Twinnin-!!//Chapter 58

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Sitting at an offered built desk—by Paulie after he overheard she needed some workplace to write her book—Faythe worked stubbornly on finishing her written battle scenes and managing to make it flow smoothly with Going Merry's saving sacrifice.

She wanted it perfect. But no matter how many rough drafts she writes, they just don't seem to do Going Merry her best. To put Merry on this pedestal to show people that she was more than a mere ship.

She was a home.

A friend.

Looking down at her recent draft, Faythe began to feel the stubborn aggravation gnaw at her again from the chest, "It's not.. right..." She balled up the paper and tossed it into another overflowing trash bin beside her desk. Scratching her scalp through her messy tied up bun, Faythe closed her eyes trying to distract herself from all the unsolved problems still lingering around her shoulders.

Luffy had yet to awaken, his injuries proving to be just as severe as he stated back in that first prop.

Usopp was still out there in the city somewhere. Having dodged any further interaction with the group after Enies Lobby.

The crew is still silently coping with the death of Going Merry and are now trying to figure out how they want to proceed after that with a new ship.

But on the better side, Robin is now opening up to the crew and finally started to call everyone by their actual names instead of their occupational roles.

Chopper had been going around doing checkups on the people who were involved with rescuing both Robin and Franky from CP9.

Everyone else seemed to be doing their own thing nowadays, just waiting for Luffy to wake up so they can decide on what to do next.

Her eyes trailed over to a case of photos that were recovered from her luggage. Small scraps of burnt memories of her days on the Going Merry... Before everything happened in Water 7.

To think only a few weeks ago, they were just playing a goofy game of Davy Jones against the Foxy Pirates...

A frown appeared on her lips when she flipped one over and saw a picture of Luffy picking her up—but her own arms were wrapped around Usopp's middle—picking him up along with her.

A smile was pierced on all their faces as they looked to be laughing in pure joy with the other's presence.

An instant connection of comfortability that she wouldn't be able to have with anyone else.

Don't get her wrong. Maybe one day she'll remember her days as a kid with Corbett and maybe remember that connection with him. But currently, her family was right here. This crew. These friends...

"I need a break..." She muttered half heartedly. A humorless scoff escaped her as she moved the photo away. But before she could pick up her quill to continue writing, a voice spoke up from the room's doorway.

"And sitting in here all day, won't grant you that."

Zoro was standing there with his arms crossed. His eyes narrowed at the lack of color on her complexion, "Did you not sleep last night?"

She blinked at his question before turning back down to her papers, "Yeah. Just trying to catch up on my book, you know the gist of it all."

Zoro walked over and scanned the room, his eyes catching sight of the bed untouched, but the room's window open, "You went out looking for him, didn't you?"

Faythe's quill stopped, her eyes never left the paper as she answered, "Don't patronize me about this, Zoro. I don't need another big talk about a man's pride..." A small jutted pout bloomed on her tired face.

Captain's Parrot (Oc x One Piece) Book 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz