Part 30: Canvas part 2

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A delicate, black hand drifts along a canvas. The brush acts more as an extension of a hand as it paints its vision upon it. It transforms a blank white page into a work of art. Picturing a burning village and armored knights surrounding a small girl as the sun glows brightly in the corner. The hand pays delicate attention to the small details of the portrait as it draws everything so that it becomes more like a photo from a camera than a drawing. The paint runs thin as it continues to add more and more detail to the portrait, even drawing white flowers around the girl in contrast to the deep red and black that cover the portrait. Pocu looks towards Zam as tears leak from underneath the mask. She doesn't mutter a word as she looks right through him. "W-" Before Zam can even mention a word, he feels a sudden sensation of dread fill his body, and on pure instinct, he moves before his mind thinks. Zam quickly summons his black hands and attaches them to his shoulders. He picks up his hands, holding a gun in them, and fires it multiple times, directly between Pocu's eyes. A scarlet liquid replaces Pocu's tears and blocks his bullets. Appearing as tendrils from her face. Zam quickly jumps up into the air, detaching his black hands and attaching his red ones, and quickly creating a cradle of threads in the air. "My goodness, folks, did you see that!? Even I could hardly make that out! It seems this small child isn't holding back!" He shouts as the crowd cheers for Zam. Zam stays in the air with a look of fear on his face. "What the f**k did I just feel? Is this some sort of Mary Sue type of thing!? Just a random and sudden power-up!? This isn't a damn manga!" He shouts as he tries to reassure himself. "Oh, what's this? Is Zam actu-" before he can continue talking Zam shouts at Sau. "Don't say a word!" He says it with a look that could kill. Sau immediately shuts up. The scarlet liquid quickly surrounds the arena. It swallows up the small flames Zam had made. Small white flowers sprout up around Pocu at rapid speeds. Buildings seem to build themselves onto the scarlet liquid, then explode in flames. An entire army of knights riding horses builds themselves up from the liquid. Two corpses seem to rise from the scarlet grounds, both without their eyes, teeth, or tongues. The liquid then covers Pocu's face as she lets out a chilling screech. "What the hell is happening?" Zam says with a look of fear on his face. "Pocu!" Raphael shouts with a voice of worry as she runs up to the glass, banging her fists on it. "Sit down, Raphael. The glass is impenetrable." The woman says this, and Raphael snaps her head around to her. "Who the F**K ARE YOU!" Raphael shouts, enraged. "Now who taught you such human terms? My guess is Rodet. My name is Sahar - Arcana of the Moon. I am here-" Raphael quickly walks over to her and picks her up by her collar, high into the air. "I DONT GIVE A F**K WHAT YOURE HERE FOR! LET ME OUT!" She shouts. Sahar rolls her eyes. "Did you not just hear what I said? It's impenetrable; the only person who can let us out is Sau. Let me down now." Raphael groans and drops Sahar as she paces around the room in frustration and fear. "Who's your partner, then?" Folmon asks Sahar. "New is just some random noble. He's probably sh**ing his pants right now after hearing Raphael shout. But for now, just enjoy the show. No one can get in or out until it's over, after all." She calmly says this as she sits down. Folmon keeps his eyes on her, clearly not trusting her. The scarlet liquid tears off the sun mask from Pocu's face, and Zam's eyes grow wide once again. "A human!? There's more out there!? SAU!" Zam shouts as Sau turns around with a grin. "We never said you were the last one. Time flies and the times change, y'know?" He says with a grin after turning the circle away from him. "It seems like it's time, folks! Zam's opponent has summoned their army to take him down! Who will win? This army rose from the scarlet ink! Or the king of the ring, Zam!!!" He shouts out into the magic circle as the crowds cheer in excitement. "Damnit Sau!" Zam shouts, enraged, as he turns his head back to Pocu. One of the knights raises their sword and points it at Zam. "You will pay for your transgressions against the kingdom! Archers!" He shouts the scarlet paint raises knights with bows behind them to fire off bows with flame-tipped arrows. "God damnit!" Zam shouts as he detaches his red hands and the threads disappear, and he replaces them with a single white hand and a black hand. With his white hand, he creates a dome around him and falls to the ground while making a gun in his other hand. "CHARGE!" The knight shouts as a hail of arrows rains down into Zam's dome, and the army charges at him. Zam opens a hole in the dome small enough for his gunbarrel to point out. He fires off multiple rounds into the heads of the knights, but they continue to move towards him as the scarlet ink regrows the blown-out part of their heads. "What the F**k is this crap!? Are they immortal!?" He shouts as he continues to fire out round after round. The knights eventually make it to the dome, and one of them stabs their spear into the dome, but Zam closes the hole before it reaches them, breaking their spear, but it quickly reforms. Zam starts to grin as he lets go of the gun, causing it to disappear. He then summons a scythe in its place. The scythe is long and black, with a purple blade and a crow on the back of the blade. He doesn't say anything as he begins to focus. He shrinks the barrier until it's only on the bottom of his foot so as not to touch the red ink. "His defenses have fallen! Strike now!" The commanding knight shouts. Zam spins his scythe, then slashes down the crowd of knights in a single simple swing, slicing their bodies in half. Suddenly, arrows tipped with fire hail down on him, and he uses his white hand to create a shield in the air to block them. In that small time he makes the shield, the knights reattach themselves to their bodies and rush at him once again. Zam notices them and quickly uses his scythe to attempt to cut them down again, but they all manage to use their swords to block his scythe and continue their way to him. Zam lets go of the scythe, summons the gun to his hand, and starts to fire at them again as he walks back. He drops the shield and focuses on shooting them until they start to throw their spears at him as they quickly regrow back in their hands. 'They have infinite ammo! I don't even have infinite ammo! Every single damn bullet takes mana to make and then fire! Not to mention, I'm still not fully recovered from yesterday's fight with Domo. He took most of my mana with how damn durable he was.' He thinks as he's pushed back to the wall. As he fires off his gun, he has a revelation. "Wait, what am I so afraid of? I'm the king. Soy el PUTO DIOS DEL REY.(I am the F***ING KING OF THE RING!) I let myself get scared by this Nina pequeña? (little girl). I dropped my Spanish because I was so damn scared, but for this???" Zam detaches his arms and instead uses the yellow hands to attach them to him. He summons the yellow brass knuckles onto his fists. "¡Voy a MATARTE HASTA QUE NO PUEDAS MORIR MÁS! (I'm going to F***ING KILL YOU UNTIL YOU CANT DIE ANYMORE.) He shouts out with a crazed expression of joy as he runs towards the knights, his fists up and ready to beat them down. Sahar puts her hands on her head, groaning in pain. "Damn strong-willed bastard." She says in an annoyed tone. Folmon notices her but doesn't say anything as he turns back to Raphael who's completely focused on watching the fight.

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