Curiosity painted Meera's expression as she looked around at the assembled women. "What do we do?"

"We teach you," Zoya said, a warm smile playing on her lips, sparking giggles among the others.

"During a blooming ceremony, newlywed women pass on their advice and knowledge to the bride," Laiza clarified. "It is our job to prepare you for your wedding night."

Meera felt her cheeks warm instantly at the mention of the impending event. "For my what?"

"Don't be shy," Charlotte laughed, a shared understanding passing between the women. "We've all experienced this."

"And soon, you will experience yours," Zoya added, her words carrying a mixture of wisdom and anticipation.

"I..." Meera began, silently thanking the gods for the dim light in the garden. She was certain her face matched the vibrant red of the roses adorning the bushes.

"Meera," Laiza took Meera's hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "Tomorrow will be a very special day for you. You will be leaving behind girlhood and entering womanhood. You will become a wife, and there are many wifely duties you must become aware of."

Meera's anxiety grew as she questioned, "Such as?" She began nervously chewing on her bottom lip.

"Well, first things first, your wedding night," Zoya chimed in. "Don't be afraid to speak your mind. If anything feels uncomfortable, let your husband know. Things can get a bit... clumsy. But keep calm and just try to enjoy it."

The other girls fixated their gazes on Meera, who stared back at them with a blank expression, feeling a sense of confusion settling in.

"I don't understand," Meera admitted quietly.

"Have you never been to the kitchen in the palace?" Charlotte tilted her head curiously.

"No," Meera shook her head, puzzled.

"Ah," Zoya sighed with understanding. "Well, ladies, we start from the beginning."

"Am I missing something here?" Meera glanced around, seeking clarity in their words.

"Meera," Laiza spoke again, gently taking her hand. "You do know how a woman and a man's bodies are different, correct?"

Meera nodded hesitantly, replying, "Yes..."

"Okay, good," Zoya chuckled. "We can start there."

"Tomorrow night," Laiza gently tugged on Meera's hand to refocus her attention. "When Eryx and you are alone, things will happen."

"By the looks of your husband-to-be, wonderful things will happen," Charlotte muttered under her breath and took a sip of her drink.

Laiza ignored her friend's playful remark and continued, "Once you are married, Eryx and you will become one soul with two bodies. His belongs to you, and yours belongs to him."

Meera slowly pulled her hand back, her grip tightening on the fabric of her dress in her lap as the conversation unfolded.

"You don't have to feel shy or be worried about anything tomorrow night," Zoya reassured her. "Just let your bodies talk. Let them get to know one another."

"Yes," Charlotte nodded sagely. "I agree. Take your time; the more time you spend playing with one another, the better it will all feel. Otherwise, it might hurt."

Meera's eyes widened in surprise. "Hurt?"

"Only a little bit," Laiza assured her. "When Eryx... moves in between your legs..."

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