01:04 " The game of tag"

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It had been days since Kaori pulled that trigger and killed an innocent lady. She spend the next  days laying on her bed. Riku left a letter but still hadn't come back to visit but to be honest Kaori thought it was better that he didn't. She didn't want him to see her the way she was.

Kaori still had two more day on her visa but she didn't want to spend her days in her appartement doing nothing and only going out to gather some food. So now she was on her way to find a game hoping that it would get her last game out of her head. Stopping in front of a building that was shaped like a T , she could hear people talking through her headphones. She walked up the stairs and quickly stopped at the entrance noticing eight players already standing there watching her. Her eyes fell on a man she immediately recognized.

" Oh! It's you."He said. Turning her head towards him she remembered how he was at her last game. He was the confident player that killed that young woman. Ignoring him she turned to the table where the phones were placed and walked towards it. She removed her hand from her pocket to get her phone and ignored the couple of looks she was still receiving.

Face recognition : Kaori Hatiro.
There are currently 9 players.
Please wait until the game to start.
She heard her phone say before walking up against the wall and leaning against it to have a good view of every player. She noticed how the man from her last game was still watching her. As they met eyes, he quickly looked away making her furrow her brows confused.

Her eyes then fell on a girl near the entrance. Her arms were crossed over her chest and looked like she knew what she was doing. Kaori could tell that she was good at physical games. She noticed also how some of the players were new by their clothes.

A boy with a blue cap walked up to girl. He was nervous and his hands kept shaking while holding the phone.

"Excuse me. Where did al the people in Tokyo go?"He asked the girl but before she could do anything a man walked between cutting him off and going to grab his phone. Kaori watched the man with interest. He was pretty big and confident. Kaori found him intimidating but Kaori knew that deep down he wasn't scary at all.

Kaori then saw a figure at the corner of her eye. It was a man standing in the corner with his hood on and had earphones in his ears. Kaori wondered what he was listening to but her attention was brought to something more interesting. At the bottom of his feet, he was charging something that looked like a record player. Furrowing her brows confused Kaori looked back up at him and found him glancing at her. She immediately moved her eyes away from, hating the awkward eye contact and looked back at the two other people that had entered.

They grabbed the last phones from the table, looking around everyone and walked back next to the boy with the blue cap. Kaori recognized one of the men. He was a bartender in the real world. Kaori had gotten to that bar after having a fight with her parents. She wasn't really much of a drinker but that day she thought it was the best idea to just have a couple of drinks to forget about her parents. Forget about her life. Have a break. It was definitely a bad idea.

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