Part 9: Arcana

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The two arrive at a small village. As they enter the village, Rodet notices how the numerous Beastkin and Elvish villagers give them various looks. Rodet parks the carriage in front of a large building. He picks up Pocu as he exits the carriage. Rodet claps his hands and the carriage shrinks. Galdur puts the carriage in his pocket as he enters the inn. As Rodet enters the inn, he finds a Beastkin manning the desk. "How much is it for a room?" He asks. The Beastkin points to a sign that reads "5 - silver per human. 3 - silver per Demi race. 2 - silver per beast / Beastkin." Rodet sigh handing the Beastkin ten silver who then hands him a key. As Galdur enters the room, he plops Pocu into a bed then heads to bed. Rodet wakes up not that long after he went to bed. He claps his hands, creating a barrier around Pocu. He then swiftly leaves the room. Rodet is outside as he sees someone who rips apart yellow magical binds. Rodet looks at the person. "Why have you come, Hermit?" He asks the person whose face and skin are hidden by a magical shadow. "Long time no see." They say with a smile. "You know my role within the Arcana man. Look, Beliynn wants the girl. The gem is also a bonus, but not his main goal, y'know?" The man says in a casual tone to Rodet. Rodet sighs. "Look, I'm not letting that mother f**ker get anywhere near Pocu." Rodet says in a stern voice while glaring at the Hermit. "Well, I can't say I tried." He says with a smile as he disappears within in the shadows. Rodet also smiles to himself before he goes back to his room. While he's inside, he begins to think to himself. 'I enjoyed seeing him. Goodness, it's been years since I thought about the Arcana. I still hate that man. Beliynn however... I don't know how I feel about this.' In the fifth world, a lone elf sits in a rather bland room. The elf has gray skin and birthmarks that appear like a line of paint on his face. His head is empty of any hair and his skin appearing cracked. The walls are barren of any kind of art or decorations. All that is in the room is the lone elf and a throne which he sits upon. The elf stands up and walks towards a door. As the elf exits, he's meet with a balcony with a curtain that blocks his appearance to the outside but lets him see out. The balcony gives him a glorious view of a city atop several large arch-trees. The trees very well may scrape the sky itself with their immense height. The cities are built within these great trees. As the elf looks towards the city admiring it, he notices many other elves waving at him, so he returns the waves to the elves. After a bit, the elf enters the bland room once more, returning to his seat. As the elf sits, he starts to bend his fingers in unnatural ways. Mana starts to flood the room, creating a vortex of a gray-colored light. After some time, it all ends and the room the elf is in seems to transform into a gorgeous throne room decorated with golden flowers and several art pieces. One of the art pieces is unique and different from the others. It has two humans on it instead of elves like the other. One of the humans seems to come from the skies above, reaching down to the world below. The other human reaching up to the man coming from the skies, reaching his hand out so that the two of their fingers meet. The art piece has a label, but it seems scratched out. The elf sits on his throne, his body now changed. His body is now a pure white with no birthmarks, his head full of beautiful golden locks and his skin as smooth as a child. a confident smile slowly grows on his face as four elves enter his room bowing before him. Each of the four elves has a distinct appearance. One of the elves has a brown skin tone with matching long brown hair. He wears an armband with a drake symbol on it. The second elf has flowing water like blue hair with gold like skin. She wears an armband with a Lindwrum symbol on it. This elf also appears to be the youngest out of all five of the elves within the room. The third elf having a long slender body and short green hair with at first glance smooth skin but on a closer look his skin is scaly like a lizard. He wears an armband with a Wyrm symbol on it. The final elf seems to be the oldest, with a large muscular stature and build with orange skin that is in contrary to the others. Their skin is smooth and soft while his is rough and tough. His hair being an unkempt short dark green. This final elf wears the armband of an amphiptere. "My liege." They all say in unison. The elf sitting on the throne starts to speak to the kneeling elves with a booming voice. "What is the current situation?" He asks as the elf with the drake armband responds. "Sir, The Arcana have made contact with sir Galdur Rodet and he has refused to give the child. Currently, Arcana Chariot and Strength have been dispatched in order to deal with him." As he says this, continuing to kneel down and face the ground as to not look at the elf sitting on the throne. "What of the Fool? Why is he not going in order to quickly finish this." "He says he wants to gather more information about sir Galdur and that Chariot and Strength should be more than enough to deal with him. Should they not be able to, then he'll keep sending his men to keep gathering information." The elf on the throne makes an annoyed face clicking his tongue. "Tsk. Fine, so be it. If he wishes to send his men to be killed, then let him. What of the failure?" He asks, resting his head on the palm of his hand. "He has been sent to the fourth world already. His home has been taken and is being used to hold the sacrifices." Says the one with Lindwrum armband. "I see. Do we know of Galdur's current location with the girl?" The elf asks with an annoyed expression. "All we know is that he is currently in the first world. We don't know his exact location." The elf with the Wyrm armband says. As he says this, the elf on the throne looks furious. "What!? How do we not know where he is despite the Arcana finding his location to speak with him!?" He shouts, causing the building shake. The elf with the Amphiptere begins to speak to try to calm the raging king. "Milord! The Hermit was the one to speak with him! He had refused to give the location of Galdur!" The elf on the throne looks at the elf with the amphiptere with an annoyed expression, "Aquilan Balceran." He says with a now cold expression, "if he cannot grant me an acceptable answer. I will punish you." Aquilan nods his head, understanding what is at stake. "All of you leave. Bring The Hermit." He says waving his hand. The four elves nod leaving the room. After a bit of time, a man covered in shadows enter the throne room standing before the king. "What's up, Beilynn?" He asks in a nonchalant voice, his hands resting on the back of his head. "Why are you refusing to give the location of Galdur?" Beilynn asks in an angry voice. "What's the fun if I spoil it? If I told you, you would force fool to send all of us there as well as bringing your own men. But ya can't do that if I don't tell you where he is. We both also know that blindly sending your army to the first world would be worthless if he's already gone." The Hermit says with a noticeable smirk which infuriates Beliynn. "You will tell me where he is, Hermit!" Beliynn shouts. The Hermit snaps his finger, the shadows covering his body melting. Revealing a thin man wearing a white cloak with a blue hood, with no shirt underneath the robe. He has a long loincloth on his waist. On his back is a white coat with a blue underside. In his right hand, he holds a staff that has a guard on it despite not being a blade. The Hermit points his staff at Beliynn. "I don't have to tell you anything. Fool is my boss, not you. Tell him to tell me." He says with a grin, furthering infuriating Beliynn.

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