Chapter 7. definitely not human!

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The Autobots stood anxiously by the ground bridge, unaware of the events that had transpired on the other side. Smokescreen's panicked demeanour over the comms had hinted at something grave, but they couldn't have anticipated the surprise that awaited them. It was Wheeljack who emerged from the ground bridge, a sight they hadn't seen since the incident with Makeshift. The Wrecker had preferred to operate solo, possibly searching for other Autobot fugitives. But here he was now, assisting Smokescreen through the ground bridge with one arm while holding an unconscious Phasefeather in his other hand. Smokescreen's wounds were severe, with deep claw marks from Knockout's talons marring his abdomen and chest. The dents in his frame made it difficult for him to move, and Ratchet rushed to help the young mech, standing by his right side. Wheeljack supported Smokescreen's left side. Rachet wrapped an arm around his waist and draped Smokescreen's arm over his shoulder. The typically gruff medic now wore a concerned expression as he shouted questions at Wheeljack. "What happened?! Wheeljack, why are you here?! What happened to Smokescreen? Why is Miss Crystal unconscious?!"

Wheeljack, however, was in no mood to talk. He focused on getting Smokescreen onto the examination table before making his way to the couch on the ground level where the kids sat. Raf and Miko quickly jumped off, their confusion evident upon seeing the new human. Optimus had briefed them on Phase, and they were familiar with her as a mechanic and racer around town. But they had no idea why she, of all people, was involved in this situation. When they saw her, she remained reserved, though friendly, during their few encounters. "Wheeljack!" Ratchet called out, but the wrecker paid him no mind. He gently set Phase down on the couch and carefully moved her hair away from her face. His thoughts played back the scene of her unleashing her wrath on Knockout and Breakdown. How had he not realised she wasn't human? How had he missed the signs? Or perhaps she had shown signs, but he had been too preoccupied with keeping his own secret to notice. "Knockout and Breakdown attacked them. She called me in a panic since her friend was getting attacked," Wheeljack explained, his voice steady, though his expression portrayed a different emotion. He was seething with rage. The sight of his niece in danger, her tiny body held by another titan where she could have been so easily crushed or injured made him angry. "Does someone care to explain to me why you've got a rookie watching over my niece? Why are you all involved with her in the first place?!" he snarled, and Bumblebee swore he saw Wheeljack's hand twitch, as if reaching for his swords.

"Wheeljack," Optimus's calm and authoritative voice cut through the tension, his hand firmly resting on the wrecker's shoulder, dissuading any violent thoughts. "We have much to discuss. We all do. And that includes you. For now, let us take a moment to gather our thoughts and clear our minds." The Wrecker let out a sigh, taking a deep breath in an attempt to regain his composure. "You're right, you're right... I'm sorry..." he growled, crossing his arms in frustration. Arcee couldn't help but be curious about one thing. "Why did you call her your niece?" she asked, prompting all eyes to turn to Wheeljack. Startled by the question, Wheeljack hissed, "I get to ask the questions first! I pulled them out of danger, so I get to ask the first questions. Why is she even involved with any of you?" His voice rose again, though he visibly tried to maintain his calm demeanour. It was clear he was doing it more for Crystal's sake than anything else.

"Jackie, the Cons have been watching her," Bulkhead interjected. "We had to get involved, or she could've been hurt, or worse, taken!" Bulkhead's attempt to explain the situation only seemed to fuel Wheeljack's temper. The wrecker was rapidly losing patience, his frustration evident as he paced back and forth. "And you didn't think to let me know?!" Wheeljack shouted, his tone accusatory as if the other bots were somehow supposed to have all the answers. Ratchet, focused on repairing Smokescreen, defended their actions. "Wheeljack, we didn't even know you were with a human, let alone this human!"

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