Chapter 20: Mnemophobia

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Rodet stays in the lone cell until he hears footsteps coming down the stairs. He glares towards the stairs. A person wearing a white prosthesis mask and a very large and long blue dress slowly walks down the stairs. Then another one seems to bleed off him. They look almost exactly the same with some slight differences. The second one has a black dress instead of a blue one but wears the same white prosthesis mask. They then enter the room. The one in the blue dress claps his hands and a chair made of stone that covers the ground creates itself. He sits in the chair and makes a small table next to them. The other in the black dress stands behind the one in the blue. Rodets' gaze seems to lessen, becoming more kind than furious. The one in the blue mask slowly takes off his mask, placing it on the table beside him. They wave their hand in the air, letters seem to come out nowhere they spell out. "Hello. It's very nice to see you again. I am very happy to see you, Mr. Rodet. I wish the circumstances were better." The one in the black dress also removes their mask, then places it on the same table besides the mask of the other. They reveal themself to be a woman with a kind expression. "I agree with my brother. It is so nice to see you once more, Mr. Rodet. We have never forgotten the kindness you've shown us." She says in a calm and relaxed voice. Rodet sighs and looks away. Rodet weakly claps his hands, even twitching in pain as he does. A green aura surrounds his throat as he then speaks. "Thank you, both of you. But I don't suppose the purpose of this visit was simply to reminisce about the past." He says in a gentle voice. The man to look down as a shadow covers his face. He waves his hands once again, causing more letters to appear in the air. They read out. "No. I'm sorry. I wanted to come sooner just for that purpose, but I was caught up in my duties." Rodet reads it and chuckles. "Hehe... duties, you say? How you two have grown." He says nostalgically. He then turns to the two of them. "Well, what is it?" He asks them. The man lifts out the Soul gem Rodet had in his pocket and displays it for him to see. "Whose is this?" The girl asks from behind the man. Rodet seems to think about the question for a little. "I don't know. It was left behind by a group of Beastkins raiding my friend's carriage." The girl looks skeptically at Rodet and he notices. "Don't believe me? I can't exactly blame you, but go ahead, use your gift on me, Keysar. I'll give the same answer either way." The girl doesn't do anything. The man then waves his hand again. "I see. Thank you for cooperating with us. I am truly grateful to see you again." The man puts his mask back on and stands up. He gives a slight bow to Rodet, then turns to walk off. Keysar puts her mask back on and follows the man. "It was very nice to see you again as well Keay, you as well Keysar. I hope and pray that all is well for you two," Rodet says as they leave. Raphael swims through the black abyss that is the sea of Dagat with Pocu on her back. Neither of them speaks a word. Raphael continuously looks around her, making sure nothing is following them. Off the corner of her eye Raphael spots something quickly move through the sea, leaving only a slight red blur behind it. She seems to ignore it and continues swimming down deeper. Pocu looks around the water and seems to see something down in the water. Pocus' eyes slowly open wide as her body trembles. Raphael feels Pocu shaking and quietly whispers. "Whatever you're seeing, it's not real." Pocu nods but doesn't stop shaking, only burying her head in Raphael's back. Raphael looks off to the side, seeing a large imposing panther watching her with a disappointed stare with his purple eyes. "It's not real. None of it is Pocu. It's just all the magic in the area flooding our minds." She whispers, more trying to convince herself rather than Pocu. As they go through the sea, Raphael sees a lone Melnais Valis drifting in the sea. Her eyes open wide and she quickly swims away from it. It doesn't seem to notice her, and she thankfully is able to pass it, or so she thought. As a red spike, it shot in front of her. She quickly pulls the blade she has on her hip out but keeps the sheath on. She looks around in a panic, looking for the creature. Instead, she sees a desert suddenly. She clenches her palm tightly and pops a finger to dispel the illusion. As it goes away, she's met with the Melnais Valis in front of her. It doesn't seem to move, instead seemingly watching her with its large bulging red eye. Raphael nervously looks at it but notices a hole in its chest. "It's dead?" She says in surprise. She taps it with the sword and it doesn't react, staying dead still. She quickly puts her sword back on her hip and continues to swim down. Pocu slowly lifts her head up, looking around once more after having her head buried in Raphael's back for some time, but she only sees death. A fire burns in the background, buildings collapse, armored men on horseback seem to fly throughout a burning village. Pocu looks down, seeing a bloodied knife in her hands. Her body trembles in fear as she looks up, seeing the corpses of a man and a woman with their eyes gouged out and mouths hollow of any teeth or even their tongue. Pocu suddenly screams in fear, clutching her head, much to the horror of Raphael.

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