Chapter 6: Rest and Relaxation

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Rodet wakes up in a bed "W-where am I?" he asks as his nose bleeds he then quickly cleans it as the door open and Pocu with her hoodie lowered run in and hops on a chair then jumps onto Rodet happily exclaiming "YOURE OK!" As she jumps on him. He coughs out some Blood and passes out from the impact. After a bit, Rodet wakes up again with a teary-eyed Pocu next to him on a chair and the bartender behind her. "I'm sorry." She says sniffling "I- it's fine Pocu." He says then noticing the bartender "what happened?. The bartender then explains that Pocu had gone to her to help Rodet as he was injured. "It's not that complicated. I am sorry about Erboc and the other though... they were good people. I buried them atop a hill with his blade before the townsfolk could burn their bodies." Rodet looks sorrowful as she says this. "Thank you." He says calmly. The bartender then asks Pocu to go into the bar and get a bottle of water for Rodet and she does so, but as she leaves, the bartender looks at Rodet with a serious expression. "I won't ask what happened. I also won't ask about the soul gem y'all have. But watch that kid Rodet. Something weird with her." the bartender says nervous "what do you mean?" Rodet says, worried, "I don't know but something's off about her. It's the little things. She didn't seem to care about the dead goblins and when she brought me to you, she didn't seem the least bit disturbed about the dead beastkin there nor about the giant bloodstain on the road. I think she's used to this... and that's not a good thing for someone her age, Galdur." Rodet seems to think before he says his next sentence, "no human that's summoned here is normal. I never thought about it but if she was summoned here at such a young age..." before he can finish Pocu opens the door with a bright smile on her face holding a large gallon of water "I- I found it!" She says tiredly as she Carries this jug of water almost as big as herself "whoa careful there little one." The bartender says as she picks up the carton of water from Pocu, the bartender then hands Rodet the carton "a tad much, don't you think?" He asks, laughing. After a bit more of resting Galdur and Pocu prepare to leave "Pocu wait for me in the carriage ok?" He asks and Pocu happily nods leaving the bar, The bartender then approaches him with a bag "here, good luck with your adventure." Rodet rolls his eyes, laughing as he takes the bag. "It's not an adventure. Lord knows I've had enough of those. I'm just heading to the next area and seeing if someone can't take her off my hands." The bartender chuckles, then starts to look serious. "That's ok and all Rodet, but I don't think anyone else should take her but you." Rodet looks at her curiously. "What do you mean? I'm sure anyone could take her." The bartender shakes her head. "That's not what I mean and you know it, Rodet. She's... weird, I suppose you could say. What about that thing you were tying to say about humans earlier?" Rodet sighs. "To summon a human takes many lives. it took fifteen people just to summon me. However, usually a human is given a gift upon arriving here." "What was your gift?" "...It doesn't matter right now. However, the younger the human, the more powerful the gift, the more powerful the gift... the more lives it takes to summon that human." The bartender looks at Rodet in worry. "She'll be hunted down. That supports my reason that you should be the one to take her to the end of the worlds!" Rodet sighs. "I'm sure there's someone just as capable of me. I'm no longer an adventurer. My story has long since ended." Rodet says as he leaves the bar. Pocu is waiting at the back of the carriage. "Pocu, what did we do with the small bag?" He asks as Pocu pulls it out of her pocket. "Great, hand it to me." He asks as she does so. Rodet puts the bag in his pocket as he goes to the front of the carriage, Pocu following and sitting next to him. "Where are we going?" She asks "well first to a small village I know that has an old friend of mine, then straight to the bridge for the next country." Rodet says as he grabs the tassels of the carriage. Rodet whips the tassels and spectral horses appear in front of the carriage. "Wow!" Pocu says in amazement. Rodet smiles as he hears her wonder at the horses as he whips the tassels again to make the horses move. Meanwhile on the fifth world, a group of elves are sitting together in a round table as Folmon appears to be sitting in a chair shaking in fear, "So..." a voice say booming, the room almost shaking "You are to tell me young Wysaven Heir, that the girl, ten great potions, a soul gem, a map, and two of our elite troops are dead with one now injured? Without absolutely nothing to show for it?" The voice sounding calm but there's a hint of rage. "Y- yes sir. B- but-" "Silence." The voice as Folmon quickly shuts up, "I don't want excuses. I understand that Galdur Rodet was there. But I also understand that you all knew he's body is frail. Yet according to the report, you all did nothing to capitalize on this? I'm also well aware that you all had a hidden dagger laced with the Deamon plant's poison. A very rare and expensive poison that shuts down a person's magical core. Is this all true or not?" Folmon shakily nods his head. "Yes, Sir." The voice sigh "Folmon Wysaven. You are a disappointment to your bloodline and yourself. You are hereby banished from this world until you bring back either the girl or the soul gem. Is that understood?" Folmon tries to say anything but decides not to "Yes Sir." "You have one hour to gather your things." Folmon stands up bowing his head as he leaves the room. "I can't believe he even came back here!" Another elf says, "He Should've just stayed in that peasant world. It seems to suit him." Yet another elf says "Sir Beilynn." A younger looking elf says bowing his head "if I may ask, why is this girl so important? I apologize for my impudence in asking you such an obvious question, however I cannot comprehend it." The young elf respectfully asks bowing his head. "that girls took many resources. I refuse to have my property stolen from me."

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