Chapter 5. Not quite right...

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Phase, accompanied by her uncle, navigated through her home, gradually turning on lights as she moved. With the sun slowly sinking lower behind the horizon, the house grew darker. Jack followed along, hands tucked away into his pockets as he kinda slumped back in a relaxed manner, observing the familiar surroundings and gazing at the old photographs adorning the walls. Reflecting on the unchanging nature of the house, he couldn't help but pause and stare at an old photo capturing the joyous moment of Anthony's wedding day, Phase's father. The memory of Anthony's happiness on that day remained etched in Jack's mind, just as he couldn't forget anything about his relationship with Anthony-from the fateful day he discovered him trapped in his car being harrassed by those little shits with their own shiny toys, to their final encounter before Anthony succumbed to his injuries. The intense suffering Anthony experienced during his final moments weighed heavily on Jack's heart, and he wished he could have alleviated that pain. However, Jack made a promise to himself not to dwell on the trauma caused by Anthony's death, despite the profound impact it had on him. Right now, it was evident that Phase needed him desperately, and Jack was determined to fulfil his role as her guardian.

"Are you hungry?" Phase inquired, finding respite from her own troubles as she placed her handbag on the end of the kitchen counter and opened the fridge to retrieve ingredients for a simple spaghetti dish. Cooking seemed like a way to distract her mind and right now? She needed a distraction. However, her uncle Jack interrupted her thoughts, calling her by her real name, "Crystal," and gently placing his hand on her shoulder, compelling her to meet his gaze. A wave of tension washed over her, aware that he only used her real name when he had something serious to talk about, and she knew the conversation she had been dreading was about to unfold. With utmost care in his tone, he urged her to open up. "Talk to me," he implored, emphasising his understanding of her true self. "I can sense that something ain't right with you. Share with me, kiddo. What's goin on?" As he took the packet of beef mince from her hand, he guided her physically, ensuring she faced him. In that vulnerable moment, overwhelmed by a torrent of emotions, Phase clung to him tightly, tears welling up in her eyes as she sought solace, burying her face in his chest. He reciprocated the embrace, holding her tightly in his arms, consumed by remorse for not having returned to see her sooner, burdened by the belief that he played a part in her current mental state.

Jack tenderly rubbed Phase's back, offering comfort as he listened to her uncontrollable sobs. She continued to withhold the truth. How could she possibly explain to her uncle that she was being pursued by towering 7-metre robots, with motives she couldn't even fathom? She knew they wanted to hurt her, but she couldn't even tell him that! It was an incomprehensible situation-one that seemed too fantastical to be believed. Even if she revealed the truth, she doubted that he would accept it. He probably wouldn't even entertain the idea that her car was a colossal alien robot capable of transforming to camouflage itself, even if she could provide evidence to support that claim. Moreover, what if disclosing this information put him in danger? What if revealing the truth resulted in Jack becoming a target as well? She couldn't bear the thought of jeopardising his safety. So, instead, she resorted to telling him something he already knew. "I've been having those nightmares again..." she whimpered, clutching tight to his now tear stained shirt. "They won't stop haunting me, and they're seeping into my waking life. I feel like I'm losing my mind, witnessing all these horrors. Every time, I'm either dragged into darkness or brutally murdered, and every night, I wake up drenched in sweat, struggling to breathe!" Her cries pierced the air, evoking a profound ache in Jack's heart for his beloved niece.

Jack realised that perhaps he had underestimated the lasting impact of Phase's nightmares. She had a history of concealing such matters from him, a fact that frustrated him. However, he acknowledged his own absence from her life. Though he had been protecting her in ways she may never fully comprehend, his physical presence had been limited. But now, something needs to change. Plus...he's not exactly forthcoming about his own issues. He came to this place to escape his own problems. He wanted to be his own boss and wanted to stick it to the man! Ya know? But now he's gotten himself tangled up among humans and is playing uncle for this sweet girl who he had a hand in raising, and now he can't seem to let her go. She reminded him of friends back home...

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