Me or you?

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Bryce: Go over there
Neil: Yea you've been looking for weeks and now you found him
Caleb: That is him right?
Everest: Yea he matches what Asher told us about him
Bryce: Go go go
Asher: Oh that is him
Caleb: Go!
Asher: Okay I'm going

There telling me to go find Hayes because I've been looking for him for weeks and I'm going to tell you how we got here.

It started almost a month ago on a 2 day ski trip when I got assigned a room with Hayes and a three other people, most of my friends didn't come but Neil did, we weren't on good terms then and the other people were girls and they were at there friends room most of the time so I had no choice but to go to Hayes he was the only boy in the room other than myself so I convinced myself to go talk to him.

Asher: Urm hi
Hayes: Hey, what's that book?
Asher: lips and lies, have you heard of it?
Hayes: Yea I have like 2 copies of it!
Asher: I wanted to buy one but I couldn't so I borrowed this one from the library
Hayes: Okay I'll walk with you to take that back so the librarian won't be on your back about it and I'll give you one of mines and you can give it back whenever your done
Asher: You'd really do that?
Hayes: Of course :)

We spent the rest of our trip talking about books we like, shows we like, movies we like and other stuff and we had a lot in common, we skied together and became friends in less than 20 minutes and I didn't want it to end. We sat together on the bus and talked the whole trip until he feel asleep leaning against my shoulder, I didn't mind at all and shared my blanket with him

When we got off the bus he apologized again and again and I assured him it was fine then we went our separate ways. After about a hour I was thinking about seeing him again but then I realized I never asked what class he's in so how can I give his book back and how can I see him again, I call Everest and tell her to come over, she's my best friend and the first person I came out to so I tell her everything.

Everest: How was the ski trip?
Asher: It was great you should've came
Everest: You know I hate school trips
Asher: Yea but guess what!
Everest: What happened?!
Asher: I met someone!

Everest gave me a look that I know well, it's the same look she gave me when I had my first boyfriend that we both knew was a bad person and she gave that same look many other times
so I know it means "Seriously?"

Asher: Don't give me that look
Everest: You know how you are with boys
Asher: It's nothing like that, we just connected
Everest: Remember when you and Thomas just connected and he turned out to be a jerk?
Asher: But he's different! Hayes is new to us unlike the others that we already knew so he has a clean slate
Everest: I won't say I told you so when it doesn't work out
Asher: But there's a tiny problem
Everest: And what's that?
Asher: I don't know what grade he's in or what class he's in
Everest: Okay I'll help you find him but you know our school is huge and it has 6 floors right
Asher: Yea that's why I called you, I know if anyone can find him it's you
Everest: Fine, You know who knows everyone?
Asher: Urm... CALEB!
Everest: Yep!

I was a little skeptical about asking Caleb because I don't consider him a good friend but he does know everyone and that's not necessarily a good thing because I know him and I know he could either tell everyone in sight or keep it to himself and do what's asked of him so I don't know but I take my chances and ask him to help me out the next day.

The next day
Neil: Asher!!
Asher: Yes?
Neil: I know we're not on the best terms right now but I have to ask you something.

Me and Neil are friends but we're not on good terms right now because when we were hanging out a couple of his friends (that aren't my friends) came over and asked me to be on the basketball team and I was going to decline but Neil said "No he's gay so he doesn't play basketball" and I wouldn't have cared because basically everyone knows I'm gay but he didn't have to tell them that, if I wanted them to know I would have told them and we got into a argument and stop talking for around a week.

Asher: What do you need?
Neil: I need you to work the concession stand at the football game in a few weeks, Me and Cassidy are working the score board and I'm the leader of the committee team and we voted to ask you and I really need some help with this
Asher: Sure but what's in it for me
Neil: What do you want
Asher: All my friends get in free and I can get whatever I want from the concession stand
Neil: Okay but only because it's expected to be the biggest crowd in over 6 years

If your wondering why the crowd will be so big it's because our school "Complex high" and our rival school "Unix High" has been at each others throats for 10 years so every time we go against them a lot of people show up, this is the beginning of the season so the people want to see who's getting the first win.

While me and Neil are talking we see Keith (my ex) things didn't go down to good with us and we're on horrible terms, my friends hate him and I did to after we broke up, I've moved on now but my friends (especially Neil) haven't. When Keith walks by he gives us a look that makes up stop our conversation completely and Neil rolls his eyes and walks away then Keith comes over to me

Keith: Hey...
Asher: Hi (I try to walk away)
Keith: Wait where you going?
Asher: To look for someone
Keith: Who Everest?
Asher: No
Keith: Than who, a new boyfriend? Don't tell me your dating someone else
Asher: Could be
Keith: What? You can't have moved on that fast
Asher: Keith look, we dated a year ago and I'm completely over you so you need to get over me, maybe you forgot how we broke up but me and you can never be a thing again, anyway I need to start my search so goodbye

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