Part 31: The King

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Zam runs down the scarlet ink, his fists ready, as he jumps towards a knight and lands a devastating blow to his head, managing to rip it right off their neck. The knights surround him with several spearmen hiding behind the swordsmen as they thrust their spears at him and bring down their blades. Zam's eyes glow with excitement as his knuckles melt into daggers. He jumps up to avoid the spears and uses his daggers to block the blades that aim for his vital spots, but he takes some light scratches on his body. While in the air, he quickly kicks away two of the knights, stabs one of his daggers into the head of another, and uses that to lift himself into the air. The archers in the back suddenly fire out at him as he lifts himself higher into the air. The spearmen throw their weapons at him. "Crap," Zam says with a grin. Multiple arrows stab into his arms, and while he does manage to dodge the spears rather well, one of them stabs right through his shoulder. Zam detaches his arms, and they disintegrate. He begins to fall and quickly looks around the arena, seeing Pocu in the center of it with her head down and being held closely by a man and a woman. He sees the army of knights below him, watching him as he falls, and finally he sees the archers in the back, readying their bows. He summons a purple and white hand to his shoulders as he lands on the ground. The knights quickly react with their weapons as the archers stand at the ready. "Club Obsidiana. (Obsidian Club) He says this as he stabs his rapier through the black scar on his white hand. The knights suddenly fall to the ground as Zam stands tall above, holding a club in his purple hand. His white arm is gone as he replaces it with another purple one. The club has a short handle and a long wooden middle with a skull design that has colored teeth in the center of it. Along the side of the club are several teeth, like razor-sharp black blades. "My ancestors would be smiling upon me." He says this with a grin as he starts to run towards Pocu. Multiple knights rise up from the ink, with even scarlet tentacles rising as well. With a crazed and smiling face, Zam runs towards them, holding his obsidian club in hand. However, he doesn't fight them; instead, he slams his club on the ground, and a large black ripple extends from it, shaking the entire building and tripping the Knights. He quickly rushes past, dodging the scarlet tentacles. As he arrives near Pocu, an entire storm of arrows rains down on him. He continues to run as the arrows rain on him. He manages to weave through most of the arrows, but some manage to pierce his back. He lets out a joyful laugh as they do, and he continues to run towards Pocu. The knights behind him, as well as the archers, melt back into the ink. He then arrives close to Pocu, and he can see the ink flowing from her eyes and mouth. He doesn't say anything and continues to move toward her, but then the ground shakes. He quickly gets his footing, but then he sees a large mass of ink rise from behind them. "¡ESO ES! ¡DA TODO LO QUE TIENES PEQUEÑA!." (THATS IT! GIVE ALL YOU GOT LITTLE GIRL!) He shouts with his crazed eyes as he points his club at the top mass. The mass then forms itself into a humanoid figure with a fire-like head. It lets out an enraged roar that shakes the building. 'I can't just not respond in kind.' He thinks to himself as he points his hand in the air. "¡QUIÉN ES EL REY!" He shouts to the crowd, and they cheer out his name. "ZAM! ZAM! ZAM!" His hands summon and circle behind him. "¡ESO ES! ¡YO SOY EL REY!" (THATS RIGHT! I AM THE KING!) he shouts out with a wide smile on his face. His hands all rest on his club. A white shield with his name summons itself onto his freehand. A black, curved blade attaches itself to the tip of his club. A blue napkin covers the handle of his club. A long, purple needle attaches itself to the flat side of his club. His club bursts into flames. A yellow brass knuckle appears on his fists. A spool of red thread attaches itself to the needle. He then runs past Pocu, heading straight to the giant; his club reels back, ready to strike it with all his force. The creature lets out another roar, this time with arrows firing out of its mouth while knights shoot out of its body, flying towards Zam. With a crazed laugh, Zam uses his shield to block the arrows and strikes down any knight getting close to him. He then lands on the shoulder of the beast and swings his club into the creature, and the flames quickly spread all across its body, lighting it on fire. It doesn't seem to matter as the knights pull themselves out of the giant's body and run towards Zam. Zam laughs as he runs through the knights, easily breaking them down with a single swing of his club. Suddenly, tentacles slash down his back. Zam lets out a loud laugh as it slices his back, leaving a deep and bleeding wound, but he ignores it and continues to run towards its head. He manages to arrive at its neck, and using his club, he quickly scales its giant head by using the curved blade attached to it. He reaches the head and quickly slams down his club on it. He pours physical energy into the club, causing the flames to burn ever hotter as he uses his mana to focus the flames on its head. The creature lets out a roar of pain as it swings its head to try and knock Zam off, but it's fruitless as Zam lets out a loud and insane laugh as he continues to make the fires burn ever hotter. Eventually, the creature melts, and Zam falls to the ground. "Sorry kid." He says this as he quickly dashes to Pocu. He arrives very soon and delivers a swift kick to the back of her head. She falls limp, and the ink stops flowing from her face. All the ink surrounding the area quickly disintegrates, and Zam points his club in the air. His sweat-drenched body has only one wound as he lets out a loud roar of victory, with the crowd mimicking his roar.
