I Am My Father's Daughter

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Chapter Eight | I Am My Father's Daughter


My feet pounded against the ground. Every breath filled me with a new sense of strength and life. I knew I was fast before, but this almost felt unreal. The sun beat down against the ground. When did it rain last? I didn't know, but the sea of golden fields and harvests around me said that the seasons had finally changed, and it was time to go and do and explore new things.

For the past few moons, Steele has been teaching me everything he knows. Sure, Mehlein has done wonders for my learning the common tongue, but Steele's knowledge has put me in a whole new world of learning. From history, languages, earth sciences, diplomacy, and combat, I felt like an entirely new person. Even the strength training he has been putting me through has made me stronger and faster than before.

As I sprinted down the dirt roads, my bare feet pounding the ground like drums of war, I felt faster and more precise. I glanced down at the path as I ran, remembering the last time I made this trek.

I had been back in town only a couple of times since that day when Steele took it upon himself to start training and teaching me. I mostly went with momma to Kendel's shop and then back again, Steele waiting for us in the distance. There was no opportunity recently for me to go and listen to story time at the school, but I didn't really think I needed it with Steele and Mehlein's lessons.

As we were there, I could have sworn I felt those boys' eyes on me, waiting for a new opportunity to strike. I didn't like staying away from the town. It made it feel like that gang of punk thugs had won or something. They probably spent time bragging about "driving the Illy out of town," but I was ready this time.

If they provoked me, I wasn't defenseless this time. I was ready to defend myself if necessary. I wouldn't start a fight. Steele told me that there was no honor in starting a fight unless it is to protect someone who needs it; and, even then, the other person provoked the fight in the first place by picking on that other person.

I didn't need to slow my pace as I ran into town today. I didn't feel winded in the slightest, which was another testament to Steele's training regimen he had me on.

There were groups of families out and about enjoying the warmth and finding ways to keep cool for the day. Many of them congregated by the town wells and the watering troughs for the animals. I remembered Steele talking about him possibly digging and setting some kind of area for everyone to go and wade in the water, but he also told me that would be something he did in the spring.

As I ran, some of their comments reached my ears. It was nothing new. Many of the statements were the same, though there was an added statement as I sprinted past their critical eyes, their disapproval practically coming off of their bodies like waves of heat from the stones in the street.

"What is she doing running around like that?"

"Where is her mother?"

"What in the heavens is she wearing? Are those... britches?"

"Pants? On a little girl? How uncouth!"

Yes. Maybe it was "uncouth" for me to be wearing the garments of a little boy, but they wouldn't be so bold in their statements if they tried it for themselves. Running in a skirt always made me feel like I was going to trip and eat a face full of dirt in the process. Plus, with Steele's recent regiment of training, pants just made more sense. I practiced in skirts and dresses, but my recent attire involved me wearing an oversized button down and a pair of pants that came to the middle of my shin.

Momma had recently taken to wearing pants as well. Her position as the Orion's Factotum back in the city actually had her wearing pants of sort under her skirt, which I supposed was the appropriate combination for a woman who was involved in physical labor.

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