Chapter 15: Carnaval

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As Pocu and Rodet enter, they hear loud music playing. "Oh, gods no," Rodet says, annoyed as he hears the music. Pocu is covering her ears, but she still looks excited. "Why is there music!?" she says with a very elated expression. As they step out of the boat and into the land, Rodet explains. "It's Carnaval. It's some holiday they celebrate here after a human was summoned and introduced it. It's loud and annoying." He says as he claps his hands and small black spheres can be seen in his ears along with Pocus. "These will reduce the loud sounds." He says as they enter the actual district instead of being on the dock. As they enter the district, they see a large amount of Elves, Beastkin, Beasts, Valis, a new odd species that looks similar to a Valis but with more tentacles and a feminine body shape, all dressed up in skimpy flower dresses and dancing all throughout the street with the men shirtless and some wearing large feathered crowns and others wearing smaller crowns of feathers. There's a large whale of water in the center of the dancers where some Beastkin and Elves are dancing atop or playing instruments. "Wow!! It looks so fun!" Pocu says with a happy grin as she claps along with the music. Some of the dancers even happily wave at Pocu. "Yeah, it probably is. But we're not here for this. We're-" before Rodet can finish his sentence, Pocu is scooped up by one of dancers, much to her delight. The dancer's a female black panther beastkin wearing a black cat mask with a white feather crown with gauntlets that have large black tipped cyan feathers. "Yay!!" She exclaims as the dancers places her on their shoulder. The string of light that connects Rodets and Pocus's wrist glows brightly so Rodet can find her in the massive wave of people. "By the gods! We don't have time for this!" Rodet says, annoyed as he follows the dancer carrying Pocu, much to her delight. "Yayy!" Pocu happily shouts as she stands on the women's shoulder dancing along with them. "Pocu! We have to-" "Awww let the little one play!" The dancer says "The girl has to party! Stop being such a wet towel like always, Galdur!" She says as she takes his hand and drags him into the parade despite his attempts to fight back. "Hey, hey! Let me go!" Rodet says, trying to fight back but a single flick of her wrist and Rodet is spun across the street, only to return to her. "Have some fun Galdur! You can't keep being so boring!" She says with a grin as she holds his palms, forcing him to mimic her dance. Meanwhile Pocu is having the time of her life now wearing a large feathered crown "Woooo!" She shouts out with a large smile as she dances along with the dancers. "Let me go! Who the heck even are you!?" Galdur shouts out to the beastkin, annoyed. She happily laughs out as let's go of one of his hands and pulls her mask back. "Come on Galdur! Let's just have some fun!" The beastkin happily says with a wide smile. "Raphael!? What in the name of-" before Galdur can continue his sentence, Raphael slips her mask back on and whips him out to the side, then pulling him back to hang him down with her hand on his waist. "I'm just having some fun. Maybe you should also try it out?" She says with a wide smile and a laugh. After about an hour of forced dance, Rodet lies on the sidewalk exhausted while the streets are still full of different races dancing and enjoying themself. "I hate you... Raphael!" He says, exhausted, while she carries a smirk on their face. "You just don't like having fun!" Raphael says, chuckling. "I'll go get the little one. That spell of yours is so useful! It'll make it easier." She says, laughing as she walks off, following the strand of light. She comes back with a sleeping Pocu in her arms. Pocu has taken off her cloak and still has the crown on and has a large feathered boa on. "Awww, she Tuckered herself out." Raphael says, laughing. "Come, I'll take you to my home." She says grabbing Rodet by his collar and dragging him across the ground. "I hate you." Rodet says with an angry expression as he's being dragged. "Love you too Gal." She says with a grin. They soon enter a stone home, Raphael laying Pocu on a comfortable couch and dragging Rodet to a nearby chair. "Let me go change into my normal clothes instead of my Carnaval ones." She says with a wink as she enters a room. Rodet looks at the sleeping Pocu with a slightly annoyed expression. 'You just had to join in the festival.' He thinks to himself as he gets up to sit on the couch. Raphael exits her room wearing a white shirt with a paw print on it and black pants. Raphael's hair and other features are much more clear now without her Carnaval clothing. Her long black hair with cat ears on top of her head as well as a more human appearance rather than beast, with the only beast thing about her is her cat ears, cat eyes and tail. Her eyes are a light purple with a cat like look to them. Raphael sits across from Rodet in another chair with a smirk on her face. "So, what brings you to Dagat?" "Look, we don't have a lot of time, so I'll be quick. The girl's name is Pocu, and she was summoned by that damn elf. For whatever reason, the gift she has is important enough for him to send the Arcana after us. Two of them are currently after us, being the Chariot and the Strength. We are trying to get out of Dagat so we can look for you because I knew you lived here and you would know where the gate is." Raphael grows into a look of concern as he speaks. As he finishes speaking, Raphael says in a warm tone of voice. "I see. Sorry, but I can't do anything concerning the gate until the end of Carnaval unless you wanna take a stupid risk." Rodet looks confused as she says this. "What? What the hell does Carnaval have to do with the gate?" "During the festival, all the Valis and Baltais are busy with celebrations. I can't do anything until it's done." Rodet looks annoyed. "Can you just explain it instead of saying one thing, then making me ask again?" Raphael chuckles. "Boo no fun. But basically we need them as guides. We can't head to the gate because the Valis and Baltais all can sense the small changes in the waves Dagat is stupidly dangerous Galdur. The seas are infused with dangerous natural mana that overflows a person's core and it leads them to see not so fun things. The Valis and Baltais have a natural connection to the gate so they can find it pretty fast. I can find it on my own, but I'm not immune to the mana down there, unlike the Valis. Those things in the deep sea are... terrifying to put it simply." As Raphael explains, she stands up and starts to go through a nightstand. "Is there really no other way to find the gate?" He says, concerned. "Look, we could most likely just head straight there and you know I Will gladly go with you to our deaths but those things under the sea? We don't really stand a chance due to their immense speed." Raphael says as she takes out some papers from her nightstand. "What do you mean?" Raphael hands Rodet the papers she has. "What I mean is that these sea monsters have speed that more than makes up the gap between us. They move faster than I could even on land. If we went down there just us and no guides we'd be dead as soon as they felt the waves of the sea moving from us and thats not even mentioning the mana waves down there." 'I mean, I'm sure I could take them down since I'm a beastkin, but I'm more worried about Galdur and the little one he has.' Raphael's mind is full of worry for Rodet and Pocu. Rodet looks at the papers and they are very detailed drawings of six different creatures. He recognizes three of them as the Valis and the Kokon as well as the feminine-looking Valis. However, the other three he's never seen before.

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