Chapter 13: Closer and Closer

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Energy blasts resounded back and forth as the Autobots valiantly engaged the invading Decepticons, determined to recover another Iacon relic and prevent it from falling into Megatron's hands. Phase, Ratchet, and Raf remained back, working tirelessly to gain insight into the relic's contents. Their efforts were critical, as understanding the relic's significance could provide a strategic advantage in the battle.

"Ok, Arcee, are you close to the case?" Phase inquired, her voice reflecting the urgency of their mission. Arcee, with Smokescreen as her vigilant protector, cautiously approached the case. Smokescreen, drawing from his deep knowledge of relics obtained from his time with Alpha Trion, was well-suited to accompany Arcee, given Optimus's unavailability. "Just be careful, Arcee. If it's what I think it is, one wrong move is going to blow half the planet, and us, sky high," Smokescreen warned, firing at two Vehicons. Arcee, resolute but cautious, carefully placed her hands on the casing and sought confirmation from Phase before proceeding. "Ok, before I open it up, Phase, can you or Ratchet get a reading?" Arcee asked, concerned about triggering a potential detonation. Phase, analyzing the energy signature, advised, "Well, judging by the energy signature, it's got quite a kick. It might be an energon harvester or a spark extractor. Proceed with caution. Smokescreen, be ready to grab her and run for cover. All of you need to be ready to run," Phase instructed carefully, emphasising the need for caution. As Arcee carefully opened the pod, inside was a small object resembling a microchip, unlike anything even Optimus had seen from his time in the archives.

"Phase, what is this? I don't remember there being an Iacon relic like this," Smokescreen asked, his concern evident. Urgently, Optimus called for a ground bridge to evacuate the injured Bulkhead and the low-on-energon Bumblebee. "Ratchet, prepare a ground bridge immediately! We need to get out of here as quickly as possible!" Optimus instructed, aware of the pressing need to depart. "It's a data storage module! Bring it back, and I'll decrypt it, but do not let the cons get it! It's got encrypted data recordings about Alpha Trion's studies among the scientific community, including weapons of mass destruction and coordinates to the next All Spark piece! With that, Megatron could replicate some baaaad shit!" Phase warned, her urgency palpable. Smokescreen nodded, cleared the commlink, and continued to cover Arcee as she sealed the pod and ran for it. "I HAVE IT! LET'S GO!" she shouted as the ground bridge opened in its typical green and blue vortex of light. Optimus and Bumblebee assisted in getting Bulkhead through, and the ground bridge closed behind them as Vehicons attempted to follow.

It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless for the Autobots. They had secured valuable data and potentially unlocked a path to locating a piece of the All Spark.

"Wow! That was cutting it close! Hey Bulk, are you good?" Smokescreen asked, stretching and cracking his neck. "What a workout! That was actually kind of fun," he chuckled. "You consider this to be fun?" Phase asked, bemused. "My idea of fun is a bottle of beer, a table of tools, and an engine while working to Nashville classics. But I guess some action is nice every now and again," she shrugged, "you guys alright, though? You looked like you took a pretty hard hit out there." Optimus could only nod, unsure of how else to answer, though as always spoke in that slow, calm demeanour, "yes we are fine. do not concern yourself with us, Phasefeather. we will regenerate, " he assured, making sure Bumblebee was ok. She couldn't really argue or push for more. It didn't matter at the moment. “Alright let me see it," she extended out a hand as Arcee opened the relic container again. Phase carefully scooped up the microchip, the device shrinking down to a size more suitable for her, while Optimus set Bulkhead down at medbay, and Bee took a break with some energon in hand to recharge.

"Can you decrypt it?" Ratchet asked Phase, standing by the control panel. "Of course I can. Only I can read it anyway," she stated as her long, slender tail emerged from under her clothes. It swayed back and forth as she plugged the microchip onto the control panel, then stabbed her tail into the same slot. The screen changed from green to blue, displaying walls of Cybertronian texts. Phase carefully read through every line and letter of the alien language, typing away on the control panel. "Hmmm... interesting. Some of these weapons are like... world war threat type stuff. Why would Alpha Trion have needed these?" she asked, musing over the contents. "Then again... he made a walking nuke with claws. Can't say I'm exactly child-friendly, let alone eco-friendly," she joked, realising the poor taste, “sorry ... .that wasn't funny. But on the bright side, that fight wasn't for nothing. I got coordinates!" she smiled, unplugging her tail from the panel as it slithered back under her clothes, hidden from view.

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