Raphael lets out a sigh of relief as she sees Zam's victory. She then turns to Sahar as Folmon summons an arrow made of mana and points it at her throat. "Get us out." He demands as Raphael pulls her sword out with the sheath still on it. "I'm not the one who does that stuff. Are those ears just for show?" Folmon takes off her mask. "You're blind?" Raphael says with a confused expression on her face as she sees her blurred eyes. "So? Are you so much of a good person that you won't hurt a blind person?" Sahar says with a grin. Raphael shakes her head and points her blade at Sahar. "Get us out. There's no way you won't have an exit planned, especially since you already know who I am." Sahar looks at Raphael, disinterested. "Does the elf even know who you are?" She says with a small smile. Under her mask, Raphael nervously looks at Sahar. "She's Raphael of the healing waters. What're you implying, human?" Folmon asks as he pokes the arrow tip more into her neck. "Your father awaits you in the black palace, Ikati." Sahar says as a black pillar suddenly erupts from her shadow, taking her away. "NO!" Raphael shouts as she stabs her blade into the pillar, but it disperses and leaves nothing. She quickly turns her head to New, who's trying to crawl away. "NEW!" She shouts, picking him up. "AH! Please don't hurt me, Lady Ikati! I swear, I didn't know-" "I don't care! Tell me there's an exit!" She shouts. Folmon walks over to her and puts his hand on her shoulder. "Raphael, calm down! Nothing good will happen if you're going crazy! We need to stay calm." Raphael shakes her head quickly, calming down. "Yeah, you're right." She then turns back to New. "Is there an exit?" She asks him, and he nods. "Y- yes there is. There's an emergency exit in case Sau were to get injured and couldn't teleport us out. It's over there." He points to the food. She quickly lets go of him and then makes her way to where he points, finding a small door under the table.
Sau floats down to Zam as the crowds cheer his name. "And he's done it, folks! The king took down the giant beast and defeated its summoner! He faced an army of immortal warriors and still won! What do you have to say?"Sau says this as he hands him the magic circle. Zam first picks up Pocu carefully before saying anything. "I'm done." He says into the circle, much to the shock of the crowd, who all let out a collective gasp. "What!?" Sau says. "I'm done with this. I'm not doing what you want anymore. This wasn't a fight I could enjoy, not to mention you lied about there not being any humans left." Sau glares at Zam. "You think you had a choice? You never did. You will continue to fight for us or else, Zam." He threatens, but Zam isn't having it as he summons his black hand, and from his hand, his pistol is formed, and he points the barrel right between Sau's eyes. "Or else what? I don't have a family, I don't have any friends, and I don't have a life outside of this place. You're going to kill me? Maybe press the button that shocks me. I'm sure I can shoot faster than you can press the button." The two glare at each other, and Sau does make a move to his pocket, but a loud gunshot rings out before he can even get close. Sau's body falls to the ground lifelessly, with a hole between his eyes and through his head. The crowd screams in fear as they quickly leave the arena. Zam sits down, clearly exhausted. "God damnit. I didn't want to do that." He says this while sounding a bit annoyed. As he rests for a bit, Raphael runs down the arena towards him, her mask off. Zam looks at her in surprise, and his eyes open wide. "Ikati!?" He says in shock.

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