Chapter 9: More than you realise

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(I wasn't happy with the original chapter posted, so I edited it to include more action)

The night air was warm, but the house remained cool inside thanks to the running air conditioning system. However, the comfort of the temperature did little to ease Phase's restless state and growing fever. She tossed and turned in her bed, finding herself once again trapped in another haunting dream. This time, it felt different. As she stood amidst the darkness, there were no watchful optics observing her, but instead found herself surrounded by a cold, unforgiving darkness, akin to vanta black. It closed in on her, creating a suffocating sense of confinement.

Suddenly, bright white optics opened above her, shining a blinding spotlight-like light upon her. She had had enough. Determined not to let these dreams control her life any longer, Phase refused to endure another night of torment. With a surge of determination, a blue light sparked from her chest as she drew in a breath. Her voice erupted from her throat in a powerful scream, "ENOUGH!" In that moment, she delivered a potent shock to the being that stood over her, causing the hand to retreat. She had regained control.

A hand emerged from beneath her, raising her up to face what appeared to be a living being. The optics dimmed their light, no longer blinding her, as she stared back at the entity with an unyielding stance. Summoning her courage, she asked, "Who are you?" Building her resolve to avoid faltering. "I am Primus. The god of Cybertron. And you…have something I need." His voice boomed with a deep bass, and she let out a sigh of confusion. "I don't understand. What could I possibly have that you need?" she inquired, sensing that these dreams held a purpose. Primus brought his other hand to her, gently poking a finger against her chest. "The heart. I need it back," he growled, appearing ready to crush her. Though perplexed, Phase wondered what heart he was referring to. "You are more than you realise, Phasefeather. You are greater than those around you, possessing a power unlike any other. You shall be the one who saves us all," he explained, softening his voice. Overwhelmed, she cried out, "What am I saving you all from!? I don't understand!" However, before she could ask another question or even get her answer, the dream abruptly shattered, and she found herself sitting up in bed. Unlike the previous nights, she didn't wake up screaming, and her room wasn't more destroyed than it already was. Considering this, Phase found some solace in the fact that this dream didn't leave a tangible aftermath.

Phase let out a sigh, feeling a mix of confusion and curiosity. "He wants the heart back... what heart?" she muttered, her gaze shifting towards the clock. It was already 9:36 a.m., making it clear that she wouldn't be going to work today. She resigned herself to the fact and plopped back onto her mattress, covering her eyes with her arm slung over her face to block out the daylight. Even without work, she still had things to do, and so with another deep sigh, she mustered the energy to get out of bed and dragged her feet across the carpet towards the shower, as she still felt the lingering fatigue weighing her down.

As she turned the water on, steam quickly filled the room, and while undressing, she happened to catch a glimpse of herself in the mirror and noticed a change in her tattoo. It was no longer hieroglyphic in appearance but had taken on a more cyber-like design, with the eyes of the moth now coloured blue. The transformation of her tattoo left her bewildered. It was clear she wasn't human; she knew she was a Cybertronian based on her encounter with Knockout and Breakdown when they attacked her partner, Smokescreen. She wondered if her parents were aware of her true nature. Wheeljack's surprise upon seeing her suggested otherwise. Phase knew she wasn't her parents' biological child, as they had told her they found her on the side of the road. But perhaps they didn't know the full extent of her identity? Otherwise, they might not have raised her.

Stepping into the shower, she allowed her mind to wander with all these new thoughts: What was her previous life like? Was she a good person? Did she have friends or know any of the Autobots? And what did she truly look like? The appearance she saw now must be a disguise to protect herself, but could Cybertronians really do that? Look human? She would need to ask Optimus or even her uncle. Hopefully, one of them would have the answers she sought.

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