on, Sanji!!?"

Nami sighed, leaning into her palm, "Fishman Island... I've got mixed feelings."

Luffy perked up at the Ginger's comment, "Yeah. After everything that happened in your village..."

Zoro sat with his back to the wall, "But back then, those Fishmen were pirates, right?"

"That's right. You know it pretty well, you shitty bastard!" Sanji continued twirling, showcasing just how much he's been waiting for this, "Fishmen Island is a famous spot on the Grandline!! Beautiful mermaids draw arcs above the water and play with fish in the Dream Kingdom!!"

But his excitement was quickly silenced as he met eye contact with Kokoro's drunk daze.

With a shaking and frustrated fit of utter despair, he fell to his knees—slamming a fist repeatedly into the ground, "Can't I at least dream about it!!? I'm a pirate, dammit!!"

Kokoro snapped at him, "Zhey haff young mermaids, too!!!"

"Stop behaving like that. You're a grown man. Act like it." Wyper huffed as he gently flipped another page for Chimney.

Sanji slowly moved his scowling face towards Wyper's direction, "You can't understand my feelings!" He then pointed a finger accusingly, "You've been around beautiful angels your whole life!!"

Wyper deadpanned.

Chimney turned her head up, "You lived with angels!? So you are one!!" Her eyes seemed to enlarge with a blinding shine.

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