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Lan Xichen's pro:

It's cold spring night, full moon in bright sky, slow cold wind is blowing in air. Lan Xichen is sitting on the hot spring behind his Hanshi and Nie Mingjue his boyfriend sleeping in his lap. Other side in front of Lanshi, sect heir Jiang and Jin are kneeling as uncle published them until their parents come. Everything is mess still lan Xichen is genuinely happy with his da ge as his baby brother with a-xian.

After the welcome dinner father and uncle both pulling each others gut who have more embarrassing things with late canse saren. Then a-xian bring out most scandalous and horrified amount of wealth from his so called silver hair pin. The little girl a mirror like child a-xian is more shocking and horrified entity, bow to a-xian.

.... : " Hello Master, nice to meet you again, i am Chenqing your flute spirit"

Then the little girl no Chenqing vanished into his deep blue jade flute Wangji gave a-xian and made the flute pitch black with all sort of in-chanting none of us ever seen. And that said flute now glowing with blood red spiritual energy. Like us lans a-xian also speechless and shocked to say anything. Then suddenly wangji qin show up but clearly Wangji didn’t somon his spiritual qin.

Everyone here know qin language including a-xian as father himself taught him. Suddenly wangji qin start to play himself to explain the situation.

Wangji Qin : "Chenqing is a very powerful spirit with dominating demonic and spiritual energy who chosen wei wuxian after his birth." "This outcome was very sensitive that's the sign wei wuxian will become demonic cultivator or strongest spiritual cultivator both outcome is not acceptable in cultivation world." So canse saren with the help of Baoshan Saren put Chenqing in sleep she will only woke up when wei wuxian himself awake her."

"Then Jiang Fengmian go blind in his lust and join hand with Wen Rohan and Jin Guanshah, as plan Wen Rohan will get the location of Baoshan Saren, Jin Guanshah will have Canse Saren and Share with Jiang Fengmian and Wei Chanze will be dead as Jiang Fengmian wanted." "But their plan fail as wei Chanze got the news from his only remaining family wei Shaolin. And canse removed wei wuxian's memory broke their spiritual weapon before death."

Wei Wuxian : "Wei, wei Shaolin! Shen Shaolin!!!"

Wangji qin : "yes that old lotus seed farmer who always caught you to stole lotus seeds and beat you his heart content but never complained to Jiang Fengmian."

The wangji qin stop vibrating and again go to his original Qiankun sleeve wangji hold. A-xian broke down in cry nothing work he just cry and cry thanks to wangji he didn’t hyperventilate this time nor faint. This is too tragic for anyone i can't help but hate jiang sect leader. How Rotten he is to treat a-xian like his own drama doll. Disgusting!!!

After almost one and half hour later he calm down.

Lan Qiren : "Wuxian I am sorry i didn’t know that much as that time my brother also left me. I am sorry. "

Wei Wuxian : " it’s snip* not your snip* fault."

Qingheng Jun : "I also don’t know that much but you are a true Jiang by Blood, your father wei chanze was fast wife's son of late sect leader jiang. But your great grandfather arranged a marriage for sect tie then Jiang Fengmian born."

"Your family wei's were a wealthy family but suddenly everyone got murdered and late sect leader jiang brought wei chanze lotus pear as if helping an orphan and made him Jiang Fengmian's sworn brother come body Guard."

Lan Qiren : "Now i think about it, definitely that man wei Shaolin told everything to Chanze as he was his elder cousin and the murderer definitely jiangs." "Shit that means you are not any some spear scet heir, you are the main legal sect heir of jiang. "

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