Chapter 1: A new experience.

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A man with short black hair wearing a blue tunic and pants is seen farming in a forest. Behind him is a wooden house. As he farms, he notices a ball of light falling towards him. He looks tiredly at the ball of light and sighs, clapping his hands. As the ball gets closer and closer to him, it seems to be stopped by an elastic material in the sky and only taps the ground. The man approaches the ball. he sees a girl sleeping where the ball landed. "Oh gods, not again." He says, annoyed. The man carefully picks her up and brings her inside his home, putting her on his bed and then continuing the farm after he snaps his fingers, the elastic material seemingly dissolving.

As the man is reading a book at home at night, he hears something fall to the ground and shatter. The man puts a bookmark in his book and then closes it. The man enters the room, seeing the girl is awake and scared. "How are you doing?" He asks as he stands at the door frame. The girl is wearing a blue and red striped shirt and brown shorts, which match her brown hair. The girl doesn't say anything, nervously glancing at the broken vase and the man. "Eh, don't mind it. I can easily fix it." He says, clapping his hands. The vase floats up and starts to repair itself. "Wow! How'd you do that!" The girl says, amazed. "Magic. Anyway, you mind if I ask some questions?" He asks as he claps his hands again, making a chair of wind for him to sit down on. The girl looks nervous. "Who're you?" The man asks. The girl doesn't say anything, looking away from him. The man sighs. "Where are you from?" He asks, the girl continuing to not say anything. The man sighs. "I'll show you another magic trick if you talk to me?" He says, trying to get her to answer her questions. The girl's face brights up as she hears this "Promise?!" She asks "Promise." The man says, smiling. "So you'll answer my questions?" He asks and the girl excitedly nods "ok so who're you?" The girl responds, "Pocu Una. And I'm from a small village!" she exclaims excitedly. The man looks. To be thinking for a little "Do you know where you are?" Pocu looks to be thinking as she looks around. "No? Wait, where am I?" she says as the reality of the situation sets in. The man leans in from his chair as he explains, "You aren't home. You are in another world called Zerura. You were taken from your home and summoned here for whatever reason." He explains in a serious tone. Pocu looks at him in disbelief. "Don't believe me?" He then stands up. "Follow me." He says, walking away. The girl quickly gets up from the bed and follows him. The man waits outside as the girl walks out.

"Welcome to Zerura. Your own personal hell, if you ask me." As he says this, Pocu comes out seeing odd creatures flying in the sky, little jack rabbits stealing the man's plants and then a dragon flies over their heads. Pocu falls, not saying anything in shock. "Yeah, it was the same for me." The man calmly says "C- can I go home?" Pocu asks the man as tears begin to build up. The man sighs "God damnit, you're gonna make me help you go home, aren't you?" He says annoyed "Please!? I- I want to go home!" She cries out. The man loudly groans "I just set up my farm yesterday!" He says annoyed "Fine! F*** It! I needed to go into town tomorrow anyway to get some water." Pocu's eyes brighten up as he says this. The man walks into his home grumbling, "I'm not helping you completely. I'm just gonna set up with someone who'll take you the rest of the way." He says annoyed "Why not?" Pocu asks, confused. "I'm already done being an adventurer and all that. I just want to rest and relax." The girl looks at him in a bit of surprise until she starts to smile "Well thank you for the help, sir!" She happily and gratefully says "Call me Mr. Rodet! Especially if we're outside." He says, annoyed as he sits down on a chair and starts reading. The girl enters his home and tries to read his books, but they close shut on her and walk back into his bookshelves. "What?" She says, confused, "Most of my stuff is magical. So don't touch anything." Rodet says coldly, "Oh ok..." Pocu says a bit nervous. After a while of sitting in silence, she asks Rodet, "Is there anything to do?" She asks "You can farm." He says, pointing at a hoe in the corner of his room. The girl frowns a bit. "I can't farm!" She says a bit mad, which makes the man laugh, "ok ok, fine." He says putting his book down, as he claps his hands, creating a little buddy made of dirt. "Go play with Gary then." He says shooing Pocu and Gary "Yay!" She says excitedly as she runs outside with Gary, "god I'm already tired." He says as he reads. after a while, Pocu comes back muddy with Gary but before she enters his home, he stops her. "You aren't coming in until you're clean." He says glaring at her, "How do I wash myself? There are no baths!" She asks and Rodet points towards a lake. "Wash yourself there, then you can come in." Pocu Frowns at Rodet. "I'll hand you some extra clothes I have lying around. They should be your size, so wait a bit and I'll hand you a towel." Rodet says as he closes the door. "Mr. Rodet is a little mean." She says to Gary, and he nods. Rodet hands her a towel and a change of clothes. "We're leaving tomorrow early. So after you finish, go to bed," Rodet says, closing the door. "IT'S STILL SUN!" Pocu shouts in surprise. "Don't care we leave early." Rodet says from the other side of the door. Pocu Angrily takes the towel and clothes and goes towards the lake.

After a bit longer, Pocu is now wearing a black shirt and pants with a white cloak over it. The cloak has two eyes on the top of it. Pocu then walks to the door and knocks and Rodet opens it and sees she's now clean. Pocu even does a little dance. "Tada!" Rodet looks tired at her. "Come in. Your bedroom is down the hall to the left. I'm on the right." He says, moving to the side as Pocu walks in. "Yes sir!" she says, giving a small salute. Rodet goes to his room and quickly falls asleep, signaled by his snoring. Pocu, instead of going directly to her room, starts to explore the house. Pocu finds the kitchen and at seeing the fruits in a bowl, she grabs and eats them happily, enjoying them. Exploring around some more, she goes to the bookshelf and tries taking out a book, but the book grows a hand smacks her hand "Ow!" She says then looks at the book angrily. Pocu stands up and walks back. "This isn't over." She says at the book, which puts itself back on the shelf. Pocu continues to explore but starts to get tired having a small yawn. She then heads to her room and climbs onto the bed, quickly falling asleep.

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