A Tour in Water 7//Chapter 21

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"Wow! This is great!"

"You go, bull!!"

"This is a useful animal."

"It's quite a ride!"

Faythe was taking her time to take in the scenery, almost as if she were trying to inhale all the sights and smells... It was honestly overwhelming.

Clothes lines filled the air as it was strung like spider webs. Narrow and tight water roads reached out like branches. Buildings stacked on one another like pots. The repetitive colors of white and blue were seemingly endless in the parrot's vision.

"We're in the residential area. Water roads are everywhere."

Faythe dug her talons into the bags as she felt the saddle boat tilt upwards a smidge.

"Ah! Uphill!" Usopp called out, "Can it swim uphill too?"

With that, the yagaras began to swim up a ramp, against the falling currents.

"Wait! This is the wrong way!" Nami shouted out worriedly.

"Yahoo!" Luffy just had his arms up, "It can also swim against the current!! This fish is strong!!"

Faythe's eyes widened as the yagara continued to pull upwards, going onwards even when the ramp ascended above the buildings, "This place has levels??"

Luffy glanced behind him to see how high up they were, "There are water roads above the rooves too!!"

Nami held onto the front of the boat, "We're going the wrong way!! We have to go to the market district first..."

Luffy waved the navigator off, "Who cares! Let's just look around on the water roads."

Faythe chortled, "Sight-seeing time~!" Both she and her Captain's boat started to tip as they went downhill. Both hollering in joy.

Usopp had his hands up as he finally went downhill on his boat with Nami, "Woohoo! Going down~~!!"

"Nami, look!"Faythe squawked out.

The ginger looked up as soon as they slowed down from the fall, "Ah?" Her eyes cleared, "Are we at the market!? Was that a... Short-cut!?"

"Wow! These fishes are smart!!"

"It's so lively!"

"This place is so.... Full." Faythe tilted her head at the word that could only describe her sight. Arches and bridges lined over the waters. A whole wide terrain of surrounding buildings and stalls lined the roads. Everywhere the bird looked, she could barley see water because a boat would be in the way. Docks that would led the boats into restaurants were bustling with loud chattering civilians.

"Ma'am, I'll sell this cheap!!!"

"50% off--!!"

Luffy pointed over at the looming bull that towered over all the yagaras in the road, "Look! A super big bull!!"

Faythe narrowed her eyes at the massive size, "It looks like a tamed sea king to me."

As they were riding past the tank-ish bull shark thing, Faythe had managed to catch a sight of a driver on top. Blanket to make the ride more comfortable and parasol to block the sunlight. How intriguing.

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