Chapter 12. Getting around the bend

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A month had passed since Phase's abduction by the Decepticons, and the situation had escalated once again. The Decepticons had resumed their nefarious activities, but the Autobots were now taking extra precautions. They had relocated Phase from her home and she now resided with them in their secure base. It had become a common occurrence to find her sleeping in various unconventional spots, reminiscent of a feline seeking patches of sunlight. One time, they discovered her sleeping upside down from a ventilation shaft, her tail coiled around the vent for support. Despite the drastic changes in her life, Phase had quickly adapted to her new circumstances, although she couldn't help but miss her old life. She understood that accepting and adapting to these changes was necessary for her survival.

With Ratchet's assistance, Phase had been diligently decoding potential locations and landing sites for the remaining All Spark pieces. She had deliberately broken the All Spark into multiple fragments, ensuring that if she were ever captured by the Decepticons again, they would have to work hard to reassemble it, allowing her a chance to escape, just as she had done before. The Autobots tirelessly matched possible UFO and meteor sightings to potential crash sites for the All Spark pieces, but so far, they had encountered no luck, much to Ratchet's frustration and Phase's growing sense of disappointment.

"Still nothing... we've checked every new article, every conspiracy page, and every sighting, and nothing seems to match," Phase sighed, her tail flicking back and forth in annoyance, resembling an irritated cat. Optimus gently encouraged her to have patience. "These things take time, Phasefeather. Remember, you are still recovering your memories, and you also need to adjust to your current form," he reminded her, entering coordinates into the ground bridge.

Just as the mood grew sombre, Wheeljack had a sudden burst of inspiration. "Hey, kiddo! There's a drag race happening tonight. Why don't I take you into town, and you can unleash your frustration on the track?" he suggested. The idea immediately piqued Phase's interest and caught the attention of Smokescreen and Bumblebee, memories of her dad on the track flooding her mind, which only encouraged her further. “That does sound like a good idea right about now," Phase admitted, contemplating it seriously. Excitement painted her face as she focused her energy, gradually transforming her metallic appearance back into her previous form, although she made a few alterations. She now wore a white one-piece outfit with red and blue stripes running along the sides, complemented by a black leather jacket. Her knee-length boots were a combination of white and blue, wearing Smokescreens colours. She was his driver, and it was customary for racers to wear their cars' colours. "Now that's more like it. I'm ready for the track!" she exclaimed with a smile, observing as Wheeljack, Bumblebee, and Smokescreen transformed into their respective vehicle modes.

Before the group could even consider making a move towards the exit, Ratchet stepped in their way, prompting Wheeljack to let out an audible sigh. "Oh boy, here we go," he drawled in his slow southern accent. Ratchet firmly stated, "I'm sorry, but I cannot allow such reckless behavior," as he firmly planted himself between Phase and the three muscle cars. The medic was concerned about Phase venturing out so soon, especially while she was still recovering her memories. "Ratchet, come on! I need to get out and about. I can't stay cooped up here!" Phase whined, pacing back and forth like an anxious wild animal. Wheeljack intervened, urging Ratchet to give her a break, explaining that she was still transitioning from her human life and that she needed to take things slowly. However, as Wheeljack tried to reason, Ratchet grabbed his alt mode off the ground, causing Wheeljack to panic. He didn't want to transform back into his robot mode while in Ratchet's hands, fearing it could be harmful.

"Ratchet, put me down!" Wheeljack shouted, blaring his horn in an attempt to drive the medic crazy. "Oh, will you give it a rest?!" Ratchet retorted. "Phase is young. She must learn to cope with her new life, or she's going to get herself killed!" The medic argued for his concerns. Wheeljack disagreed, stating that rushing her wouldn't help and that their approach would only scare her away. “Well I disagree!” The engineer shouted, surprising Rachet. “I have raised that girl from a baby, I have watched her grow and change each day, I know her like the back of my hand. I know what she needs to feel secure and to settle down, and keeping her locked up? Won't do anything for her.” Desperate to give his niece what she needed, Wheeljack pleaded, "So dammit, let her out, let her have some freedom..." However, the medic remained uncertain. Ratchet gazed down at Phase, who looked back at him with a pleading expression, staring up at him with those innocent purple eyes. The medic could only let out a sigh of frustration. Relenting, he set Wheeljack back on his wheels. "Fine... but if you're not back by sunrise, I'm coming out there myself to get you all!" he warned. Smokescreen blared his horn in excitement, and the driver-side door opened for Phase, who eagerly slid inside. "Alright, that's what I'm talkin' about! Let's do this!" Smokescreen shouted. Wheeljack, excitedly revved his engine, backing away from the medic so He wouldn't get picked up again, “thanks Rachet!” Phase exclaimed, a big smile forming across her pretty face, and Rachet couldn't help but smile as well. She and Smokescreen, as well as Bumblebee and Wheeljack raced out of the base one after the other, with Phase behind the wheel of Smokescreen's car.

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