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Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli look for wei wuxian everywhere but could not find him. So they went to look for Lan Xichen, here Nie Huaisang also going to great his brothers childhood crush when he saw jiang siblings he hurriedly step down. They great each others. But a very displeasure is visible on lan Xichen's gentle face.

Jiang Yanli : Sect leader lan, can you tell us where a-xian is staying we didn’t find him in any guest quarters or disciplines room.

Lan Xichen : Sorry for your inconvenient but wasn’t he get a individual invitation from my uncle?

Jiang Cheng : Yes, so where is he?

Lan Xichen : Mind your tune young master jiang, you are talking to a sect leader.

As for your information a-xian will be shared room with my brother in Jingshi and don’t go there it’s forbidden area.

Lan Xichen didn’t give then a chance to say anything but left. Jiang yanli clearly see the displaced look on lan Xichen's face and he was offend by jiang cheng. But jiang cheng didn’t realised it, when he hear wei wuxian will stay with lan wangji he said 'serve him right' as lan wangji's stonic cold reputation is well known in cultivation world.

Here Nie Huaisang felt peng of hurt in his heart is he wrong about lan qiren. Will his best friend also suffer in lan sect. He composed himself and go to Hanshi to talk with Lan Xichen face to face.

Nie Huaisang : Xichen ge, you know how wei xiong is, how can he survive under the watch of Lan Wangji. Let him share a room with me i don’t mind.

Lan Xichen : don’t worry a-sang, you know right? Uncle never do something he is not confident. As for wei wuxian it wangji will be the one who is going to suffer.

Nie Huaisang : is there something going on? Please tell me so i can also relax for my best friend.

Lan Xichen : ha ha you should have look at wangji's face at morning today. Oh yes a big scene going to happen, uncle dots on a-xian more than me and wangji so you can imagine what will happen next. Jiangs is going to suffer form the rage of my uncle. I think i don’t need to say anymore you can ask your friend.

Nie Huaisang toke a deep breath, he was right about lan qiren he know when and where to hit to get the response he want. His best friend is safe at least for a year. He is truly happy. He also share how his da ge give him a huge benefit if he pass the exam this year.

Lan qiren told his brother Qingheng Jun to make copy of the talisman wuxian made last night and instructed gate keeper if any uninvited discipline comes tomorrow they only needs to inform sect leader don’t engage any fight.

Here in Jingshi wei wuxian is alone so he start to look through the books. Most of them are already he finished before, so he toke out those he did not read before. He saw a scroll which read by lan qiren Himself. Oh this is their infamous 3002 rules, but lan qiren Write this scroll himself for wei wuxian with actual meaning of every rules.

Wei Wuxian is truly amused, some rules complements each others but most of then have valid reason not nonsense as he thought. Like why alcohol is prohibited. Lans cannot even drink one sip of alcohol. Why medicinal soup and balad food. Though he still prefer chilly food. What most surprising is their forehead ribbon and its meaning and value.

He don’t know how time flies he missed his lunch. At noon lan wangji bring him food which is smells very delicious. And bring out two pear of baby blue boots and a normal black boot with dozon of silk foot were.

Lan Wangji : "uncle told me to say, it’s welcome meal for you and all of this for you." "If you miss your meal again i will be published. Also finished your punishment in two days."

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