Chapter 13: The calm before the storm.

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As they leave the restaurant, Pocu is very confused about what's currently going on, not being able to hear what Rodet is saying as they leave the premises. Pocus hearing returns to her and the first thing she hears is Rodet mumbling something. "What? What's going on?" She asks, confused to Rodet. "We're leaving." He says as he claps his hands. The bubble appearing back on Pocus' head and gills appears on his neck. "Why are we leaving? Did something happen?" Pocu asks, but it falls on deaf ears as Rodet continues to lead her to the edge of the city. As they exit the bubble Rodet lets go of Pocu, allowing the band of light that holds their wrists together to hold Pocu close to him as he claps his hands. A small boat of wind is created in front of them. Rodet signals for Pocu to get in as he sits on it. As they enter the boat Rodet claps his hands once more, a vortex of turbulent wind propelling the boat an incredible distance in as few of time as possible, even moving the boat, up, down, left, right, in all directions. While the boat moves, Pocu is happily enjoying the excitement of the speed of the boat while Rodet looks stressed. Pocu does not notice what with the excitement of the speeds they are going that blood bleeds out from Rodet's nose, which he quickly cleans off with the water. Back at the restaurant, Matzavah and Merkavah are eating their meal. Matzavah happily and formally eats with her fork and knife and Merkavah silently and quietly eats his food with one hand while reading his book with his other hand. "How much longer should we wait? This is one of the larger worlds." Merkavah says as he eats. Matzavah shrugs. "It doesn't matter. Ever since I cut him, I've known where he is. So long as he doesn't leave this world, we'll know where he is." She says in a calm voice as she finishes her meal. "Really? I thought you relished the hunt." Merkavah says with an eyebrow raised. Matzavah grows a smile on her face. "The hunt began when we were given the order. Now I just get to play with my prey." She says as she plays with her food. "Although Lord Galdur is no fool. He must've already known he's being tracked. So he'll most likely head to sajūsma. It's the only place so deep and far from here that it'll definitely escape my tracking. I'm just waiting for him to get there, so it'll be more fun." She says with a smile. As the boat slows down, Rodet and Pocu sit and rest. As the boat moves down deeper into the sea, Pocu starts a conversation with Rodet. "Can you tell me more about magic?" She asks with a small smile, "Sure." Rodet says with a tired expression. "So The second lesson. Magic isn't a single thing. You've seen me using a variety of spells, right?" He asks, and Pocu nods her head. "That's what I mean. Magic is a very personal thing, depending on who you ask. For some people, it's all about doing their own thing. For others, it's just a tool to be used by anyone. Magic is a very odd thing. Anyone can do any sort of spells. There's no naturally set spells. Although that isn't necessarily true, however. There is a grimoire of magic in the different worlds that have unique spells in those worlds." Pocu seems to understand what he's saying, staying quiet and carefully listening. "What about you Mr. Rodet?" Rodet raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" "What do you think of magic?" Rodet thinks for a little. "A curse. Magic is an odd thing. It's like a knife, you could say. It both helps and harms just as a knife can defend and kill. It's a common analogy, but it is a fitting one. But moving on from that, magic requires a focus. This is why you see me clap my hands right before I use, it although this can be ignored if you have an item that can focus mana like a grimoire or a staff." Rodet says to a focused and listening Pocu. "Why don't you use a staff or grimoire?" "I can't to put it simply. A staff or grimoire is very odd to say the least. In order to use a staff or grimore, it needs to have a connection to the person using it. You can't just pick up a stick and start waving it around shooting balls of fire." Rodet says jokingly. "No, to use one, it must have a personal connection. The reason for this is that the mana of a person has to have a link to that object. The core I told you about is what allows us to sense and manipulate the mana we hold within. The core, however, is also what lets we flow our mana throughout our body and then to the staff or grimoire." As Rodet speaks, Pocu is paying close attention to every word he says. "So, what is a focus?" she asks curiously asks. "A focus, be it the two things I have just said or an action like clapping your hands is a vital thing to any spell caster. The action allows the mana to quickly flow to both your mind and your hands. The reason it flows to your mind is that it must know what it is you want. By flowing to your mind, it lets the mana know what you want to do. Then it flows to your hands, which activates what you wish to do. A staff or grimoire is a way to speed this process up and to use less mana. The two items are set to do certain things, so it makes it use the spells faster." Rodet explains in a relaxed tone. Pocu then asks, "So, can you teach me how to use a spell?" She asks with a hopeful smile. "No. I said earlier, if you want to learn anything else besides the basics, you'll have to do it yourself." He says as he starts to look at the surrounding sea. As Pocu closes her eyes and tries to cast a spell, Rodet keeps a close eye around them. As Rodet looks around, he sees a flock of enormous black cocoon shaped creatures with mandibles and four eyes drifting across the sea as they head deeper past them. Rodet tries to ignore them, but it's a very unsettling sight. Suddenly a small little buddy made of fire expands from Pocus palms "Haha! I did it! I made a friend!" She happily and loudly exclaims, surprising Rodet as he looks at the creature, nervous that they heard Pocu. Pocu is confused by Rodets' silence, so she and her little buddy both turn to where Rodet is looking and yelps in fear, almost jumping out of the boat if not for the band of light connecting her to Rodet. "WHAT IS THAT!" she shouts terrified. Rodet shushes her, clapping his hands, making a black sphere around her mouth as he keeps his watch on the odd creatures, making sure they don't move towards them. One of the creature turn to them but seems to ignore it and continues moving with their flock. Rodet waits a bit for them to pass before speaking to Pocu. "That is called a Kokons and is hailed as the most powerful race here." He says nervously as he continues to look around their surroundings. After a bit, he claps his hands and the black sphere around her mouth disappears. "Ok, you can talk now." He says, and Pocu fires off a multitude of questions. "What is that!? Why is it the most powerful!? Why does it look like a giant cocoon!? Did you see my little flame buddy!? Why is he able to walk around in the water!?" After she says her questions, Rodet calmly answers them all. "It's called a Kokons. I don't know why it's the most powerful, but that's what it's called. I don't know, maybe it's better to move around in? I did see it. It's not extinguished because it's made of mana, not fire. It takes the form of fire but isn't." He quickly answers. "Oh... well, his name is now Gary!" She happily says as the little fire creature dances on the floor of the boat. "Is this what you were spending all that time focusing on?" He asks as he watches Gary break it down on the floor of the boat. Pocu happily nods.

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