Chapter 5: Surpise

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Rodet walks out of the tavern and looks around "that damn Hob." Rodet says as he doesn't find the carriage until Pocu points into an alleyway and finds it being raided by some Beastkins "Hey!" He shouts spooking them as the runaway, Rodet goes towards the carriage and finds its empty inside "God damnit Erboc! You didn't think to have guards stationed!" He says, annoyed. Rodet then picks up Pocu and placed her inside the carriage as he pulls it out. As he does this, Pocu stays quiet as she looks around in the carriage, finding a small bag. She picks up the bag and looks inside, finding an odd beautifully cut purple gem with an odd symbol on it 'What's this?' She wonders as she pulls it out. As Rodet parks the carriage on the side of the road. Rodet then enters the carriage "ok we'll just have to-" he stops talking in surprise as he sees Pocu messing around with the gem "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT!" He shouts as he quickly approaches her snatching the gem out of her hands. This scares Pocu, as she looks at him in fear. Rodet notices and calms down, sitting down. "Sorry for yelling but please explain where you got this?" He asks and Pocu points at the bag. "I- I found it inside." Rodet quickly examines the bag, finding it empty. Rodet carefully places the gem inside the bag. "Pocu, that gem is very, very precious to someone. It's called a soul gem. The people of this world are all born with it. It's very precious to them as if it were to break then..." Rodet doesn't finish his sentence tying the bag up. "The person who left this will come back later. We'll wait for him and Erboc." Rodet says, laying down next to Pocu. As they wait Pocu walks in a circle as Rodet has Fallen asleep, as Pocu walks around she hears rustling she looks out of the carriage and sees Erboc and the group of goblins drunkenly approaching the carriage, she waves hello towards them and they wave back but then she notices some glowing lines behind them 'What's that?' She thinks as Erboc falls to the ground with a blade in the back of his head. Pocus' eyes grow wide in shock as the other goblins seem to turn around in slow motion but fall to the ground fast. Pocu sees a group of different species of Demi-Humans dashing towards Pocu who screams In fear. A human looking creature suddenly appears in front of Pocu, their hair glowing white in the darkness of night, their eyes glowing a bright and fearful yellow as they bring down a sword towards Pocus' head. The blade lightly slices Pocus' head when a magical barrier then blocks it. From cutting deeper, the humanoid jumping back as Rodet wakes up his hands clapped together "POCU GO TO THE FRONT AND WHIP THE TASSELS!" He shouts but Pocu falls the ground terrified. Rodet then throws Pocu back into the cart and jumps out clapping his hands, a large magical barrier surrounding the entire carriage. "RODET!" Pocu shouts from inside the barrier pounding on it. Rodet ignores Pocus's cries as he looks around to understand what's happening. 'Erboc...' he grievously thinks then looking forward to see four different creatures standing in front of him, two are beastkin one is more animal than human while the other is a more human than animal specifically a white tiger, then they are joined by one that looks very similarly to a human but only has a single pointed ear. Then an Elf who has a bow on his back 'An elf, A half human, A Beast and hybrid.' He thinks. The group stares Rodet down as he does so as well. Rodet silently snaps his fingers a dome surrounding them when the Elf speaks "We're here not for you Sir Galdur but for the soul gem and the girl." He says with a tone that sounds as though he speaks down to Galdur, "You know of me yet you still attack me and my dear friend." Galdur calmly says, "He got in the way. His fault." The human says, "We don't want to fight you, Sir Galdur. We believe that everyone in this world owes you a great debt for what you have done." The hybrid says with a slight bow "Yet you kill Erboc." Galdur says with a slight rage "With all-" "He's just a f***ing Hobgoblin, what's it even matter? Y'all probably just used him to carry stuff!" The beast says as he dashes towards Galdur. "CHO DONT!" The elf shouts, but it's too late. Cho the beast raises his claws up to slice down on Galdur. Galdur's eyes glow with a slight red as a snapping sound can be heard. Cho then falls to the ground, limp. "Silent death." Galdur says "You took one of my friends, so I took one of yours. I gave him a peaceful death because you did give Erboc one." Galdur says in a intimidating voice as he looks at Erboc's still smiling face with a sword deep in the back of his skull. 