"uhh Walker truth or dare" Charlie asks me, and ofc I'm in the middle of trying to text my girl best friend, y/n, did I mention that I really miss her?

"huh? oh uh, truth I guess I don't really care" I say confused at first because I didn't know I was going to get picked so fast and the fact I was trying to do something but nooo why would I be able to do that.

"hmm, how about you talk about what's got you thinking..." he says with a smirk looking at Aryan, clearly they had planned this trying to get help and input on the situation at hand from Dior and Leah.

" Uh can I still pick dare?" I ask really just not wanting to talk about it right now, because the more that I think about it, the sadder it makes me feel.

"I mean yeah sure, for your dare. I dare you to tell the group what has you thinking Walker, and no you can't leave because "you have to go over lines with Rick". You are staying put." Charlie says.

"fuck you man." I say obviously not mad but mad at the same time.

"dude what is going on?" Leah says looking around the room, "Yeah I'm with Leah on this one" Dior says.

"Okay fine. you know what. here's what's going on. I'm really missing my best friend y/n right now. I feel guilty for leaving her back home, and because we are living so far apart from each other we can barely talk. And the silence that is like hanging between us is killing me and I know if it's killing me then it is most definitely really hurting her. But I don't want it to hurt her because she's is the ONLY girl I've ever truly loved okay?! Is that enough for you all?!" I say overwhelmed and frustrated at the topic.

The room goes silent for a little bit, and I'm just pacing back and forth the small room.

"well uh, that was a lot" aryan says, finally breaking the silence.

"yeah, sorry Walker I shouldn't have pushed it" Charlie says and I know he feels bad by the tone of his voice.

"it's okay, I should've gotten so upset about it. But what do i do guys?! I mean you all know now, so I might as well get some help if possible."
I say looking at my friends hopefully.

"Well- first I think that you should text her." Dior says and then looks at Leah.

"I mean yeah text her and then maybe text leena and see if she knows anything. Also Walker..." Leah says.


" do you like y/n" she asks

"I mean yeah she's my best friend."

"No Walker", charlie cuts me off, "she means in the way as more than friends. Like you genuinely have true feelings." He says.

"I mean I don't know? How do I know?"I say starting to freak myself out. do I actually like her? I mean she is like a sister, or have I always just told myself and other people that to keep my feelings at bay?

"Walker!!" Dior shouts getting my attention "finally dude. took you long enough" she says as if I had ignored them for 20 minutes.

"hey kiddos!" I hear a male voice shout as the door gets kicked open.

"Ryan?!" We all say at the same time.
"Yup that's me. I just couldn't believe that Walker might have a crush on someone so I just had to see for myself." He says taking a seat in one of the many chair in my trailer, which really isn't a whole lot.

"Crush?! Who said it was a crush?!" I say freaking out.

"That right there says it is. Any-who tell me about her!" Ryan says laughing almost, which makes the rest of the group start to laugh.

"Well if I'm being honest, she has the prettiest eyes I've ever seen in my entire life, she's the funniest person ever and gets along perfectly with the rest of my family, she's gorgeous, and she makes me happy and I hate not being able to see her whenever I want." I say out of breathe, I could go on about her forever.

"Kid, you better go get your girl, like right now" Ryan says with a proud smile on his face.

" I mean yeah Walker go get her, we are done filming for a week or so because we are waiting on some parts. and plus I already might've booked you a fight for 2:30?" I hear Rick the director say (idk if he is but he's the author so ima say he is whatever 💀)

"Really?! No way, thank you uncle Rick!!" I say excited and then check my watch, omg it's 1:30 and my flight leaves in an hour.

"Yeah also you might want to go like now." Dior and Leah say at the same time.

"Yup on it right this second. Thanks again guys!!" I say running to my Uber that i quickly order.

"Hey don't forget, I'm pretty sure she feels the same way. If not oh well it's ok kid." Dior says as I close the door and head to the airport.

Back to your POV!:

"Okay yeah I think that is all" I say after spilling my guts to my crushes sister, she now knows exactly how I feel about him, and there is no going back now. only thing is I don't know if he feels the same way, would he want to date something that can't always be close because of filming?! Are now the thoughts that fill my head.

"Y/n hey. Don't worry he feels the same way."
Leena says as she looks at me, sometimes I genuinely think that she can read my mind, and that's scary.

"Leena what do I do though? Like do I tell him do I not?! I'm so lost." I say,

"Well I don't think you have to worry about that right now." She says and as she is finishing up I hear the door bell ring, "oh yeah you might wanna go get that" she laughs with a huge smile on her face.

I sprint down the stairs almost falling over my feet. I open the door to see none other than the man himself. There he is, my best friend, and favorite person in the world. He's standing on my front porch with my favorite flowers and his iconic smile.

"Hey Y/n" he says as he hugs me tight dropping the flowers

"Hey walk" I say back

Walkers POV:

there is nothing better than being able to hold the love of my life in my arms.

"please never leave again." I hear her whisper so lightly that I'm not sure if she even had said it.

"I promise." I say back.

After a few minutes of just hugging I drop it.
"Y/n/n I like you so so much. And not in the friend way. I want to be your boyfriend so bad. So will you be my girlfriend?" I ask.

Y/n POV:

"Yes, yes, yes a million times yes." I say and give him another hug. My life is complete knowing that I'm his and he's mine.


A/n: that was a really long one, and now my eyes hurt. hope you all enjoyed!!

Uploading Schedule:
I will upload head canon typa stuff once a week and then every two weeks I will upload something like this! If you all like that then that's what I will do. For me I like when there is more of a short story than the really short one shots or really overdone books!! love you all!!

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