Chapter 8: Traveling

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Pocu is awake in the dead of night as Rodet as driving the carriage she happily sit next to him looking around. After a while, she asks Rodet, "Where are we going?" She asks "To a small city. It's on the way to the bridge of World two And I'm hoping we can rest there to be ready for tomorrow." Rodet says to her "ooo! Can we explore!" Rodet shrugs. "No rest is-" as he speaks, the carriage is suddenly attacked and he and Pocu are knocked off it. Rodet immediately claps his hands, a bubble forming around him and Pocu so they don't get injured. He then claps his hands again as they float up but he doesn't see anything, so he once again claps his hands, his eyes glowing slightly brighter as he looks around but continues not to see anything "What the hell?" He says as he floats back down and investigates the damage on the carriage. "What happened?" Pocu asks, slightly worried. "Hmmmm." Rodet thinks as he looks at the arrow lodged in the carriage. It seems to have a odd design to it. The arrow has a what looks to be a cross engraved into the shaft of it. Rodet pulls the arrow out of the carriage while Pocu continues to ask what happened to him. Rodet takes a closer look at the arrow 'It's gnomish.' He thinks. Pocu gets annoyed that Rodet is ignoring her, so she smacks his back. "WHAT HAPPENED!" She shouts, frustrated as she smacks him. Rodet falls to the ground, groaning in pain. "Pocu! You little....." he doesn't finish his sentence as he gets up clutching his back while turning to Pocu "A arrow was shot into our carriage. There you happy!" He says frustrated while Pocu happily nods "Why did an arrow hit the cart?" She asks. Rodet picks up the arrow. "Could've been a stray shot. These forests are known for their plentiful livestock." He says as he claps his hands. 'but I've never seen a Gnome Miss their target.' Rodet then shrugs. "Let's just get back in the carriage. It's night, so it's dangerous to be out and about." He says as he picks up Pocu and puts her back in the cart. As they continue to ride Rodet has put the Arrow in the back of the cart, Pocu then asks, "Mr. Rodet, what was it like where you're from?" She asks with a hint of excitement. Rodet thinks for a bit. "It's been some time since I last thought about my home in the other world. I believe it was a small village. I would help the other villagers and the like with their tasks. It was a happy and relaxing life I once had," Rodet says with a small smile, his voice giving way to a slight amount of nostalgia. "What about you, Pocu? How was it like where you're from?" he asks but he notices Pocus' expression turns blank as she doesn't respond. The two become silent for a little. Rodet decides to try to break the silence. "Pocu, do you want me to tell you a small amount of this world?" He asks Pocu, who happily responds, an excited expression growing on their face. "Yes!" She happily proclaims, "within this world no one is given a name at birth. Instead, names are earned in some way, either by working hard until you become the best at a certain craft or by simply being strong, however that isn't entirely true. Some names are passed down a lineage. A family name, as it's called, is mostly left to nobility. I don't like this personally, so I give names to those who wish to have them. The names I give them are the same from a sacred book I used to read back home. Uriel is one of the people I gave a name to years ago." Rodet speaks with a calm and relaxing voice to Pocu as he tells this story of the lands. "What about the bartender, lady? You two looked like friends, but you never said her name." Pocu asks curiously. "I have asked her if she wanted a name, but she refused, saying how it didn't feel right to simply be given one." Pocu nods as she yawns and lays her head on his leg. "Can you tell me a story?" Pocu tiredly asks. Rodet sighs "ok. A long time ago there was a group of people, A Human, Satyr, elf, beastkin, and a hobgoblin. This group of people decided that they together would save this world from bad people, so they called themself the most righteous thing they could think of, The Archangels. This group went on several adventures. They slew a dragon, helped take down an evil king, fought the kings of nature. Soon after, the Archangels started to have less and less bad guys to fight. So they split up. The Hobgoblin decided to go off and be with his kind. The Beastkin wanted to learn more about herself, so she set off on an adventure of her own. The Satyr wanted to continue to help others, so he went back to talk to and set up a home with others... The Human decided to go where he was first summoned and live there for the rest of his days. Sorry if that story wasn't that good. I'm not great at these." He says chuckling, but he gets quiet as he sees Pocu already asleep.

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