Chapter 4. Uncle Jackie

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Phase sprinted with urgency, her heart pounding as she navigated through an expansive labyrinth of shelves. The metallic structures surrounding her groaned and came to life, resembling elevators as they ascended and descended, each holding what appeared to be sleek data tablets. The dimly lit corridor echoed with her footsteps, and with every twist and turn, more shelves materialised, seemingly forming the path as she ran. The sound of shifting metal reverberated beneath her, adding to the sense of urgency. However, she was not alone in this eerie place. Shadows lurked behind her, their presence growing with each passing moment as they seemed to whisper and giggle among themselves, as if they knew her efforts were futile. They knew her running would get her nowhere. Suddenly, a voice emerged from the depths of the darkness. It purred, tauntingly calling out to her; "come out, come out, where you are~", while clawed hands extended menacingly, eager to capture her.

The once orderly hall of shelves began to disintegrate, shattering into fragments. Terrifyingly, the ground beneath her gave way, leaving her suspended in mid-air, unable to scream, unable to reach anything, to touch anything to stop herself from falling into the void. In her moment of vulnerability, a metallic hand with sharp claws emerged from the darkness, grabbing hold of her like a captured bird in a cage. The unknown entity, now in control, dragged her deeper into the abyss, enveloping her within the depths of the darkness.

Phase jolted upright, her body drenched in sweat, and let out a piercing scream of terror. The sound of her distress reached Smokescreen's auditory sensors, causing the car's engine to start abruptly in surprise, and he almost transformed out of pure instinct. Disoriented and shaken, Phase found herself in disarray. Her clothes were dishevelled, and her once orderly bed was now in complete chaos. However, something caught her attention. She took a moment to catch her breath and get her thoughts back in order, but once she no longer felt like her heart was going to explode, it immediately sank as she surveyed her surroundings. Deep claw marks marred the walls and floor of her room, as if a wild animal had been confined within, wreaking havoc upon its confines.

"Crystal? Are you alright?!" Smokescreen's concerned voice echoed, as he had swiftly manoeuvred out of the garage and positioned himself in the backyard to gain a view of her room. He was genuinely worried, fearing the worst for her after hearing her scream. Filled with panic, Phase scrambled out of bed, her instincts driving her to pull the curtains shut, desperately attempting to shield him from the unsettling sight. "I'm fine!" she called out, her voice trembling and cracking with fear. She couldn't bear the thought of him witnessing the chaotic scene before her. "Please, give me some privacy! I... I'm naked!" she blurted out, grasping for any excuse to keep him from seeing the disturbing state of her room. However, deep down, she knew that expecting a robot like Smokescreen to fully comprehend the concept of privacy was futile.

"Ah... oh, um... okay, sorry!" Smokescreen immediately responded, realising the impact of his presence on Phase's privacy. He swiftly retreated from the window, giving her the space she requested. Concern still lingered within him, knowing that if she had replied to him, it signified that she was physically unharmed. However, something in her voice hinted at deeper troubles. She sounded frightened and exhausted, like she had seen something that genuinely scared her. Despite his genuine worry, Smokescreen understood that forcing her to discuss the matter would only create more tension. Respecting her boundaries, he made his way back to the front yard, transforming back into his original form, patiently waiting for her. Knowing that she had work that day, Smokescreen understood that she would eventually have to emerge from the confines of her room, and would give him a chance to properly assess her physical health, and perhaps then, he could also approach her and ask if she would be willing to open up and share her concerns with him. He recognized the importance of communication and support during difficult times, but he also knew the significance of granting someone the choice to confide in their own time and on their terms.

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