Chapter 1: A Desperate Measure

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I was only young when it first happened. Years ago, when Earth was just accepting the presence of Cybertronians, I was created. Born from the memories of a dying planet, having seen the events from the arrival on Earth to the revival of the last living prime. I remember it all. But these aren't my memories….or….so I thought. But if they aren't mine…why do I remember it all? Let's go back to a time of peace. A planet by the name of Cybertron. It was peaceful, the species that lived upon it all within a set of hierarchy boundaries. But their system was corrupt ... .The government was sick with the disease of corruption, assigning ranks to those below them, to the point that those below the food chain picked off the scraps of their own kind. Slowly, the once just and peaceful land was war-torn. Friends turned on one another and became enemies.

That was….until the Allspark was lost to space. The leader of the Decepticons, Megatron, chased after it. He and the Autobots all searched for the Allspark….but it was lost to the pull of space….until now.

Cybertron was under war. Explosions resounded alongside the shots of canons and plasma blasters. Alpha Trion Prime and his dearest friend Sentinel Prime raced through the battlefield, evading each shot made their way as cons tried to stop them reaching their destination. If they got to the pod station, the Allspark would be lost forever! "Hurry Sentinel!" Trion called out, cupping protectively in his arms precious cargo. "I'M RUNNING AS FAST I POSSIBLY CAN YOU OLD RUST BUCKET!" The old bot retorted, protecting his friend and their cargo from each blast using his shield. The planet was in utter chaos. Bodies of the deceased littered the ground, all missing pieces or sparks. Energon dripped to the ground, leaving puddles that splashed and reflected the fleeing bot. The sky was full of smoke and smog, blue from the fires that had erupted. Slowly, they climbed higher and higher to reach the top, reaching the top of the pod station where they would launch an escape pod. "Cover my back!" Trion ordered, opening a smaller sized pod. It's much too small for a regular sized bot.

As Sentinel shielded his friend, Trion placed whatever it was they were carrying into the pod. "This is Alpha Trion Prime. I am sending the Allspark off planet to escape the war. If Megatron gets his hands on it, it will be the end of us all. Take good care of it. And when you see Optimus, tell him we are sorry," he spoke, small hands reaching up and gently grabbing his finger. A single tear fell down his cheek before he carefully tucked them back inside and watched the pod shut. "Take care of yourself, my creation," he whispers, stepping back as the pod launches into space, moving too fast for any seeker to reach it in time. And in the blink of an eye….it was gone. Another star twinkling in the sky.

Trion whips his cape back, clutching his sword in his other hand, and stares up at the sky as other Autobots arrive to assist the remaining two primes. "You have done the right thing, Trion," Sentinel mutters, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder to comfort him. "I know I have. But I will still worry for her. And I will always worry for her. She and Optimus are our last hope…." He tucks his hands behind his back, slowly walking away. "I only hope they will be ok." He sighs, his optics full of worry. But he knew what he did was right. The Allspark would be out of reach, and if the cons wanted it, they'd have to find it first….but he still worried. He worried what would happen if it fell into Megatron's hands. It couldn't happen! No matter what!

In the small town of Jasper, where all was quiet, and not much happened aside from the occasional police chase, which had become more frequent in recent years, a young lady woke up from a deep slumber. Her messy brown locks a hot mess of tangle and bed head. She stretched her arms out, her back and shoulders popping like rice krispies, and she let out a satisfied groan, scratching the hieroglyphic moth tattoo at the top of her back. She opens the curtains to her bedroom, the sunlight spilling into the room like a golden light of fire, blinding her for a moment as she stumbles her way to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day.

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