Chaper 10: Megatron

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Phase stared defiantly at Megatron, her eyes filled with determination despite the fear welling up inside her. She had recognized him instantly, the memories of her nightmares flooding back as their gazes met. The name 'Megatron' had sprung to her mind, a bitter reminder of the pain and suffering he had caused. Holding back her building energy, she knew she had to be strategic if she wanted to escape this dire situation. "Megatron." A surge of anger coursed through her veins, but she suppressed it. Shocking Megatron might offer a fleeting escape, but it would only lead to being recaptured and possibly an even greater fury that could cost her her life. No, she had to be careful, playing her cards right to ensure a real chance at freedom. With cold laughter, Megatron acknowledged her recognition, relishing in the power it gave him over her. His chilling voice sent shivers down her spine, but she refused to show any reaction. "So you remember me... It almost makes me want to pity you," he sneered. Phase's voice grew firm as she retorted, "Yeah. You could say that. But keep your pity to yourself, old man. It'd be rather sad of me to take it from someone so pathetic." In an act of defiance, she spat in his face, further enraging Megatron.

As his grip tightened, Phase's survival instincts kicked in, and she resorted to a desperate bluff. "IF YOU HURT ME, YOU COULD TRIGGER AN EXPLOSION!" she shouted, her voice trembling with feigned fear. She knew she couldn't actually explode, but Megatron was unaware of that. Her words struck a nerve, causing him to pause and loosen his grip, his blood-red optics fixed upon her. Confused, Megatron sneered, seeking clarification. "Pardon?" he growled, still holding onto her but with a less forceful grip. Phase looked up at him, amazed that her bluff had worked. "Y-you... you blindly captured me... without actually knowing what I can do! Sure, you know by now what I did to your medic and his boyfriend, but you don't know what else I can do!" She mustered all the courage she had, continuing her charade. "For all you know... I could blow up this entire ship! Killing you and all your Decepticons! Your side would lose the war! You'd go down in history as a damn weakling for dying to a creature as small as me!"

Megatron snarled, his metallic teeth clenching shut as hot air escaped from his vents. He begrudgingly acknowledged the truth in her words. "You're right," he growled, momentarily releasing his grip before tightening it again. "I don't know what you can do. Which is why I need to study you. Knockout will be taking you apart," he proclaimed, relishing the power he held over her. "Piece by piece, we'll study every part we extract from you, transforming you into a twisted image of my soldier. A tool for me to exploit."

Megatron's disdainful gaze lingered on Phase as he handed her over to Knockout, washing his hands of any further interaction. “Knockout, make our guest here ...comfortable. After all…”With a final, chilling stare, Megatron turned, but kept his head tilted back in their direction to hold her gaze longer, “she will not be with us for much longer.” and walked away, leaving Phase in the hands of his sadistic medic.

Knockout, still harbouring resentment towards Phase for her previous actions, looked down at her with a malicious smirk. The satisfaction he derived from her fearful state was evident as he made his way to the medbay. He relished the opportunity to exact revenge for the shock therapy she had unleashed upon him with her energy outburst. "After what you did to Breakdown and me?" he growled softly, his voice laced with venom. Bringing a talon to Phase's cheek, he dragged it slowly across her skin, causing her to hiss in pain. A single drop of energon trickled down her face, serving as a painful reminder of the torment she now faced, “I'm going to make your stay extra excruciating.”

In that moment, Phase's only solace lay in the hope and prayer that her allies would locate her and mount a daring rescue. She held onto the belief that they would find her, disrupt the plans of the Decepticons, and deliver her from this excruciating ordeal.

The Autobots were engulfed in a state of panic, their worry palpable in the air. Smokescreen paced back and forth, his hands fidgeting nervously, while Prime brooded in silence, lost in his own thoughts. Ratchet diligently attended to the injured, his focus unwavering. Tensions ran high among the team, but none were as tightly wound as Wheeljack. Anger radiated from his motors, his frustration evident as he meticulously polished his swords for the umpteenth time, muttering angrily under his breath. Wheeljack's niece had been taken, and the weight of the situation consumed him. The guilt gnawed at him, and the intensity of his emotions threatened to overpower his senses. "How could we lose her like that..." he hissed, slamming his sword into the ground in frustration. "HOW COULD I HAVE LET MY OWN NIECE BE TAKEN?! I'M SO STUPID! I NEVER SHOULD'VE LET HER GO OUT THERE!" Overwhelmed with anger and grief, he turned and unleashed a powerful punch against the wall, leaving a deep dent in its wake.

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