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Tris snow sat in the chair Neito Monoma had been occupying just moments before her. Her arms and legs crossed as she started at the detective. She had a straight look on her face and narrowed eyes. It almost looked like she was the one questioning him and not the other way around.

Though Naomasa looked as comfortable as he could be. Completely unbothered by the icequeen's stare.

"So did you have a reason to call me over? Or did you just want to look at me?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"My apologies." The man said. Though the staring had only lasted about three seconds.
"You must be Tris Snow, I'm detective Naomasa. I just need to ask you a few questions."

Tris nodded, studying the man while she waited for him to speak again.

"So are you and Aiko Zhu friends?"
He asked. She rolled her eyes.

She said with a shrug. "Besides, what kind of question is that?"

"So are you two at odds, or just acquaintances?" The detective asked, jotting something down in his notebook.

"Eh, it's kinda a long story. But we aren't friends." Tris said, not giving up much information.

"Okay then. Do you know why I want to talk to you?" He asked.

"Nope." She said, popping the p as she sounded the word out.


"Alright, Zhu told us that you gave her some information about Hagakure and the inappropriate photos that were spread around school." The detective said. "Is that true."

"Oh yeah, that bitch is crazy."
Tris said nonchalantly.

"So you know she spread the photos?" The detective asked. "Was there anyone else she was working with."

"Well duh, Noriko. You already know that."
She rolled her eyes. Starting to think this was a total waste of her time. "Why am I even here?"

"Because I think you have some information that could be helpful. How did you know about the plot?" The man asked with a friendly smile.

"Me and Noriko were kinda friends. Just the type where you hang out with because you couldn't find anyone else you like though. We weren't close. Apparently it was Hagakure's idea, Noriko went along with it because she likes drama and shit."
Tris explained.

"Do you know why Hagakure wanted to do it?" He asked.

"No. Just that it was her idea." Tris said, she briefly glanced down when she heard his pen click, irritated. But she seemed to ignore it.

"So why do you think they thought you'd help them?"

"Because she thought I hated Aiko."
She shrugged. "And thought I'd be in. Which I wasn't, I just didn't go to school that day."

"Why would she think you hate her?"

"Because I do."


"Alright, but you didn't participate?"
He asked. She shook her head.

She answered honestly.

"But you also didn't attend school that day? Why not?" He asked.

"Because I just didn't want to be around when it happened."

"Did you feel guilty for not telling a teacher?" He asked.

"Not really." She lied


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