Then and Now

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Chapter One | Then and Now



I keep my head low, begging whatever force that looks over me to keep me safe. My whole body is shaking uncontrollably. Why can't I stop shaking?

Well... I know why...

I listen as the distant screams sound off in the distance. They echo and consume all of my senses. In desperation, I throw my hands over my ears. A whimper is somewhere in my throat, but it refuses to come out. All I can think is one thing over and over as the other kids beside me whimper and cry, their parents holding them tightly in a protective embrace while they reassure them that they will be alright.

I want my momma.

I want my momma.

Why did she have to leave me?

I want my momma.




The ground shakes violently with a rhythm that can only belong to one of them – the Orion.

I huddle down closer to the aged floorboards, breathing in the smell of years of family spills and stains. This place, this home, must have known so many wonderful things. Birthdays and dreams, laughter that I had a moment to share. Why did it have to be here and now? Why would the Orion want to destroy something so wonderful? What would a giant want with our homes? Or, rather, why would these giants want to destroy our homes?

I wish my momma could have spent more time here with me... before she left for the city to find work. I wish I had more time with her. I wish I could hear her laugh one more time. I would give anything to listen to her voice calling my name just one more time.

As the sounds, like distant thunder, close around me, I hear my momma's words echoing in my mind.

"Be brave. Be strong for me, sweetheart."

I know that's what she'd say if she were here.

I know she isn't here, but hearing her words in my mind soothes me. It makes me feel brave, like she is here beside me.

Then, I hear something outside. The pounding sounds get louder and louder, and then they stop. The eerie silence that surrounds me is ear shattering. The distant screams are gone. I don't even hear the sounds of stomping and crashing anymore.

The hair on the back of my neck raises. I know something is close. I scrunch my eyes as tight as possible and wish with all of my might that my mom was here with me. Then, like some kind of strange magic, I hear her calling out. It is the sweetest sound I have ever heard in my life, but I know it can't be real.

"Terrilyn! Baby? It's me. It's mommy. Please open up. Mr. Finch? Mrs. Finch? It's me! It's Raina. Please, open the door!" I know it is my mother. I know she is on the other side of that door, but how can that be? She is so far away. She is supposed to be in the city.

I hear my mother choke back a sob and I know it is her, but I still don't know how.

"Mr. Finch? Mrs. Finch? Please! It's me, Raina!"

I look up into the faces of the farmer family who has been taking care of me, and I only see terror as they look to the door. They do not look at me. They hold their children tight and keep the door closed.

I hear an engulfing voice from just outside say my mother's name, which makes me shake in my shoes.

What was that? Who... was that?

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