'An elf, Hybrid and half human.' Galdur thinks, taking note "I- I suppose that is fair Sir Galdur." The elf says as he clutches his hand tightly behind his back, "YOU BASTARD!" The Hybrid shouts as the human holds him back, "DOMO HOLD YOURSELF!" The human shouts as Domo the hybrid then stops struggling but glares at Galdur. "Explain why you want the girl and soul gem. Because it appears everyone here has theirs." Galdur says. The Elf gulps in fear, 'So this is the legendary Galdur. The amount of Mana flowing from him... it's terrifying.' The elf clears his throat as he starts to speak "T- the girl was rightfully summoned by house Beilynn-" as he says this gravity starts to pull down on the group the Domo and the elf withstand it however the half human couldn't as she starts to become crushed "Tell Elmar to stop coming after her." Galdur commands, "I- I WILL NOW PLEASE STOP THE SPELL!" The elf pleads, 'I- I didn't even hear any form of focus! How is this spell being cast!?" "You killed Erboc's companions as well, didn't you?" Galdur says with a cold voice as he claps his hands, the half human being reduced to nothing but paste "SEZEI!" Domo shouts as he falls to the ground with the Spell being turned off. Domo looks at the stains of blood that were once living. As tears swell up in his eyes, he turns around with hate-filled eyes directed at Galdur, but he doesn't dash at him. "S- Sir Galdur I- I implore you to please let us go!" The elf pleads, "What is your name?" Galdur commands towards the elf " F-Folmon Wysaven." He says with fear grasping his throat, "You're part of a noble clan. One of the five great clans, yet here you are. Two dead companions, a lost soul gem and nothing to show for it. You can't even bury the corpses of your friends," Galdur says as he claps his hands, creating a fireball as he sets Cho's body ablaze. "And here I am. With the soul gem, the girl, and three dead friends." As Galdur says this the hybrid looks terrified "SIR GALDUR PLEASE DONT!" Folmon shouts begging for his only friend left to be spared "Why should I?" He says clapping his hands then as he slowly separates them lighting starts to flicker between his palms. Folmon throws a bag at Galdur's feet. "I-Inside there are ten great potions of healing! As well as a map to the next world! Y- you are trying to get the girl home yes?! I- I overheard this!" Galdur stops the lighting as he picks up the bag and looks through it seeing it is how he said "Ok." He says filling the elf's face as well as the Hybrids face with hope "However I don't tolerate lies." He says, clapping his hands. Domos leg suddenly becomes sliced off as a blade of wind is shot out of Galdur's finger, cleanly slicing his leg right off. Both Folmons' and Domos' eyes grow wide as they see Domo's leg in the sky. The silence is broken as Domo screams in pain. Folmon quickly dashing towards his fallen friend quickly pulling out a potion from his back pocket 'DAMNIT DAMNIT DAMNIT! HOW DID HE KNOW!' Folmon thinks as he panics, "I've fought many elves. I know of their tricks. I don't care if you did or didn't lie to me. All I know is that repentance must be paid. What you gave was only enough for his life. But not enough for his ability to move." Galdur coldly says as he claps his hands once more, another blade of water chopping off Domos' other leg. As Domo screams in pain, eventually passing out, Galdur says, "I give you this final opportunity to leave. Should I even sense your presence, I'll kill both you with the most horrible spell I know constantly resurrecting you then killing you again and again." Folmon looks at Galdur In absolute despair as the magical barrier surrounding them falls "Now go! And tell Elmar Beilynn what I told you today!" Galdur shouts, Folmon picking up his now disabled friend and running away. As soon as the two disappear from eyeshot, Galdur falls to the ground, blood pouring from his nose and eyes, even his mouth as Pocu falls to the ground next to him, hitting her head. "RODET!" She shouts, going towards him despite her hood falling off. Pocu can't do anything but watch as Rodet becomes unconscious. She cries out for help but for the few citizens that open their windows to see what's the commotion, they all instead insult Pocu and Rodet. "Finally, that damn human is dead." "Oh there's two now!?" "Shut up!" Pocu can't believe what she hears "HELP! PLEASE!" She says in tears, "SHUT UP!" The voices all say as they close their windows. Pocu stands up panicking as she doesn't know what to do 'The Lizard lady!" She thinks as she dashes over to the tavern's door, while making sure not to step on Erbocs and the goblin corpses 'I'm sorry!' She thinks as she passes them and then pounds on the tavern door. The bartender opens the door, annoyed. "I ain't buying what you're selling!" She shouts then, seeing the crying child, "PLEASE HELP!" She cries out.

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