Runaway Train//Chapter 32

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(Introducing Enies Lobby Arc Outfits)

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(Introducing Enies Lobby Arc Outfits)

'Born on Sharp Shooter Island~~! 100 shots, 100 hits, lululalalu~~! Even a mouse's eye, lock on!! The man~~ That came~~ From Sharp~~ Shooter Island~!'

Faythe looked around, "Who is this guy..?" She raised a brow.

Wyper looked over at her with a deadpan, "You can't be serious."

Faythe looked up at him confused.

'Lulululululala~~! You better run and hide~~!! Sogege Soge Soge Soge~~! KING~!!'

Sanji and Franky met eye contact for a brief moment, "What the hell is he doing?"

"Eh, don't hurt his feelings."

Faythe was already waving her arms in the air, "OIIIII—! Get over here already~!"

"Ah, sure..." Sniper King stiffened at her gesture, walking hurriedly over like a nutcracker.

"Lady Faythe—!" Wyper looked at her sharply.

"What? He said he wanted to help save Robin, right?" Faythe frowned with crossed arms.

Sanji sighed while shaking his head, "Don't go denying a lady's nice gesture." He crouched down when everyone was together, "Okay. Now we carry out our strategy to rescue Robin."

"Don't you guys have any questions for me or something? Since this is our first meeting.." Sniper King idly asked as he tucked his knees to his chest, "Like: 'Where's this sharp shooter island'?" He whispered that last part.

Faythe tilted her head with interest, "Sounds like a cool place. Where's it from?" Her eyes sparkled at the prospect at a new adventure just waiting to be explored. Maybe she'd have to bring it up to Luffy and Usopp the next time she meets back up with the—

Oh yeah... Usopp's left and She's in a fight with Luffy...

Her entire figure seemed to darken at the reminder. She pressed her cheek on her knee as she looked out into the pelting rain.

Usopp immediately noticed and grimaced at the look, he hurriedly cleared his throat while flailing his arms around, making something up on the spot, "D-did you know that on Sharp Shooter's island there's perilous obstacles to even find its location...!?"

Faythe glanced over at Sniper King with a small spark in her eyes, "Like what?" She pursed her lips into a small pout.

"W-well first...! If you manage to even get back the raging armies of sea kings guarding the waters around the island, you might be able to see through the thick shrouds of mist keeping the island hidden....!"

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