Chapter 11. Its Time

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Phase's audial processors throbbed from the onslaught of wind, rendering her hearing almost useless. Everything around her was muffled, and her vision was obscured by tears. Exhaustion weighed heavily on her, her body and mind drained from the events of the day. A pulsing pain emanated from her chest, and she felt a persistent throbbing in her head. Gradually, her hearing began to return in fragments, but she was so disoriented and dispirited that she couldn't fully comprehend the words being spoken. She caught snippets of conversation, snippets like "kid?" and "what happened?!" She could also hear her name being called, but it held no significance to her at that moment. Instead, she instinctively curled up tighter in her uncle's hands, seeking solace and protection. She covered her audial processors, attempting to shut out the overwhelming stimuli.

"Guys, ease up," Wheeljack scolded the other Autobots, his voice filled with concern. He carefully cupped Phase in his hands, cradling her gently. "She's had a rough day, and we're going to end up overwhelming her if we're not careful... Kiddo?" He softened his voice as he spoke to her, understanding the delicate state she was in. "It hurts," she whispered, her voice barely audible. Wheeljack had to lean down and listen closely to catch her words. "Everything hurts..." she whimpered, tears streaming down her face. The weight of all that had transpired weighed heavily on her. The realisation that she had come so close to death consumed her thoughts. "I... I've got something... something Megatron wants..." she continued to whisper, her voice trembling. "He wanted to... to take me apart..." Her words hung in the air, and Wheeljack struggled to process the gravity of what she had just revealed. He was angry about what Megatron had tried to do, but he was also concerned for his niece, not uttering a word against Megatron for now. She needed him. To begin with, Phase had changed so much that he almost didn't recognize her. She appeared as though she had been immersed in a pool of cybermatter, her appearance drastically altered.

"Oh, kiddo..." Wheeljack walked past the other Autobots, making his way to the area where the kids usually sat. Speaking of the kids, they unfortunately had to witness Phase's suffering as she was set down. Raf immediately approached, gently placing a hand on her forehead and his other hand on her hand, offering comfort and support. Jack knelt beside Raf, while Miko sat on the arm of the couch, concern etched on their faces.

"What did they do to her...?" Raf asked, his worry evident. He looked up to Phase as a big sister figure and despised seeing her in such distress. Wheeljack took a step back, considering his response carefully. "If I had to guess..." he began, his voice filled with a mix of concern and understanding. "I'd say this is her true form, and they forcibly exposed it. Forcing a Cybertronian out of their disguise can have severe effects on their mental state. But she'll be okay... just give her time," he assured them, hoping to alleviate their concerns. Miko handed Jack a blanket, which he gently laid over Phase, providing her with some warmth and a sense of security. However, the pressing question remained: What did Phase possess that Megatron desired? It was evident that she didn't have the All-Spark, so what was it that he sought from her? The mystery continued to linger, adding to the already unsettling situation.

In the following days, Phase remained asleep on the couch, seemingly locked in a prolonged sleep mode. It was unclear whether she needed the rest to recover from her recent ordeals or if she simply needed time to recharge. As each day passed, Wheeljack's anxiety grew, leading him to closely observe the children as they did their best to make her comfortable. They brought her extra pillows and a blanket, their movements hushed and careful to avoid disturbing her fragile state. Wheeljack couldn't help but wonder what was happening in Phase's mind during her slumber. Was she dreaming? Was there anything specific occupying her thoughts? If only he could gain insight into her inner world, perhaps he could find a way to provide even more support and assistance to her. The mystery of her condition only deepened, leaving Wheeljack feeling helpless and eager for answers.

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