Days Gone By

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Chapter Nine | Days Gone By


Sun began cresting over the edge of the horizon, appearing as though it was erupting out of the ocean's cresting waves. Fingers of light stretched far beyond the clouds, creating a soft pink haze in the clouds high above the ground. Birds just now began to stretch and unfurl their wings, taking flight on the slightest breeze, drifting lazily through the wind, in search of their first meal of the day.

While many of nature's beasts only now started waking, I had been up for hours already. Actually, the only reason I was awake was because I never really went to sleep.

Was it morning already?

There was no way it could be morning– and yet it was.

I glanced out the window and watched as little rabbits and other woodland creatures scurried in the tall grass in our back yard. The wildflowers twitched and danced in the morning breeze, tousling harder when an animal brushed by the stems of the undergrowth.

The oil in my lamp was barely flickering, showing me that I definitely stayed awake for too long. Curses! I meant to go to sleep at a decent hour last night, but how could I do that when I was so entrenched in my current book?

I stretched on my spot on the top of one of the corner chests by the window that I had made into my personal reading nook in the corner of the kitchen and sitting room area. I felt like my spine had tried to fuse with the furniture piece at some point, all of the vertebrae aching and creaking as I swung my legs off of the corner chest and stretched.

The morning already smelled of warm heather on the breeze. I knew today was going to be a warm one, but that was expected in the summer moons. Today was undoubtedly going to be a long one.

I had my morning training with Steele, hunting for flowers and stones in the woods with momma, and, finally, town visit for errands. What was really exciting was that the caravans were coming into town, which meant there was a chance for me to add some new books to my collections and an opportunity to trade directly with others instead of going through the local shops. Perhaps I would get a chance to get in a nap by the stream after lunch, but that was going to have to wait.

I hoisted myself up off of the chest, standing and stretching once again, and quietly tiptoed across the wooden floor to the wash basin and the chest where I kept my training clothes. As I passed by the kitchen, I glimpsed my reflection in the glass of the window.

Heavens above, I looked like a mess.

Perhaps a bath later tonight or in the creek was in order as well.

I made a mental note to make sure to comb my hair today before I left for town; but, for now, it would have to do.

I glanced over and saw my momma's mess of bright red hair poking out from under the light sheet she had draped over her body. Her features were so relaxed and peaceful. She was so beautiful and strong. I hoped I could be half the woman she was.

Not wanting to wake her, I made sure to avoid the squeaky floorboards and fished out a shirt and pants as well as a wrap to go around the whole ensemble in case I began to get overheated. It was also good for training. I needed to be ready for anything, just like Steele taught me, and some of that was maneuvering in a collection of clothing.

I carefully dipped some water into the wash basin and splashed it over my cheeks, which instantly washed away the tiredness lingering in my eyes. I knew the moment I started moving, I would wake fully. The refreshing water dripped over my eyes and down my cheeks. Using the cloth by the basin, I dabbed my eyes and face.

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