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"What are you talking about?"
Mr Aizawa asked, stepping in front of the panicking teen. He knelt down so she could still see his face, even though she was looking down. "Snow... Tell me what happened."

"T-theres was some fire villain... He was attacking m-me. I couldn't take him, b-but then Zhu showed up. We defeated him together, then we started talking. It's my fault! I shouldn't have distracted her, we should have gone back here together but... But after a few minutes she just disappeared." Tris pressed the heels and her hands into her eyes.
"I couldn't see where she went! Then there was this guy with a hat? He said that he made her disappear a-and that she was inside of a marble... Damn it! This all my fault!"

Tris shoved a nearby desk and it slid against the floor with a screech. She wanted to punch something, she wanted to scream.

"It's alright, it's not your fault Snow."
Aizawa said, standing back up. "I'm going outside, don't let anyone leave." He commanded Vlad who nodded.

"You can't do that!"
Kaminari yelled, trying to stomp towards Aizawa. "You can't expect us to just sit here!"
He yelled at him, Vlad put a hand on the boy's shoulder. "She needs help!!" He yelled at his teacher, struggling against Vlad's hand.

"And I'm going to see what I can do. I can't afford to let the only students we know are safe out into those woods!" Aizawa yelled back.

"I don't give a shit!" Denki yelled, static Popping around him. "YOU CAN'T KEEP ME IN HERE!!" He shoved away from Vlad King, his quirk buzzing.

"I agree!"
Kirishima said, though he flinched away from his friend, who's quirk was going off too much.

Kaminari had a determined look on his face. This was no accident, was he actually planning on using his quirk on them? So he could leave?! He wasn't thinking clearly.
"I'm sorry-"

Before Aizawa could activate his quirk, before Denki could knock out everyone in the room he was met with a swift, hard punch to the head. So hard that his eyes rolled back in their sockets and he crumbled back. Unconscious.

Monoma rubbed his hand with a flinch.

"Why the hell would you do that?!"
Mina squealed, kneeling beside Kaminari.

"Would you rather him go out there and die!? After electrocuting all of us?!" Monoma yelled back. "Eraserhead is right, as much as I want to go out there and help everyone we have to stay here, we'd be going in completely blind. We'd be just as vulnerable as every other student out there! We wouldn't be helping, we'd be nothing more than a liability." He said, cursing under his breath and rubbing his hand. His knuckles were bleeding.

He felt Kaminari's quirk offer itself, bubbling in his blood. Waiting to be used. He ignored it, he didn't need that quirk right now.

"And we wouldn't even be able to find HER. Apparently she's currently a single marble, in hundreds of acres of forest land with a unknown amount of villains hiding in it. Even if we did go outside we wouldn't be able to find her in time. She might not even be here anymore, there no telling with that portal man." He sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"Thank you Monoma. Though the punch was unnecessary, I had the situation handled." Aizawa said to the boy. "I'll go see what I can do. In the meantime you should stay here, listen to Vlad King." He looked to Tris Snow who was slumped backwards in a chair.

He adrenaline was gone and now she felt the pain of her wounds all to clearly. She felt sick, dizzy and nauseous. Not to mention the fact that every part of her was hot and stinging.

"And you need medical attention, cold water and rest. There might be some burn ointment in that case, it'll have to do until we get paramedics in here."

Tris wasn't really listening anymore, her head laid back and her eyes were closed. But Mina took action, grabbed the case and snapped it open. Looking for burn treatment.

Aizawa left and it was quiet for awhile. Monoma and Kirishima worked to pick Denki up and lay him down on a couch to the side of the room. While Mina dabbed various soothing creams and ointments onto Tris's flush pink skin.

Tris stared forward, barely even hearing of feeling anything. Looking up at the ceiling for hours. Even when Mina walked away.

She felt the same way she had felt years ago, the same slow fog over her brain as when Tora died.

She didn't know what to do.

She couldn't do anything. But just sit there, staring forward as the night drug on. She didn't sleep, she doubted ANYONE could sleep after that.

After an hour or maybe two someone sat beside her. "You okay?" Monoma's voice was a hoarse whisper. He was tired, they all were tired.

Tris mumbled, she didn't move an inch as Monoma awkwardly put his arm around her.

Any other situation she would have jerked away from him, maybe slapped him if she was mad enough. But she didn't, she just tilted to the side and leaned in. Staring at the couch across from them, where Kaminari sat unconscious. Poor guy, Aiko was lucky to have him in her corner. As much as she tried to think, Tris couldn't imagine anyone being that desperate to get her back.

Her dad maybe.

But even then she couldn't imagine him breaking any rules to save her. She had no one that would be willing to storm out into the woods just to go look for her.

She had no friends.

No boyfriends.

No mother.

No one who loved her that much.

No one that loved her enough to hurt a pro hero that was holding them back. No one would even think of running into the woods at night, knowing there were villains. Knowing there was almost no chance of them actually finding her.

She wasn't that important.

Not to anyone.

She wasn't even important enough to be kidnapped. Not important enough for someone to fight her, that magician man had just left without giving her a second thought.

Once a side character, always a side character.

She was so unimportant that she wasn't even worried about herself in this crisis. Her main concern was for the protagonist.

Just a side character, with little to no development.

The side character that no one really cares to listen to her back story.

If this was a book, readers would skip past the few pages that were finally giving her layers and some personality. They would skip and try to find some action, some romance, or even some interesting dialogue. They would skip past her thoughts to find where the actual plot continued.

She was insignificant.

No interesting past, no depth.

The only notable things about her were the things that tied her to the main character.

She was nothing.

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