A Needed Helping Hand

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Chapter Three | A Needed Helping Hand


"Where are you going Illy!?" shouted Jul. I heard him and the others' voices getting fainter and fainter the longer I ran. With the taste of iron in my mouth, I didn't let myself stop running. It was disgusting, like sucking on a coin.

My lungs burned. Every muscle screamed at me to stop, pleading for just one moment, while my toes throbbed and stung. I knew immediately the moment it happened that I smashed one of my toes and probably ripped off the nail from another when I tripped back in the town.

Still, I didn't let myself stop running until I made it to the fields and familiar dirt roads.

The moment I was out of their ranges, I let myself collapse. They wouldn't go further than the border of the town. Those thugs didn't like going out so far into the fields.

City scum – the whole lot of them.

I hunkered down against one of the posts that held up the two-board fence and let my frustration well up inside me until it spilled out into tears.

The whole scene played out from behind my eyes. It was there, like a relentless nightmare, and every blink reminded me of what just transpired. I tried telling them to go away, but that first boy shoved me from behind. The moment I turned around, the next one shoved me too. It was that shove that pushed me to the ground.

As I scrambled to get up, heart pounding out of my chest, I felt them grab at my ankles. I kicked out. It was the first good blow I managed to get in, whacking one of Jul's goons in the nose with my heel. I was on my feet in an instant, but then Jul snagged my collar and shoved me against the wall. That must've been when I bit my tongue because that was the instant I tasted iron.


I got in a few punches, but not before they pushed me around some more. I smashed into a barrel, which I knew was going to leave a bruise, and managed to land okay on the ground. I spotted a patch of grit and gravel on the road and knew I had my chance.

I snatched a handful of dirt and grit off of the ground and threw it into my attackers' eyes. They howled in pain and confusion, which gave me a chance to get up and start the sprint of my life.

The whole way, I heard them calling out to me, shouting at me – the Illy – asking why I wouldn't stay and that they could teach me so many things.


They wouldn't have ganged up on me if they were alone. I could have taken them one on one.



I thought I could take them. I wanted to be able to take them. I curled further in on myself and continued to let the tears spill from the corners of my eyes.


Why did they have to be so horrible to me?

The word – that name – rang over and over in my head.




It was slang, a derogative term used for children born to unwed mothers – mothers like my mom.



A child who is an "Illy" is a silent mark on the family. It says that someone or both parties couldn't control themselves, and that they did it often enough to produce a child. It's not a crime to be in love. It's not a crime to show your love. Still... a tradition is a tradition. There's a reason it has endured.

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