Chapter 2. A Daring Rescue

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Phase was curled up in bed. The night was cool but she was sweating bullets, thrashing back and forth violently as she groaned and mumbled in her sleep, "n-no….no stop please…ngh….no…" she was having a nightmare….or at least….she thinks it's a nightmare. Deep in the depths of her mind, she seemed to be running, looking for someone. Explosions resounded around her, and she came close to being caught by monsters with glowing red eyes. She lurched forward as an explosion went off behind her, and she found herself face to face with….something. its blood red eyes pierced her very soul, staring down at her with blood lust. Where its hand should've been was instead a weapon of some kind…perhaps a gun? And it had a poisonous purple glow.

She stared in absolute horror as the thing took aim, and she raised her arms to protect herself, crying out. "NO WAIT!" As her frame was engulfed in that deadly purple light, and as she felt like she was about to die, she shot up out of bed, screaming in terror. She was a panting, sweating mess. She was tired, and she felt hot. She felt like she was drowning, taking deep breaths to calm herself. It was 7:23 a.m., an hour before she was supposed to be at work. She curled up, pulling her knees to her chest, and just started crying. She'd been having these nightmares for a long time, ever since she was a small child. She wished they would end…but every night, she would see the same things. If not running from monsters in the middle of a war, she was inside what she could only describe as a library, surrounded by symbols she didn't recognise, and could hear a voice talking to her, beckoning her into the darkness. She was exhausted. She just wanted it all to stop….

She peeled out of bed, feeling sticky and gross from all the sweat, and climbed straight into the shower, where she curled up and just sat in silence to cry a little more. Once she felt better, even if only a little bit….she turned the tap off, grabbed her towel, and slowly pat herself dry.... ..then she noticed something in her mirror. She was turned at a slight angle, so she caught a glimpse of her tattoo….had it changed? She couldn't tell. The longer she stared at what little she could see, the bigger that nagging feeling got. She shook her head, figuring it was just a remainder of the nightmare gripping to reality to try and scare her further. She tied her hair into a messy bun, buttoned up her shirt, and slid her belt around her waist, and with that, she was out of the house….

A red Audi, having spotted her on the street, crept up behind her…slowly sliding along the road to follow her. She didn't have her headphones on today, so she quickly took notice of the running engine that seemed to constantly buzz at the back of her mind….she peered back and took note of the car. The moment she looked back, it stopped dead in its tracks, and her blood ran cold. She was being followed.

She pretended not to see it and just kept moving, the car slowly creeping up on her again. She could hear it. She could feel the little hairs on the back of her neck stand at attention.

She saw a back alleyway, and when she was close enough to it, she bolted! Making a run for it into the alley. The car sped up, following her quickly. It hung back for a moment, giving her a head start before its engine roared with the fury of an army tank and sped after her. She just barely made it over the fence at the end of the stretch when the car crashed through it and swerved off to the side. She pulled from her bag her big ass wrench, wielding it like a bat and screaming a warning, "ALRIGHT! WHOEVER YOU ARE GET THE FUCK OUT OF THAT VEHICLE NOW! COMPLY AND I WON'T BEAT YOU TO A BLOODY PULP FOR CREEPIN ON ME!" She warned, ready to crack a skull if she had to.

Dear friends, she was not ready for what happened next.

There came a mechanical whirr, the grinding of gears and static as the car started to…change…pieces pulled back, twisting and clicking into place. A shadow fell over her, and she stared up in horror as blood red optics stared down at her….she felt like she was dreaming…this had to be a nightmare! "O-ok Crystal, it's just a dream! Yeah! Yeah, it's just a dream! You haven't woken up yet!" She pinches herself, causing her to cry out in pain, and she closes her eyes. Slowly, she opens her eyes again, and when she looks, it's still there. A giant robot is staring at her in amusement, a malicious grin across its face…. "Sorry to inform you, little one, but this is not a dream. And you are in grave danger, " the con snickered, and reached down to grab her.

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