"I, ah," Usher watched as Rigel strained at his leash. "I was unaware he would be coming with us."

"I can assure you, he's very well behaved." I did keep a tighter hold of Rigel's leash as Usher led us out into the yard. He walked me through the workshops, where men were finishing a massive bronze propeller by sanding it. Ships in drydock were being painted and scraped clean. The men's hands were stained red by the anti-fouling paint. Some were being built, a gantry lowering massive engines into place.

We paused for a moment to watch this, Admiral Usher's staff having slowly accumulated behind us. I huddled my hands inside my muff, "It appears you truly are ramping up production."

"Incredibly so." Usher leaned back, his eyes focusing on how the engine was slowly dipping into the hull. "I'm sure you can imagine the headaches this is causing."

"I take it you are facilitating the contracts yourself?"

"Many of them, although I have delegated some to my staff."

"Including mine?"

"Oh, no ma'am. I will tend to your contracts personally."

I snorted, "I would not be insulted, Admiral Usher. In fact, I was coming to discuss that situation with you today."

"Perhaps inside." Admiral Usher held out his arm. "It's much warmer in my office." I was certainly glad to get back inside, although I had to leave Rigel down with Lewis, he had accumulated quite a bit of snow on his legs and I did not want to have that melt and stain the wood of Admiral Usher's office.

A pot of coffee was waiting for the both of us, and Admiral Usher waited until I'd poured a cup for myself before reaching for the silver pot. "You were speaking of the oversight of your contract?"

"Yes," I stirred a healthy helping of cream and sugar into my cup. "Given how many responsibilities have been added to your shoulders, I thought it might be beneficial to our working relationship to have a lower ranked officer act as a liaison to my company."

Admiral Usher leaned back, considering the idea. "You would not be offended?"

"Of course not," I chuckled, "In fact, I've heard good things about one of your quartermasters here. Lieutenant Greenwood, I believe."

"Oh, yes," He smiled slightly, "He quite a capable man."

"I could speak to him about this, with your permission of course." I sipped at my coffee. "It would help ease your burden."

"I'll have him brought."

"Oh, I would rather speak to him alone." I stood, keeping ahold of my cup. "I wouldn't want him to think he was being forced into it due to your presence. If you could just direct me to his office?"

Another officer was quickly summoned to walk me through the warren of hallways until we ended up at a rather nondescript door. He opened it for me, announcing me to Lieutenant Greenwood, and I had my first look at Sophie's man. He wasn't quite handsome, but wasn't plain. Brown hair, hazel eyes, and a wide and honest face.

All and all, I found I liked the look of him.

He was clearly on tenterhooks when the door was closed, anxiously sipping at his own coffee, and I simply decided to smash through any decorum. "The way Sophie described you I was expecting Casanova, but I think you're much better suited for her."

Morris leaned over suddenly, coffee spluttering out as he coughed and spat behind his desk. He was still shaky as he wiped his mouth and looked to me, "You're, you're here to blackmail me, aren't you?"

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, quit being so dramatic." At that he seemed to calm, pulling a handkerchief out to mop up the coffee. "I'm here as Sophie's friend, as well as checking up on one of my company's clients."

Cold All the Way Through, But WarmingWhere stories live. Discover now