01:28 " Witch"

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Her hands trembling while she gripped into her skirt. Kaori kept her head down trying to focus on not letting her tears show.

All she could hear were her mothers yells. She sat there feeling like a prey afraid of what might happen next. Her father sat on the couch beside her, completely ignoring all those cruel things coming at of her mothers mouth. Kaori wished that he would speak up for once.

" 94?" Her mother yelled throwing the papers in her hands aiming for Kaori but they only landed on the floor.

" You lost 6 points? Explain to me why? How could you? Me and your father did not do everything just for you to not get a perfect score."

They did everything? They didn't do anything. They locked her in her room forcing her to study but Kaori did everything. She got those 94 points because of herself. Maybe those 6 points missing were because of them. Because of the lack of sleep and constant stress they were causing her.

" Do you have any idea what this will do to us? I told everyone that you were going to get a perfect score. Are you seriously gonna disappoint them like that?"

Disappoint them? Kaori didn't care about them. She was already disappointing her own family, why would she care about them.

" You're lucky you're father spoke to his boss so you have a higher chance of becoming a doctor but still. You have no idea how much this will cost us."

" Does it matter? I'm not even gonna be a doctor." Kaori finally spoke up looking up to her.

" Don't start with that Fbi bullshit again. I told you to give up on that." Her mother said taking a seat in front of her pulling out a cigarette.

" And i told you that i'm not doing that." Kaori said to her.

Rolling her eyes at her, her mother breathed out her smoke letting the strong smell fill up the room.
" Just give up. I mean, there's no way they are gonna accept you. Look at you."

Kaori watched her as let out a laugh as her eyes travelled down to her body. Kaori scrunched her eyebrows confused.

" What's that supposed to mean?" Kaori said glaring at her.

" Theu would never take you. With your skinny legs and arms. I mean you even got bullied and did nothing about it. They wouldn't want something like that. You are weak, Kaori."

Kaori let out a scoff, she glared at her mother watching her as she moved the cigarette away from lips like she didn't completely insult her own daughter.

" I'm weak?" Kaori said again in disbelief.
" You don't know me so don't try saying these things like you have me all figure out when you don't even know what i truly like. And also the bullying started because of you. So don't try to tell me what I am when you have bigger issues than me." Kaori said starting to raise her voice.

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