Chapter 6. She isn't Human

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Phase found herself once again trapped in the clutches of a haunting dream. This time, the setting differed from her previous nightmares. She was enveloped in complete solitude, surrounded by an oppressive darkness that seemed to taunt her with whispers. In a cautious attempt to break the silence, Phase called out a desperate "hello?" hoping for any form of response. Strangely, the whispers ceased, leaving behind an unsettling and eerie silence that intensified her unease.

Suddenly, two immense eyes materialised, piercing the darkness with their blinding radiance. Phase shielded her eyes, hoping to catch a glimpse of the being behind the blinding light, when a hand emerged from the darkness, firmly holding her in place within the shadows. Another hand joined the first, forming a clenched fist with a single finger ominously pointing in her direction. Panic surged through her as she futilely tried to escape the grip of the hand beneath her, which held her tightly, rendering her immobile. Overwhelmed by fear and desperation, Phase screamed and wept, pleading for the torment to cease, "PLEASE! PLEASE STOP! LET GO, SOMEONE HELP!". The finger pressed against her forehead, causing excruciating pain to ripple through her body. Her anguished cries filled the void, accompanied by a plea to make it all stop. In a nightmarish twist, metallic edges sliced through her delicate skin, replacing her flesh with cold, unyielding metal plating. The transformation continued relentlessly, spreading until her entire body was encased in the unfeeling armour.

In the midst of her final cry, Phase abruptly woke up from the tormenting nightmare, unleashing an ear-piercing scream that jolted her uncle Jack from his slumber in the living room. As he rushed to her room, his footsteps resonating with concern, Phase's surroundings revealed the aftermath of her nightmarish ordeal. Claw marks marred the mattress and now adorned her trembling arms, yet curiously, there was no trace of blood. Instead, an enigmatic blue substance stained her sheets, further accentuating the surreal nature of her experience.

"Crystal?! Is everything okay?!" Jack's voice reverberated with worry as he approached her door. Sensing the urgency, Phase hastily threw the blanket over herself, attempting to conceal the horrifying scene etched onto her arms. She knew that hiding the devastation in her room would be futile, and as the door swung open, Jack beheld the extent of the damage. Claw marks scarred the walls and floor, the mattress lay torn asunder, and the pillows were reduced to shreds. Alarmed by the sight that greeted him, Jack's concern escalated. "Crystal?! What happened?! Are you alright, kid?!" he exclaimed, rushing to her bed in an attempt to assess her well-being. However, Phase adamantly refused to reveal herself, clutching the blanket tightly as she hid beneath its protective cover. With determination, Jack gently tried to pry the blanket from her, hoping to offer solace and support in the face of her distressing ordeal.

Phase tightly clutched the blanket, desperately trying to conceal the mess on her arms from her uncle, Jack. Concerned, he tried speaking to her, "Crystal, talk to me kiddo what's going on? Why is your room destroyed? What happened?" He knew that Phase often kept her troubles to herself, but he couldn't let this go. Placing a hand on her back, Jack felt her tremble and quickly withdrew his touch. He understood that she wasn't scared of him but rather afraid to confront him, yet witnessing her flinch still hurt him deeply. Determined to soothe her, he placed his palm on her back again, reassuring her with that soothing southern accent , "kid….I know you're scared. It's ok…even I've been scared before. But you can't keep hiding shit that happens to ya. It could seriously kill you someday if you get injured and don't tell me. " Kneeling by her bed, Jack rubbed his thumb back and forth on her back, providing comfort and support. Meanwhile, Phase contemplated sharing her nightmare and revealing the marks on her arms, realising that Jack could assist her. He had experience in first aid, and, most importantly, he was always there for her, ready to guide her through difficult times. With a sigh, she mustered the courage to lower the blanket and nervously expose her arms to Jack. However, his response was unexpected—confusion. "Kiddo? Do…you want a hug?" He asks, leaving her perplexed. As Phase looked at her arms, she discovered that the claw marks had vanished as if they were never there in the first place. Caught off guard, she struggled to find an explanation but could only nod in response. She then buried her face in Jack's chest, hugging him tightly, possibly even risking hurting him. Jack held his niece close, doing his best to offer comfort and reassurance. Still embracing her, he asked; "you gonna tell me what happened in here?" causing her to tense up. Realising she couldn't bring herself to disclose the truth, Phase remained silent. Jack sighed, accepting her decision, and continued to hold her, providing the comfort she desperately needed.

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