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After that night wei wuxian realised that everything lan qiren said or did for him have meaning then what about his dress code? Nie Huaisang and Wei Wuxian research as much as possible but didn't find anything. Actually their search direction is wrong from the start.

His dress code and unknown mufti 'Azalea Flower' Some cultures believe the flower symbolises taking care of yourself and those around you. Therefore, it forms a perfect gift when you need to wish someone a quick recovery. Additionally, sharing it with a loved one is an ideal way to communicate your affections. On the other hand it's presious herb.

There is a discussion conference in Qinghe Nie sect so grandmaster lan will be absent so their morning class will be off for two days. Before left the sect, lan qiren told nie Huaisang find the wen spy from Lan sect including Nie sect. And order wei wuxian and lan wangji if they saw wen owl definitely kill and disposed it by any means.

Next day when wen qing is examine wei wuxian he casually ask wen qing.

Wei Wuxian : " a-jie do you think my dress code have any meaning like other sect? "

Wen Qing : " i don't know but if my memory serve right a famous late cultivator dressed up like you do."

Wei Wuxian : " who was that idiot ha ha ha!"

But lan wangji look at him with worries, nie Huaisang was busy admiring wen ning look at wen qing at lighting sped.

Wen Qing :"sigh! His story is not laughable at all. I hear from my father that previous wen sect leader is one of the reason of his horrified death."

Wei Wuxian :" now it's interesting i really want to know, please a-jie!"

Wen Qing : " okay don't give me that puppy look, He was Fast discipline of Baoshan Saren 'Yanling Daoren' who left her mountain. "

This made everyone's mode sour.

"Okay let me tell you truth fast, some greedy people wants the location of Baoshan Saren but according to tradition she put forgetting spell so her discipline cannot remember her location nor go back."

"Now, When he first leaves the mountain, due to his mastery over his skills, everyone praises and admires him, and he becomes a famous cultivator of the righteous path. Sometime later, his personality changes drastically. He becomes a villain capable of killing people without blinking twice in the end Yanling Daoren had died under "thousands of swords." What prompted this drastic change in personality remains a mystery."

" if you think carefully your parents death cannot be accident as they both are outstanding and i think you were under spell to forget your early days and it's unique technic from Baoshan Saren."

Now everyone can connect the dot, why wei wuxian don't even remember his parents face only a blared memory of them and a danky, and accusations is directly gone to jiang and wen sect. But wei wuxian understand another things how deeply lan qiren know his parents how much jiangs hide from him to make him perfect shield. Anger and sorrow start to devour him. And his face become black.

Nie Huaisang : "it seems you don't like your uncle as rumours says you are his favourite. "

Wen Qing : " Favourite my foot, he killed my parents in front of us, made a-ning cripple so he cannot fight back and forced me to treat him holding my whole village Again me."
" i am sure you can realized he sent us with the intention to spy name of look after us."

Lan Wangji : " don't you know? We can hold you accountable for spying? "

Wen Qing : " Oh! Do this please i can die peacefully then."

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